March 1, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement page hi.] 455 REG9 TRADE MARK SOLE MAKERS F. REDDAWAY & PENDLETON, MANCHESTER. LONDON OFFICE 5O/l LIME ST., E.C. The WATSON The Mirrlees Watson Co. Ltd., SPECIALISTS IN CONDENSING PLANTS. Glasgow. The Mirrlees-Leblanc Multijector Air Pump. Weight of Multijector for 5,000 kw. is 97 lbs. E. C. THEEDAM LTD. DUDLEY, Wore., Factors and Manufacturers of Colliery Requisites. Mechanical & Electrical SIGNAL BELLS. Ordinary and Indicating Signal Bells (Mechanical and Electrical) with Indicator and Non-accumulative Ringing Lever or Key, ELASTIC ENAMELLED PLATES FOR NOTICES IN COLLIERIES & MINES. Abstract of C.M.R. Act, General Regulations, Signals (Winding, Sinking & Haulage), Electricity Notices, Restoration Plates, &c, Coal Baskets, Steel Chimneys, Coal] r Rakes, Elevator Buckets, Mining Kibbles, Haulage Clips, Barrows, Pit Tubs, &c. STOP LOWF.RZ: sSTEADy FA® ANNAL5 OF COALMINING & THE COAL TRADE. Bx Post, 25b. 9d. BY ROBERT L. CALLOWAY. Price 25« net. The Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 50 & 31, Fnrnival Street, Holbom, London, E.C. 4 WALSALL, Staffordshire, ON ADMIRALTY AND WAR OFFICE LISTS. Telegraphic Addresses: Walsall, 408 (pte. ex? Manchester, 20, Pendleton. Glasgow, 210, Central. Telephone Nos.: THOMAS L. HALE Ln., “ Hale, Founders, WalsalL” “ Malsteel, Manchester.” “ Fairman, Glasgow.” DON’T WASTE TIME Fitting Split Pins. use LF'ASTKXJTS” No TROUBLE to FIT or REMOVE. No damage to bolt. Specified and used by the War Office AND Admiralty. SAMPLES, and SAVE TIME & MONEY. One firm use over 200,000 monthly. IN USE on over 60 Collieries. Calendar and Matchcase, FREE- We develop and purchase good mechanical patents. “ FASTNUT” Ltd, 159-161, fit Portland St, W. 1. Rrcpm m/ade AIR. COMPRESSORS Totally Enclosed and Perfectly Dustproof. Need the minimum of attention. THEY ARE Particularly suit- able for working in Dusty situations. MICHELL PATENT THRUST BEARINGS. WORKS: High Wycombe EFFICIENT e DURABLE ACCESSIBLE SIZES: 5 to 1,000 c. ft. ANY DRIVE, Fixed or Portable. HYATT ROLLER BEARINGS.