394 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN February 22, 1918. -- No. 81. - THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature. I.—General. Coal Supplies and Distribution. 11 Board of Trade Jl.,“ Jan. 24, p. 92. (Summary of events in connection with the taking over of the mines by the Government.) Daily Cost Sheets for Mine Managers. E. B. Wilson. “ Coal Age/’ Dec. 22, p. 1051; 2 fig. Effect of Low-Temperature Oxidation on Hydrogen in Coal. S. H. Katz and H. C. Porter. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Dec. 1, p. 44. Capital Charges Considered Along with Current Expenses. D. M. Mowat. •“ Trans Inst. Min. Eng.,” vol. 54, pt. 4, p. 317. Evaporating, Condensing, and Cooling Apparatus. E. Hausbrand (transl. by A. C. Wright). Second edition. London: Scott, Greenwood and Son. 12s. 6d. net. Review of the Coal Situation of the World. G. C. Rice. “ Min. JI.,” Feb. 9, p. 93. (From “ Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.”) Coal Economy from a National Standpoint. W. H. Casmey. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 15, p. 338. (From paper read before Mchester. Geol. and Min. Soc.) The Empire’s Coal Resources. “ Min. JI.,” Feb., p. 60. Capital Charges Considered Along with Current Expenses. D. M. Mowat. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 15, p. 328. (Paper read before Min. Inst. Scotld.) Fuel Economy in Engineering. P. N. Everett. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 15, p. 337. (From paper read before Assocn. of Engineerg. and Shipbldg. Draughtsmen, New- castle.) II. —Education. Mining Education and Research in Lancashire. W. Pickup. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.,” vol. 54, pt. 4, p. 275. University Education in Relation to Mining Engineering. W. Ripper. “ Trans. Inst Min. Eng.,” vol. 54, pt. 4, p. 287. Educational Reform. C. V. Corless. “ Can. Min. Inst. Bull.,” Jan., p. 43. III. —Geology. Geological Strata of the Lancashire Coal Measures. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 1, p. 120. (From paper by F. H. Hollingworth and J. Smith, before Lancs, brch. Natl. Assocn. Colly. Mgrs.) Mount Mulligan Coal Field, North Queensland. “ Min. JI.,” Feb., p. 97; 2 fig. Petroleum and Bitumen Prospects in South Africa. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 25, p. 178. (From “ S. African JL of Industries.”) The Occurrence of Coking Coals in Scotland. R. W. Dron. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 15, p. 326. (From paper read before Min. Inst, of Scotld.) VI.—Working of Minerals. Economy of Mining Coal by Stripping. E. C. Drum. “Coal Age,” Dec. 22, p. 1055; 7 fig. Anthracite Coal Stripping. T. F. Kennedy. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 29, p. 1087; Jan. 5, p. 13; 3 fig. Methods of Mining in the Pennsylvania Anthracite Field. H. M. Crankshaw. “ Trans. Mchester. Geol.,” vol. 35, pt. 5, p. 140; 17 fig. Mining Thin Seams. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 25, p. 181. Rock Pressure in Inclined Headings (Gebirgsdruck in Gesteinbremsbergen). H. Weber. “ Gliickauf,” Jan. 19, p. 33; 3 fig. VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Re-Lining a 20-ft. diameter Shaft. G. B. Tristram. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 25, p. 90; 4 fig. Borehole Exploration. C. H. Hitchcock. “ Can. Min. JI.,” Jan. 15, p. 17. Stripping and Re-Lining a Shaft at Cowdenbeath, Fife. H. Rowan. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 15, p. 331. (From paper read before Min. Inst, of Scotld.) Apparatus for Measuring Dip and Strike of Strata in Deep' Boreholes, and the Deviation from the Vertical (Kritische Beurteilung der Apparate zur Bestimmung des Streichens und Fallens der Schichten in tiefer Bohr- lochern und der Abweichung der letztern aus der Lotrechten). —. Henke. “ Techn. Bl.,” Dec. 6, p. 185; illus. IX.—Timbering, Packing, etc. Underground Packing. J. A. Woodburn. “ Sc. and Art Min.,” Feb. 9, p. 266. Subsidence and Mine Working. A. Winstanley. “Sc. and Art Min.,” Feb. 9, p. 268; 2 fig. (Paper read before Wigan College Mining Studts. Assocn.) A New System of Reinforcement, and Some Uses of Con- crete and Cement in Mining. W. Marriott. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.,” vol. 54, pt. 4, p. 263; 4 fig. Preservation of Timber in Coal Mines. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 1, p. 234. (Memorandum by the Dept, of Scient. and Industr. Research.) The Strength of Pit Props. F. L. Booth. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 15, p. 327. (Paper read before N. of Engld. Inst. Min. and Meeh. Engin.) British Forestry and Pit Timber. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 15, p. 333. Experience with Hydraulic Stowage (Einige Erfahrungen beim Spulversatz). —. Plasche. “ Z. Bergb. Betr. L.,” Dec. 1, p. 279; illus. XI.—Winding and Haulage. New Automatic Tub Oiler. “ Sc. and Art Min.,” Jan. 26, p. 246; 2 fig. Haulage in Steep Seams. Brychan. “ Sc. and Art Min.,” Feb. 9, p. 267; 2 fig. Oil Immersed Controllers for Haulage Motors. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 8, p. 149; 3 fig. Electric Winding Engines. J. F. Perry. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 1, p. Ill; 6 fig. (Paper read before Natl. Assocn. Colly. Mgrs. and Assocn. Min. El. Engin.) Wire Ropes and Factors of Safety. H. M. Sigapoos. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 25, p. 176. (Paper read before Min. Sectn. of Natl. Safety Council, New York.) Choosing and Laying Pit Rails. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 1, p. 228; 4 fig. (From “Gliickauf.”) Underground Conveyors. ,H. C. Jenkins. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 8, p. 273; 18 fig. (Paper read before Midld. Inst. Min. Civ. and Meeh. Engin.) The Most Important Safety Catches for Shaft Winding (Die wichtigsten Fangvorrichtungen in der Bergwerks- forderung und ihre Wei terentwicklung in der Neuzeit). —. Wintermeyer. “Bergb.,” Nov. 22, p. 721; Nov. 29, p. 737; illus. XI11.—Lighting. The Safe Operation of Underground Electric Light Systems. L. Fokes. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 8, p. 142; 11 fig. The Design of Low-Voltage Underground Electric Light- ing Systems. L. Fokes. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 25, p. 173; 10 fig. XIV.—Ventilation. Cooling, Drying, and Purifying Air. W. J. Baldwin. “ Compr. Air Mag.,” Jan., p. 8628; 3 fig. (Paper read before Amer. Soc. Meehan. Engin.) XIX. —Rescue and Ambulance. Oxygen r. Liquid Air Rescue Apparatus. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 25, p. 94. (Visit to Wakefield Rescue Station.) XX. —Drainage, Pumping, etc. The Automatic Control of Electrically-Driven Hydraulic Pumps. A. Towler. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 15, p. 174; 11 fig. (Paper read before Leeds Assocn. Electr. Engin.) X XI.—Preparation. A Modern Anthracite Preparation Plant. D. C. Ashmead. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 22, p. 1046; 5 fig. River Coal Operations. G. D. Evans. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 29, p. 1093; 3 fig. XXIII.—Coke Ovens and By-Products. The Manufacture of Silica Bricks (La Fabrication des Briques de Silice). —. Philippon. “ Comptes Rendus,” Dec. 17, p. 1002. By-Product Recovery Coke Ovens. S. S. Dyson. “ Chem. Engin.,” Nos. 74, 75, 76, 77, and 78. Pyrometers and Pyrometry. “ Eng. Rev.,” Jan. 15, p. 202. By-Products from Coal During Coking. Mirbane. “ Australian Statesman and Mining Standard,” Oct. 18, p. 246. Coal Tar Distillation. A. R. Warnes. Second edition. London: Benn Brothers. 10s. 6d. net. Toluol by Cracking Solvent Naphtha in the Presence of Blue Gas. G. Egloff. “ JI. Ind. Eng. Chem.,” Jan., p. 8. The Estimation of Phenol in the Presence of the Three Cresols. G. W. Knight, C. T. Lincoln, G. Formanek, and H. L. Follett. “ JI. Ind. Eng. Chem.,” Jan., p. 9. Recovery of Light Oils and Refining of Toluol. “ JI. Ind. Eng. Chem.,” Jan., p. 51; 1 fig. (Report by U.S. Bureau of Standards.) Unusually Large Production of Water-Gas in Continuous Vertical Retorts at Pernambuco, Brazil. H. M. Balsam. “ Gas JI.,” Feb. 5, p. 247. Naphthalene. W. Fletcher. “Gas JI.,” Feb. 5, p. 248: 3 fig- A Furnace for Testing Refractory Materials Under Load at High Temperatures. R. J. Montgomery. “ Metall. Chem. Eng.,” Jan. 1, p. 18; 3 fig. Coke Oven Developments in 1917. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 25, p. 186. Comparative Values of Coke Oven Crude Benzols. B. W. Haigh and H. Lamb. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 1, p. 225; 2 fig. (From paper read before Midld. Sectn., Coke Oven Mgrs. Assocn.) South Staffordshire Fireclays. Dr. A. H. Cox. “ Geol. Mag.,” Feb. 18, p. 56. Coal Tar and Chemicals. P. P. Bedson. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 8, p. 285. (From paper read before Northn. Sectn., Coke Oven Mgrs. Assocn.) Coke in Gas Producers for Open-Hearth Furnaces (Ueber die Verwendung von Koks in Gaserzeugern fur Martin- ofen). H. Markgraf, W. Schwein, and E. Osten. “ St. u. E.,” Dec. 13, p. 1142. XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. The Melting Point of Coal Ash. J. S. Dunn. “ JI. Soc. Chem. Ind.,” Jan. 15, p. 15. The Utilisation of Brown Coal. J. L. Stevens. “ Chem. Eng. Min. Rev.,” Nov. 5, p. 42. (Lignite by-products.) A New Laboratory Coal Washing Apparatus. L. Craw- ford and G. A. Phillipson. “Gas Wld.,” Feb. 2, p. 17 (coking sectn.); 1 fig. The Use of Culm and other Waste Materials from Coal Washing Plants for other Purposes. J. B. C. Kershaw. “ Metall. Chem. Eng.,” Jan. 1, p. 25. Coke as Blast Furnace Fuel. H. Peile. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 25, p. 174. (Paper read before Soc. Chem. Ind., Newcastle Sectn.) XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers: Gas Engines. Notes on the Uniflow Steam Engine. G. G. T. Poole. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.,” vol. 54, pt. 4, p. 339; 15 fig. Gasifying Crude Oil for Spray Burners. W. A. Janssen. “Compr. Air Mag.,” Dec., p. 8598; 2 fig. The Economics of Running Gas Engines at Low Loads. “ Gas Wld.,” Feb. 16, p. 8 (Power and Ind. Sectn.). The Gas Firing of Boilers. T. M. Hunter. “ Gas Wld.,” Feb. 16, p. 9 (Power and Ind. Sectn.); 4 fig. (Paper read before Instn. Electr. Engin.) Improvements in Travelling Grates, Especially for Firing Brown Coal (Neuerungen an Wanderrosten, insbesondere fur Braunkohlenfeuerung). G. Pradel. “ Braunk.,” Dec. 7, p. 293; illus. XXVI.—Compressed Air. The Globe-Johnson Rotary Air Pump. “ Compr. Air Mag.,” Jan., p. 8625; 6 fig. Measuring Air Delivery of Turbo Blower. T. G. Estep, junr. “Compr. Air Mag.,” Jan., p. 8630; 1 fig. (From “ Blast Furnace and Steam Plant.”) Economy of Tight Air Hose Connections. “ Compr. Air Mag.,” Jan., p. ,8618. (From “ American Machinist.”) XXVI I.—Electricity. Electric Motive Pow’er and its Development. W. P. May- cock. “ Beama JI.,” Jan., p. 27. The Production of Alternating Current Generators. J. H. Williams. “Beama JL,” Jan., p. 29; 11 fig. Resistances for Starters and Controllers. “ El. Rev.,” Feb. 1, p. 100. Electrical Energy from the Volterra “ Soffioni.” “ Engin.,” Feb. 8, p. 124; 3 fig. Insulation under Direct and Alternating Current, Particu- larly as Regards Moisture. Prof. Thornton. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 8, p. 145. (Address delivered before N. of Engld. brch. of the Assocn. of Mining Elec- trical Engin.) Testing Electric Ignition Apparatus. J. D. Morgan. “ Eng.,” Feb. 2, p. 137; 5 fig. Power Station Economy. “ Eng.,” Feb. 8, p. 152. The Potentialities of a National Power Scheme. E. P. Hollis. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 25, p. 86. (Paper read before Warwicksh. brch. Assocn. Min. El. Engin.) Starters for Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors, and their Application. L. Fokes. “ Collierv Guard.,” Feb. 15, p. 325; 9 fig. XXVIII.—Surface Transport and Storage. Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Storage. H. Goldstein. “ Coal Age,” Jan. 5, p. 4; 12 fig. Mid-Scotland Ship Canals. “Engin.,” Feb. 8, p. Ill; 3 fig. Storing Small Coal and Preventing Spontaneous Combus- tion. J. Morison. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 15, p. 329. (From paper read before N. of Engld. Inst. Min. and Meeh. Engin.) A Unique Coaling Plant. “Ry. Gaz.,” Feb. 15, p. 197; 1 fig. (Plant at Nashville, Georgia.) Coal Thawing Plants. S. W. Lynn. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 1, p. 227; 5 fig. (From “Iowa Engineer.”) Powerful Tank Locomotives for Scottish Railways. F. C. Coleman. “Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 25, p. 177; 2 fig. Traffic Reform and Railway Distribution as they Affect the Mersey. M. Stevens. (Reprint of address to Lpool. Chabr. of Commerce, Jan. 20, 1917). 47 pp. Liverpool : C. Birchall Limited. Submerged Coal Storage Basin. “ Engin.,” Feb. 15, p. 140. 120-ton Steel Coal Wagon. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 25, p. 179. XXIX.—Sanitation, Diseases, etc. Welfare Work and Public Health. H. S. Rowntree. “ JL State Med.,” Feb., p. 51. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. British Hydraulic Foundry Company Limited.—Dividend of 15s. per share, including bonus, making 20s. per share for the year, free of tax. Previous year, 17s. 6d. per share. Coal and Shipping Exchange Company (Cardiff).—Profit for year ended December. 31 last, £785; add £327 brought forward; total £1,112. To reserve, £100; depreciation of furniture, £50. Dividend, 5 per cent., less tax, £622; carry forward, £339. Consolidated Cambrian Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31 states that the net income, including £2,470 brought forward, amounts to £125,462. After deducting interim dividends, paid September 1 last, £71,861 remains available for distribution. The directors recommend a dividend of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares, making 10 per cent, for the year, carrying forward £18,259. Davis (D.) and Sons Limited. — The directors recom- mend a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum upon the cumulative preference shares for the six months ended December 31, 1917, and at the rate of 20 per cent, per annum for the same period upon the ordinary shares, making 20 per cent, for the year, both dividends subject to tax. East Indian Coal Company Limited.—The report for the half-year ended October 31, 1917, states that, after allowing for depreciation, profit was £9,607. Including £1,138 brought forward, there is £10,745 for disposal. The directors recommend a dividend of 8 per cent, for the half-year, less tax, on the issued share capital, and that the balance, £1,145, be carried forward. Output was 313,063 tons, against 276,634 tons for corresponding half- year. Income tax on the dividend will be 3s. 9d. The half-year was a poor one, and a sharp epidemic of cholera at Bararee, added to the labour difficulties, increased the cost of raisings. The cost of all stores rises steadily. A set of second-hand winding engines was lost by enemy action. Electrical Distribution of Yorkshire Limited.—The net profit for 1917 is £3,692, to which is added £730 brought forward. The directors recommend a dividend (free of income tax) for 1917 at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares, adding to reserve fund £1,000, and carrying forward, subject to directors’ remuneration, £696. Electric lighting orders for Featherstone, Garforth, Hor- bury, Otley, Penistone, and Rawdon have been granted, but will not come into force until after the war. The directors propose to increase the nominal capital from £50,000 to £100,000. International Coal Company Limited.—Interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, less tax, in respect of the past half-year. The dividend last year was at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum. International Investment Trust.—The trustees recom- mend the usual dividend at the rate of 4| per cent, per annum on the preferred stock for the half-year ended January 31, and also a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum on the deferred stock for the half-year, making 3-| per cent, for the year. Leeds Forge Company Limited.— The directors recom- mend a dividend of 10 per cent., free of income tax, on the ordinary shares for the past year. As no settlement of the pre-war standard of profit has been reached, and consequently the position regarding excess profits duty and munitions levy is still undefined, the directors are at