346 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 15, 1918. International Curtis Marine Turbine Company. Elastic fluid turbine. (2236) Knightsmith, W. L. St. J. Two-stroke internal combus- tion engine. (2043) Kwykfire Limited, and Wickens, G. R. M. B. Eire lighter or slow combustion fuel. (1994) Le Huray, T. P. Heating chamber for tubular, etc., boilers. (2279) Meredith, L., and Pearson, E. N. Manufactured fuel. (2059) Moody, L. E. Rotary fluid motors. (2005) Mote, L. Boring, etc., tools. (2345) Neuland, A. H. Electric generators. (2047) (Newton, E. R.). Elastic fluid turbines. (2309) Nicol, E. W. L., Ross, S. J., and Schofield, H. Mechani- cal stoking apparatus. (2163) Pickett, F. A. Miner’s safety lamp. (2048) Quinton, J. J. E. Poisson-. Explosion engines. (2379) Raymond, F. G. Device for splicing wire ropes. (2267) Rodinell, G. and G. F. Liquid clinometer. (2203) Somerville, J. M., and South Metropolitan Gas Company. Manufacture of a material for removing carbon monoxide from gases. (2239) Steel, Peech and Tozer. Steel smelting, etc., furnaces. (2273) Stewart, J. Gas producers, and method of working same. (2132) Sugden, C. C. Converting crane into self-landing trans- porter. (2352) Taylor, F. L. and L. Water tube steam boilers. (2158) Thompson, F. G. Maunde-. Counters for gravity runways, etc. (1972) Thompson, G. L. Rope socket. (2342) Thompson, J. L. Adjustable resistance coils. (2085) Torrens, J. A. Power engines. (2197) Westwood, J. W. Treatment of heavy fuel oils. ( 2372) White, J. W. Internal combustion engines. (2056) Willey, S. J. Steam generating. (2068) Wood, W. H. Steam turbines. (2142) Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be 'published February 28.) [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1916. 12669. Watkinson, W. H. Internal combustion engines. (112952) 14561. Oliver, C. E., and Bland, J. J. Pumps. (112953) 15234. Matthewman, W. Internal combustion engines. (112955) 18672. Hartmann, J. F. G. P. Apparatus for transform- ing and especially. for rectifying alternating or polyphase currents. (102977) 1917. 629. Campbell, D., and Goodyear, C. Coking ovens, and methods of working them. (112967) 1440. Imperial Trust for the Encouragement of Scientific and Industrial Research, Glazebrook, R. T., Rosenhain, W., and Rodd, E. 11. Manufacture of a new compound of zirconium, and its appli- cation in the production of pure zirconia. (112973) 1544. Soc. Anon. poui’ 1'Eclairage Electrique des Vehicules. Dynamo electric machines. (104172) 1865. Heyl, G. E. Distillation of oil shales. (112997) 2630. Heyl, G. E. Distillation of coal. (113012) 3363. Frank, P., and Kynoch Limited. Controlling device for electrically or other power driven air com- pressors for raising water. (113022) 3964. Wollaston, T. R. Gas producers. (113025) 4066. Williams, R. A. Two-stroke internal combustion engines. (113026) 4880. Okrassa, R. F. E. Steam boilers. (113034) 5376. Whitham, F. E. Crucible furnaces. (113036) 7156. Hirst, J. A., and Brook, P. S. Electric motor con- trollers. (113046) 7702. Soc. de Paris et du Rhone. Dynamo electric machines. (107010) 8530. Garson, T. Nagelstad-. Cranes. (113055) 12459. Simkiss, J. Oiling apparatus for lubricating the axles of colliery tubs and the like. (113071) 12596. Spencer, R., and Bennett, I. W. Furnace firebars. (113072) 15728. Blythe, F. C. Destructive distillation of bitu- minous coal. (113079) 17436. Siemens Schuckertwerke Ges. Winding or hoisting machinery. (113081) Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. (Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1917. 3812. Segay, A. Explosives. (113083) 1918. 531. Sivyer, F. J. Manufacture of coke and apparatus therefor. (113091) 1646. Lund, K. P. Rod mills for crushing ores, etc. (113097) 1767. Rebs, H. Process of purifying mineral oil or its distillates and concentrates. (113098) Estate of the gross value of £425,843, of which £400,694 is net personalty, has been left by Mr. Isaac Butler, of Bryngomer, near Newport (Mon.), High Sheriff of the county in 1910, a director of Baldwins Limited and other companies, a well-known South Wales iron master, who died on November 2, aged 80. Nova Scotia Coal Output.—Some figures relating to the estimated value of the coal and coke output of Nova Scotia appeared in a recent issue. Other information received afterwards indicates that the production of coal in Nova Scotia during 1917 has been about 5,735,000 tons, com- paring with 6,174,424 tons in 1916, or has declined a further 440,000 tons below the reduced figures of 1916. From present indications, it may be expected that 1918 tonnages will show a decline from 1917 figures of possibly 350,000 tons. Taking into account the selling price of coal, the cost of labour and materials, and the margin of profit left to the coal operator, the price of coal in Nova Scotia has never within the past 25 years (up to 1916) been sufficiently high to make coal mining a reasonably paying investment, or to secure the stability of the companies engaged in the mining of coal in this province. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *,* Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Colonial Reports (Annual): (No. 947), Basutoland, Report for 1916, price lj-d.; (No. 948), Gold Coast, Report for 1916, price 4d.; (No. 949), Ashanti, Report for 1916, price 4d. (London : Published by H.M. Stationery Office). PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “ Transactions of the Manchester Geological and Mining Society ” (Vol. 35, Part 5), December 1917 (published at the Rooms of the Society, Queen’s Chambers, 5, Dalton- street, Manchester); “ Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute” (No. 69), January 1918; “Russia— Britain’s Great Opportunity ” (Vol. 2, No. 3), January 1918, price 6d. net; “Compressed Air Magazine” (Vol. 23, No. 1), January 1918, price 10c.; “ A Supple- mentary Memoir on British Resources of Sands and Rocks Used in Glass Manufacture, with Notes on Cer- tain Refractory Materials,” by P. G. H. Boswell, A.R.C.S., D.I.C., D.Sc., F.G.S. (published at the instruc- tion of Ministry of Munitions of War by the Imperial College of Science and Technology), price 3s. net; Canadian Geological Survey—Department of Mines: (No. 82), “ Road Material Surveys in 1915,” by L. Reinecke; United States Public Health Service- - Treasury Department: “Hygienic Laboratory, Bulletin No. 110,” September 1917; United States Bureau of Mines—Department of the Interior : (Technical Paper 98), “ Effect of Low-Temperature Oxidisation on the Hydrogen in Coal, and the Change in Weight of Coal on Drying,” by S. H. Katz and H. C. Porter. “ The Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry— Published Monthly by the American Chemical Society ” (Vol. 10, No. 1), January 1918, price 6 dols. per' year; “Industrial Management—The Engineering Magazine” (edited by John R. Dunlap and L. P. Alford) (Vol. 55, No. 1), January 1918, price 25c.; “ Cassier’s Engineering Monthly” (Vol. 53, No. 2), February 1918, price Is.; “ The Iowa Engineer ” (Vol. 18, No. 3), December 1917; “ The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa ” (Vol. 18, No. 5), November 1917, price 3s.; “ Journal of the Franklin Institute ” (Vol. 185, No. 1), January 1918, single numbers 50c.; “Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers” (Vol. 54, Pt. 4), January 1918 (London: Published at the offices of the Institution, Albany Buildings, 39, Victoria- street, Westminster, S.W. 1), price 6s. Prof. A. N. Talbot, D.Sc., D.Eng., of the University of Illinois, has been elected to the presidency of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Messrs. John Lysaght Limited, iron masters, of Wolver- hampton, Bristol, and Newport (Mon.), are reported to be arranging for galvanised iron making in Australia. They have secured a site at Newcastle (New South Wales), and will lay down works at a cost of £150,000. Raw material will be secured from a native steel works already estab- lished on the spot. THE BRITISH ROPEWAY Tele ieankral."22i52 7, MINCING LANE, DISPOSAL OF PIT REFUSE Are you short of Men ? Are you short of Wagons ? AN AERIAL ROPEWAY Will overcome these difficulties. Send us your enquiries. ENGINEERING Co. Ltd., LONDON, E.C. 3. combined are invited. Years. References to users Established 50 We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms LTD BRIDGEND, BREAKING SIZING AND WASHING PLANT ANTHRACITE COAL” '