312 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 15, 1918. THE ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., RAILWAY PLANT $ GENERAL ENGINEERS, Switches, Crossings,Turntables, Water Cranes, Girders, Bridges, Roofs, Pipes, Pumps, Wagons, Tanks, Engines, Boilers, Cranes, Works: NEWPORT. MON. London Office—53, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. New parts cast in, not welded. R. W. COAN j The Aluminium Foundry, 219, Goswell Rd. London, E.C. 1. CONTRACTOR TO H.M. GOVERNMENT. Telephones— Telegrams— 4879 Central. 3846 City. “ Krankases, Isling.” f CASTS CLEAN D. Liewellin Evans, PROPRIETOR OF THE Cardiff Brattice Cloth Company, Patent STAUFFER and “ TELL-TALE ” Lubricators. Certainty—Economy—Cleanliness. TAUFFER’S LUBRICANT” (Regd. Trade Mark.) Made solely by TRIER BROS. LTD. for over 30 years. Also manufacturers at their South London Works for more than 30 years of Stauffer and other types of Grease Lubricators. Please write for Lists to— Office: 36, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. 1. Agents for Northern Counties— Messrs. JOHN YOUNG & SONS, St. Nicholas Chambers, Newcastle-on-Tyne. iso, BUTE ST. CARDIFF. AGENT FOR Hebei’s Explosives, W. E. TEALE & Co. Ltd., SWINTON, LANCS. --- APPROVED - Miners’ Safety Lamps, Glasses. COLLIERY STORES, &c. THE COAL AND ORE DRESSING APPLIANCES Limited Engineers and Contractors for COAL WASHING, STORAGE, AND ORE DRESSING. ------- OVER 2 00 PLANTS ERECTED, and in course of Erection. ---------- Capacity from 150 tons to 2,000 tons per day of 8 hours. DESIGNS SPECIALLY PREPARED TO SUIT LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. INSPECTION OF PLANTS WORKING INVITED. ON THE WAR OFFICE LIST OF CONTRACTORS. Disintegrators. Tipplers. Screens. Picking Tables. Loading Belts. Conveyors. Elevators. Pumps. Crushing Rolls. Head Office-32, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. 1. Tel. No.—160 Victoria. Tel. Address—“Nettoyage, London.” Tel. No.—2874 Central. GLASGOW Office—127, St. Vincent Street. Tel. Address—“ Nettoyage.” coal-cuttes c Telegrams— A If 17171171 Telephone— < “ DIAMOND, WAKEFIELD.” ▼▼ ZA.jX.Hir 1 Td I dA 14 1 WAKEFIELD. Makers of COAL-CUTTERS AND COAL-FACE CONVEYORS AIR OR ELECTRICALLY-DRIVEN HAULAGE GEARS, MINING SWITCHES, &c. T-.JTII L ■ :: (“DIAMOND” ELECTRIC ENCLOSED TYPE DISC COAL-CUTTER.) DIAMOND MACHINES ARE MADE IN VARIOUS SIZES TO SUIT THICK OR THIN SEAMS ANDiHARD OR SOFT CONDITIONS WITH AMPLE MARGIN OF POWER. diamond ud^gston- Branch Works at UDDINGSTON, near GLASGOW. Telephone— 38 UDDINGSTON.