February 8, 1918. 279 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. __________________________________________________________________________________ be taken, the cost of war risk insurance to be paid by ship in addition to the usual percentage on such advance. (13) Payment shall be cash against bill of lading in London, Paris, or Rome, in exporters’ option. If credit is mutually arranged, interest shall be charged at not less than 1 per cent, above Bank of England rate. (C) Applications for Export Licences. (14) Applications for licences for exports to France and Italy will continue to be made with existing excep- tions through the proper Local Committee for the Supply of Coal to France and Italy to the War Trade Department, and it will be the duty of the Local Com- mittee to see that these Directions of the Controller of Coal Mines are complied with in each case. Every application for the export of coal to France and Italy, whether presented to the Local Committee or to the War Trade Department direct, must specify the description of the coal according to the Schedule, and all applications for licence to export coal, coke oven coke, and patent fuel must be accompanied by a declar- ation by the applicants to the effect that these direc- tions of the Controller of Coal Mines have been or will be complied with. The Local Committee and the War Trade Department shall have power to call for such documentary evidence as they may require in order to substantiate the bona fades of this declaration. (15) The Local Committee shall, in forwarding each application to the War Trade Department, certify that these directions of the Controller of Coal Mines are complied with. Part III. Sales for Shipment to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, and Spain. (A) Prices. (16) Except as provided in Part VI., in no case shall coal, coke oven coke, or patent fuel be delivered after January 31, 1918, for shipment to the above destina- tions (including coal for the manufacture in the United Kingdom of patent fuel for shipment to these destina- tions) at prices less than those specified in Schedule B appended hereto. (17-20) (See Sections 5-8.) (B) Exporters' Services. (21) Exporters, including firms'regularly engaged in the export coal trade who act as buying agents to importers, and coal owners who sell direct, shall charge for their services remuneration at a rate of not less than 5 per cent, on the f.o.b. price, this amount includ- ing foreign agents’ commission and other expenses. The remuneration, together with shipping charges or dues not included in the f.o.b. price to exporters, and charges for mixing cargoes on shipment and separa- tion in holds, if any, to be added to the f.o.b. price and paid by buyers. (22) (See Section 10.) (23) One-third of 5 per cent, brokerage on the freight applicable to single voyages at the time of shipment shall be paid to the exporter (as defined above) by the ship owner, time charterer, or buyer, whether the ship is fixed in this country or abroad, except where the Controller of Coal Mines otherwise directs. (24) Insurance of cargo for account of buyers to be as customary. Advance of freight not exceeding one- third of estimated freight may be given. The cost of war risk insurance on such advance to be paid by ship in addition to the usual percentage on such advance. (C) Payment. (25) Payment for all shipments made to the above- named countries after January 31, 1918, including shipments under contracts in existence on that date, shall be made in the country of destination and in the currency of that country through the accredited agent of H.M. Government. (Vide supra.) (26) In the case of shipments under contracts made after January 31, 1918— (a) All quotations and sales to the buyers abroad and all invoices for coal, coke oven coke, or patent fuel supplied to such buyers must be in the currency of the country of destination. (b) The exporter must telegraph to the Board of Trade,* before the ship begins to load, the name of the steamer, the description and approximate ton- nage and value of the cargo, and the name of the consignee. The Board of Trade will thereupon arrange for deposit by the consignee with the accredited agent of H.M. Government in the country of destination of the estimated value of the cargo. (c) The consignee must make such deposit on request and certify at the same time that the cargo has been adequately insured for his account. (d) The exporter must forward the bill of lading with invoice (both in duplicate) to the Board of Trade. The invoice shall be made out in the cur- rency of the country of destination, and the Board of Trade will on receipt thereof pay the exporter in sterling on the following basis: — Norway .......... 16-67 kroner = 20s. Sweden .......... 18’16 kroner = 20s. Denmark ......... 18-16 kroner = 20s. Holland .......... 12-11 guilder = 20s. Spain ............ 25-22 pesetas = 20s. The Board of Trade will at the same time telegraph to the accredited agent of H.M. Government in the country of destination to arrange payment for cargo out of deposit already made by consignee, and will forward bill of lading to be handed to the consignee or his agent. (27) In the case of shipments under contracts in existence on January 31, 1918, the procedure will be the same as in Section (26) except that paragraph (a) will not apply, and as regards paragraph (d) invoices will be made out in sterling and the buyer will make payment to the accredited agent of H.M. Government at the current rate of exchange. * Communications are to be addressed to the Accountant- General, Board of Trade, Finance Department, 6, White- hall-gardens, London, S.W. 1. (D) Applications for Export Licences. (28) Every application to the War Trade Depart- ment for licence to export coal to any of the above destinations must specify the description of the coal according to the Schedule, and all applications for licence to export coal, coke oven coke, and patent fuel must be accompanied by a declaration to the effect that these directions of the Controller of Coal Mines have been or will be complied with. The War Trade Depart- ment shall have power to call for such documentary evidence as they may require in order to substantiate the bona fades of this declaration. Part IV. Sales for Shipment to Other Destinations Outside the United Kingdom. (A) Prices. (29) Except as provided in Part VI., in no case shall coal, coke oven coke, or patent fuel be delivered after January 31, 1918, for shipment to the above destina- tions (including coal for the manufacture in the United Kingdom of patent fuel for shipment to these destinations) at prices less than those specified in Schedule A appended hereto. (30-33) (See Sections 5-8.) (B) Exporters’ Services. (34-37) (See Sections 21-24.) (38) Payment shall be cash against bill of lading in London. If credit is mutually arranged, interest shall be charged at not less than 1 per cent, above Bank of England rate. (C) Applications for Export Licences. (39) (See Section 28.) Part V. Sale of Coal for Bunkering Ships at Ports in the United Kingdom. (40) The following provision shall apply to the sale of coal for bunkering ships at ports in the United Kingdom, such coal being limited to coal for the ship’s own use: — (i.) In the case of (a) all ships sailing under the British flag, (b) ships sailing under the flags of the Allied nations at limited freights in the French and Italian coal trade, (c) such other ships as may be specified from time to time by the Controller of Coal Mines, the prices specified in Schedule A appended hereto shall be charged by the collieries as fixed prices for all coal delivered after January 31, 1918, except as provided in Part VI. These prices shall apply whether the coal is sold by the colliery to a broker, merchant, or exporter, or direct to the ship owner. Where the coal is sold to a broker, merchant, or exporter, the broker’s, merchant’s, or exporter’s com- mission on re-sale must be charged by way of addition to the colliery price. The amount of such commission to be arranged between the parties. (ii.) In the case of other ships, coal shall not be delivered by collieries after January 31, 1918, for bunkering at prices less than those specified in Schedule A appended hereto except as provided in Part VI.; and commission at a rate of not less than 5 per cent, on the f.o.b. price shall be charged in addi- tion to the Schedule price by the broker, merchant, or exporter, or by a colliery selling direct to the ship owner. (iii.) Except where otherwise specified in the Schedule, the prices are net f.o.b. at the nearest ship- ping places to the collieries, and for cash within seven days after shipment. Where it has been the custom for owners of regular liners to receive longer credit, the practice may be continued in respect of bunkers supplied to them for such liners, provided that the above net payment shall in every case be made not later than the 25th of the month following the delivery of the coal. If the coal is shipped at a more distant place, the extra railway and shipping dues may be charged. Provided that the extra railway and ship- ping dues a*s compared with those for shipment at the nearest shipping place to the colliery must in all cases be charged for coal when shipped at ports outside the • limits prescribed for each colliery district. (See ports specified in Section 6.) (iv.) The prices are net, and no discount, rebate, or allowance of any kind, either in money, quantity, credit, or otherwise, is to be given to any buyer, and the quantities to be paid for shall be the quantities certified by the colliery, railway, or harbour authority, as customary. (v.) A broker, merchant, or exporter may not in respect of coal for bunkering ships at ports in the United Kingdom pay to his agent abroad remuneration exceeding one-third of the amount received by him as commission as above; this payment to include any pay- ment to a sub-agent and all expenses except necessary telegrams and postages. In no case shall any payment or rebate be made to a buyer. Part VI. General Provisions. (41) (a) Where it has been customary for a colliery to utilise the services of agents, not being exporters, to sell to exporters coal for shipment as cargo, or to ship owners, ship brokers, or merchants, coal for shipment as bunkers, this practice may be continued, and the colliery utilising such agent’s services may pay a com- mission not exceeding 2d. per ton. No commission shall be paid by any colliery to any agent in any one year on quantities in excess of the quantity on which commission was paid by the same colliery to the same agent during the 12 months ended June 30, 1916. The word “ agent ” in this clause shall include middlemen not being exporters, who have acted as intermediaries between collieries and exporters or merchants; and the word “commission” shall apply to any allowance which they received from the collieries during the above-named period. This does not affect recognised agents of collieries under selling agreements in opera- tion prior to June 29, 1917. (b) In no case shall any part of the commission paid to such agents be paid over by the agent to the pur- chaser of the coal. (42) On every sale of coal by a colliery after January 31, 1918, the colliery shall specify whether the coal is sold for (a) consumption in the United Kingdom or the Channel Islands; (b) use in the manufacture of patent fuel for shipment outside the United Kingdom; (c) bunkering ships at ports in the United Kingdom; or (d) shipment to destinations outside the United Kingdom. In the case of shipments to destinations outside the United Kingdom, the country of destina- tion shall in all cases be specified. (43) On every purchase of coal for re-sale, the pur- chaser shall undertake that the coal will be used for the purpose specified by the colliery; and, in the case of sales for shipment, that all the conditions applic- able to the sale contained in these Directions will be complied with. (44) On proof of breach of these Directions by any person or firm, in addition to the penalties prescribed by Section 1 of the Trading with the Enemy and Export of Prohibited Goods Act, 1916, existing export licences may be revoked, and all further licences refused to such person or firm for the period of the war, or such other period as may be determined by the War Trade Department. (45) Except as otherwise provided in Part III. (C), these Directions shall not apply to sales of coal, coke oven coke, or patent fuel made before January 31, 1918. (46) These Directions shall not apply to purchases made by the Admiralty. (47) These Directions and the prices specified in the attached schedules may be varied by the Controller of Coal Mines as occasion requires. ___________________________ MINING EXAMINATIONS: SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES. The following list of successful candidates at the examination held by the Board for Mining Examina- tions on November 20 and 21, 1917, has just been issued: — For a First-Class Certificate of Competency as Manager of a Mine. Messrs. J. Aspin, J. W. Bailey, J. H. Bell, T. L. Bonnell, H. Booth, W. H. Bowyer, J. Brier, R. Carson, A. Collins, R. J. Cunliffe, H. Cusworth, B. Davies, D. Davies (Pontar- dulais), D. T. Davies, W. B. Davies, J. T. Ellam, J. E. England, M. Evans, W. Garratt, D. Gemmell, junr., J. Gillespie, F. Goward, J. H. Haigh, J. Hamilton, D. Holmes, E. W. Holt, A. Hunter, J. G. James, D. J. Jones, G. B. Jones, W. S. Jones, D. Kilpatrick, D. C. Lewis, G. Loudon, J. McArthur, J. McCrae, D. McKelvie, A. Maitland, T. Marshall, H. Mason, C. M. Meeson, W. Millar, F. Moore, G. Neath, R. Nelson, H. Parr, T. Phillips, G. Pilkington, A. Powell, J. R. Prentice, G. Raine, W. Rhodes, J. R. Robertson, W. Robertson, T. A. Saint, H. Senior, W. Shepherd, R. C. Smart, H. J. Smith, F. Taylor, R. Tempest, W. M. Thomas, J. E. Tred- gold, T. Wass, F. N. Woodhead, and C. Wyper. For a Second-Class Certificate of Competency as Under- Manager of a Mine. Messrs. J. T. Alderslade, E. Barton, W. Bassett, S. Bate- man, J. Binning, J. Blacknell, T. H. Breed, W. Brook, T. L. Brown, C. H. Carr, A. Clayton, A. Close, B. Davies, D. Davies (Glanyllyn), T. G. Dawkins, W. H. Dennis, J. Docherty, G. H. Dodsley, A. Drury, T. G. Edwards, W. Edwards, S. Ellis, J. O. Evans, R. Evans, C. H. Glass, A. Harley, B. Harris, G. I. Harris, I. C. Harris, O. Hartley, G. W. Hatton, W. T. Hawkins, J. H. Hearse, W. H. Holdroyd, W. Hough, A. Hutt, J. P. Keddie, E. R. King, J. H. Laing, P. Littler, W. J. McLaughlan, W. Mainwaring, T. Martlew, W. A. Mear, J. Moore, T. Mordue, S. J. Morris, T. Noden, H. Norwood, J. Oliver, C. Palmer, J. Parfitt, E. Rhoden, J. E. Richardson, S. Rochester, B. Rodger, W. C. Sharratt, D. Smith, J. E. Smith, H. Straw, J. Thompson, J. W. Thompson, T. A. Wetherell, L. Whitfield, J. H. Wilkinson, S. Willett, B. Williams, and C. S. Williams. For a Certificate of Qualification as Surveyor of a Mine. Messrs. A. Andrews, H. Brown, H. Cahill, J. S. Carson, P. Chadwick, C. L. Chang, A. Cochrane, J. W. Dorman, A. E. Durnell, J. Gray, F. Guthrie, junr., R. Harper, W. S. Henderson, W. Heys, G. McC. Inglis, W. S. McCallum, J. P. Pitcairn, J. V. Sage, W. Sherratt, A. Smellie, junr., T. Stewart, D. G. Stuart, G. Warner, E. W. Watkins, B. F. Whitaker, J. Williams, R. J. Wilson, R. H. Wood, S. Wood, and D. Yearsley. ___________________________ Tar Oils: New Control Order. — A new Order, dated February 1, has been substituted for that made on October 23, 1917. The Minister of Munitions takes pos- session of all tar oil, and any person who buys, sells, secretes, or removes it contrary to the conditions of the licence is guilty of an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. All transactions must be licensed, except for quantities not exceeding 5 gals, during any calendar month, or for the delivery under contract (pend- ing the granting or refusing of a licence) of tar oil for benzol washing, or the manufacture of disinfectants, anti- septic drugs, lampblack, or fuel. Such delivery must not exceed the buyer’s average monthly delivery under such contract during the preceding three months. Contract notes must specify grade of oil. Nobody must use more than 5 gals, a month for manufacture or work unless a licence has been obtained. Producers and holders must send returns to the Controller of Explosives Supply, Storey’s Gate, Westminster, when required. The schedule of maximum prices specifies creosote 103s. per ton, sub- ject to deductions according to crystallising point and volume of distillate. Green oil is 98s. per ton; and oil for Diesel engines 90s. 6d. per ton. For other engines and furnaces generally the prices per ton are as follow :— Admiralty specification oil, 75s.; 75 per cent, creosote oil and 25 per cent, pitch, 64s.; 66§ per cent, creosote oil and 33^ per cent, pitch, 60s.; 50 per cent, creosote oil and 50 per cent, pitch, 52s. 6d.; 40 per cent, creosote oil and 60 per cent, pitch, 48s.; 25 per cent, creosote oil and 75 per cent, pitch, 41s. 6d. The Order directs how the per- centage of pitch in oil for fuel purposes shall be deter- mined, and authorises the addition of 5s. per ton to cover the cost of re-heating, mixing, straining, and testing, and also a commission not exceeding 2| per cent, by brokers, dealers, and merchants. All prices are free on rail or barge at works or nearest station or wharf in purchasers’ cars or barges.