252 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 1, 1918. THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE LTD. 124- ST VINCENT STREET GLASGOW THAMES POWDER V? 2 ’ -.11 /A i S , • / i ‘ . c Charge Limit 22 Ounces NEEDSNOTHAWING BmiiwiiiMimiiiiiiiiiimiimiiBiiiiiiioiiwiiiiiiiiimiiiraiiMiimmmiiMffliiiim^^ . J Steada&Ltd files MANOR WORKS S HBFFIELD [I & 11 Te/eyrums STEADFAST SHEFFIELD ^aAwseCENTRALSHl PECKETT & SONS Ltd., Bristol Speciality—TANK LOCOMOTIVES. FOR SALE OR HIRE. Hire terms fur- nished on appli- cation. NAYLOR’S APPROVED BIFOLD MARSAUT LAMP. Gives the best light, is the best Gas Detector, and the Safest Flame Lamp procurable. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for Collieries, Ironworks, Contractors, Ac. always in progress for Early Delivery. Photographs, Prices and Speciti- CATIONS ON APPLICATION. Telegraphic Address—“ Peckett, Bristol Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. NEW MINES ACT. Approved Miners’ Lamps TO MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE ACT. Arranged for Electric Ignition and with Mag- netic Lock. Particulars furnished on application. Demonstrations arranged by appointment. Dynobel Nos. 3 & 4, Monobel No. 1, Viking Powder Nos. 1 & 2; Co. Ltd. I also Detonators, Electric Detonator Fuses, and all Blasting Appliances. Haggie Brothers Ld. Wire & Hemp Ropes. POOLEY’S PATENT WEIGHING MACHINES. Telegraphic Address—“SPIEGEL WIGAN.” Telephone-30 WIGAN J. S. UNDERWOOD « O ’ Cotton Mill Row, SHEFFIELD. Telephone— X 3573- Telegrrama— / METALLOID. / / # ENQUIRIES & A Solicited, / \ 2 lron»\ yfi **®el and Natal Merchants^ *7