February 1, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 251 Koppers’ Coke Oven Is undoubtedly the most successful Bye-Product Oven on the market. Since its introduction a little over 10 years ago there have been built 15,000 KOPPERS’ OYENS. KOPPERS’ OVENS ARE AT WORK HEATED .BY PRODUCER GAS AND BLAST FURNACE GAS. KOPPERS’ DIRECT RECOVERY PROCESS IS THE SIMPLEST AND MOST EFFICIENT SYSTEM OF AMMONIA RECOVERY. PLANTS ERECTED FOR THE RECOVERY OF BENZOL & TOLUOL, FOR TAR DISTILLATION & THE MANUFACTURE OF SULPHURIC ACID. ~— Full particulars on application to 11 The Koppers* Coke Oven and Bye-Product Co., ..a.™’’?;"™;..., 301, GLOSSOP ROAD, SHEFFIELD. IN its production, the essential features, not only of immediate and reliable check, but perfect resistance to the highest frictional heat, has been provided for. Manufactured only from guaranteed 100% pure asbestos reinforced by metallic strands and containing no Cotton or other fibre perishable by heat, woven solid in all thicknesses up to one inch, transmitting a sure grip and engagement, soft as velvet and pliant as a hand grasp, it easily outlives many times all Other braking media—whether of metal, wood or other combinations. Used by hundreds of Collieries, Forges, Engineering Works, etc., for Winding Drums, Brake Posts, Drift or Transport Winches, and all Power Clutch and Brake Gears ; also for Trolleys, Cranes, Hauling Machinery, and Electro-mechanical Brakes fitted to Hoists, Centrifugal Machines, etc., above or below ground or water. We invite your enquiries Send postcard for our Catalogue and Drawings. BRAKE AND CLUTCH LININGS CRESSWELLS’ lu Old-established Spinners and Manufacturers and Patentees of Pure Asbestos Fabrics, etc. WELLINGTON MILLS, BRADFORD. 1 1, Bothwell Street, GLASGOW ; 9, Grosvenor Road, Sketty, SWANSEA ; 44=4 5, Exchange Bldgs., New St., BIRMINGHAM. Telegrams: “ASBESTOS, BRADFORD.” Contractors to the Admiralty, the India Office and War Office, the Telephone : 950 BRADFORD. Crown Agents for the Colonies, and numerous British Railways, etc. SAFETY FIRST RIGS: Cage Arresters and Detach Hook. Rope and Guide Cappies. AL. HANLEY, Thirlmere, Sheffield. THOMAS SUMMERSON & SONS LTD., . ____ _ ___ £ z ALBERT WORKS, DARLINGTON. Sidings Contracted for Complete. Also “ BITSOL ” QUICK TAR BLACKS W. W. Hill, Son & Wallace Ltd., Elton St., Broughton Bridge, MANCHESTER. ---- ESTABLISHED 1840. - MANUFACTURERS of SWITCHES and CROSSINGS, Chairs, Spikes, Fish Plates, Iron and Steel Castings. FISH PLATES and BOLTS for various sections of Rail kept in Stock.