190 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN January 25, 1918. XXL—Preparation. New Washery at the Works of the Blaenavon Company Limited. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev./’ Jan. 11, p. 33; 4 fig. Coal Washing. T. J. Drakeley. “ Colliery Guard./’ Jan. 18, p. 125. (From paper read before Mchester. Geol. and Min. Soc.) XXI I.—Briquettes. The Economic Operation of Large Drying Plant in Brown Coal Briquette Works (Der wirtschaftliche Betrieb der Grosstrockner der Pressbraunkohlenwerke). —. Achilles. “ Braunk.,” Aug. 17, p. 165. A Modern Belgian Briquette Factory with the “ Cava ” Pitch Process. E. Gevers-Orban. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 28, p. 1235; 3 fig. XXIII.—Coke Ovens and By-Products. Water Gas Plants (Ueber Wassergasanlagen). —. Werber. “Feuerungstechn.,” Aug. 15, p. 260; illus. Saline Corrosion of Coke Oven Walls (Ein Beitrag zur Erage der Salzanfressungen an Koksofenwanden). H. Schwenke. “ Gliickauf,” Oct. 20, p. 761; 6 fig. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 28, p. 1233; 2 fig. Gas Works v. Cokeries (Gaswerk oder Kokerei). —. Mentzel “ JI. Gasbel.,” Oct. 6, p. 507. Preparation of Ammonia by Heating Coke with Quicklime (Ueber die Bildung von Ammoniak beim Erhitzen von Koks mit Kalziumhydroxid). —. Glaser. “ Feuerungs- techn.,” Oct. 1, p. 3; illus. New Coke Quencher for Gas Works (Eine neue Koks- loschvorrichtung fur Gasanstalten). —. Dahlheim. “JI. Gasbel.,” Sept. 29, p. 496; illus. The Distillation Process in Vertical Retorts (Der Destilla- tionsprozess in Vertikalretorten). Teune and Kummel. “JI. Gasbel.,” Sept. 22, p. 487; Sept. 29, p. 500; illus. Some Observations on the Manufacture of Concentrated Ammonia Liquor. P. Parrish. “ Gas JI.,” Dec. 18, p. 354; 1 fig. Recent Advances in By-product Coking in the United Kingdom. J. B. C. Kershaw. “ Coal Age,” Nov. 24, p. 878. Pyrometers and Pyrometry. “ Eng. Rev.,” Dec. 15, p. 171. Laboratory Methods for Benzol Recovery Plant Operation. F. W. Sperr, junr. “ Met. Chem. Eng.,” Nov. 15, p. 586, 1 fig.; Dec. 1, p. 642, 2 fig. Pyrometers and Pyrometry. “ Engin.,” Jan. 11, p. 52. Quality of Gas Coal. “ Times Eng. Suppit.,” Dec. 28, p. 246. By-product Coking. “ Times Eng. Suppit.,” Dec. 28, p. 247. (Mr. G. Blake Walker’s paper read before Instn. Civ. Engin.) Constructing a Home-made Crude Benzol Recovery Plant at the Redditch Gas Works. C. F. W. Rendle. “ Gas JI.,” Jan. 15, p. 116; 2 fig. “Gas Wld.,” Jan. 12, p. 23. (Paper read before Midld. Junr. Gas Assocn.) Gas Analyses on Boiler Plants. “ Cheap Steam,” Jan., p. 13. Utilisation of Waste Heat and Gases from Modern Coke Ovens. S. Stonier. “ Gas Wld.,” Jan. 8, p. 14 (coking sectn.). (Paper read before Westn. District Coke Oven Mgrs. Assocn.) Extensions to the Robin Hood Coking Plant. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 18, p. 65. Producer Gas for Furnaces. A. Walter. “ Gas Wld.,” Jan. 19, p. 10 (power and ind. sectn.). (Paper read before Sheffield Sectn. Junr. Instn. Engin.) The Application of Coal Gas to Industrial Purposes. “ Gas Wld.,” Jan. 19, p. 12 (power and ind. sectn.). Hopper Truck for Charging Coke Ovens (Mit Druckluft betriebener kleiner Fulltrichterwagen fui' die Koksofen- beschickung). “ Gliickauf,” Dec. 1, p. 861; 2 fig. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 18, p. 135. Report on Refractories. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 28, p. 1237. (From Home Office Report.) Preventing Leakage in Coke Ovens. H. Grahn. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 11, p. 71; 2 fig. (From “Gliickauf.”) The Refractory Properties of Magnesia. H. Le Chatelier and B. Bogitch. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 11, p. 71. (From paper presented to Acad, des Sciences, Paris.) XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. The Oxidisable Constituents of Coal. J. I. Graham and J. Hill. “ Trans. Instn. Min. Eng.”- (vol. 54, p. 3), Dec., p. 197; 9 fig. Peat as Domestic and Industrial Fuel (Torf als Brennstoff und eine Verwendung in Haus- und Industrie- Feuer- ungen). C. Birk. Verein zur Forderung der Moorkultur im Deutschen Reiche, 13, Bernburgerstrasse, Berlin. 20 pf. Some Notes on Coal Testing. G. W. Stubbings. “ El. Rev.,” Jan. 4, p. 5; 1 fig. The Combustion of Coke (Die Verbrennung von Koks). —. Gramberg. “ Feuerungstechn.,” Nov. 1, p. 33; illus. Coke in Place of Coal (Koks statt Steinkohle). —. Mark- graf. “JI. Gasbel.,” Nov. 24, p. 592; illus. The Determination of Sulphur in Pyrites (Schwefelbestim- mung im Pyrit). —. Winkler. “ Z. angew. Chem.,” Nov. 20, p. 281. Utilising Boiler Clinker in France. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 28, p. 1243. XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers: Gas Engines. First Report to the Council of the North-East Coast Insti- tution of Engineers and Shipbuilders on Certain Methods of Producing Vacuum. E. L. Orde, C. W. Cairns, and J. Morrow. 34 pp. 16 fig. Published by the Institu- tion, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Price 10s. 6d. A Wind Damper to Help Save Coal. “ Blk. Diamond,” Dec. 1, p. 434; 2 fig. The Deposition of Gypsum in Boilers (Zur Abscheidung des Schwefelsauren Kalks im Dampfkessel). A. Goldberg. “ Chem. Z.,” Dec. 15, p. 889.^ The Escape of Exhaust Gas in Two-Stroke Cycle Engines. G. B. Petters. “ Eng.,” Jan. 4, p. 1. Air Pumps for Condensers. “ Times Eng. Suppit.,” Dec. 28, p. 255. The Generation of Power. “ Min. Mag.,” Jan., p. 4. Economical Development of Thermal Power at Coal Mines. J. B. C. Kershaw. “Coal Age,” Dec. 1, p. 922; Dec. 8, p. 969; 1 fig. Some Notes on Fuel Economy : Machine Stoking. A. W. Bennis. “ Cheap Steam,” Jan. (Paper read before xAssocn. for the Scientific Development of Industry.) Boiler Test Calculations. “ Cheap Steam,” Jan., p. 6. Regulating the Temperature of Hot Steam (Die Tempera- turregelung des Heissdampfes). —. Huebner. “ Z. d. Ing.,” Nov. 17, p. 921; illus. The Characteristic Curves of Compressors for Diesel Engines (Die charakteristischen Kurven von Kompres- soren der Dieselmotoren). —. Balog. “ Fordertechn.,” Nov. 1, p. 157; illus. Some Safety Devices for Steam Turbines. “ Engin./’ Jan. 18, p. 58; 5 fig. Use of Coke Oven Gas in Gas Engines. S. Stonier. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 18, p. 68. (Pres. addr. before Coke Oven Mgrs. Assocn., Westn. sectn.) Lubrication of Internal Combustion Engines. J. V. Wilson. “ Gas Wld.,” Jan. 19, p. 13 (power and ind. sectn.). (Paper read before Diesel Engine Users’ Assocn.) Improvements in Furnaces for Solid Fuels (Neuerungen an Feuerungsanlagen fur feste Brennstoffe). —. Pradel. “Feuerungstechn.,” Nov. 1, p. 29; illus. New Feed Water Purifiers (Neuere Apparate zur Reinig- ung des Kesselspeisewassers). —. Werber. . “ Feuer- ungstechn.,” Nov. 15, p. 43; illus. Power from Coal. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 11, p. 82. /From “Metall. Chem. Eng.”) XXVI.—Compressed Air. Air Required to Operate Air Lift. A. W. Allen. “ Coal Age,” Nov. 24, p. 889. XXVIL—Electricity. Iron Commutators. F. Murgatroyd. “ El. Rev.,” Jan. 18, p. 54. Tension Fluctuations in Monophase Three-line Circuits (Die Spannungsschwankungen im Einphasen-Wechselstrom- Dreileiternetz). —. Teichmuller. “ E. T. Z.,” Nov. 15, p. 544; Nov. 22, p. 555; illus. One-sided Magnetic Pull in Electrical Machines (Einseitiger magnetischer Zug in elektrischen Maschinen). —. Rosenberg. “El. u. Masch.,” Nov. 4, p. 525; Nov. 11, p. 539; illus. Regulating the Tension of Synchronised Machines by Com- pounding on the Danielson System (Regulierung der Spannung von Synchronmaschinen durch Compoundier- ung nach Danielson). —. Liwschitz. “ El. u. Masch.,” Sept. 30, p. 465; illus. Electric Power Supply. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 28, p. 1233. (From Report of Coal Conservation Sub-Cmtee.) The Care of Commutators of Direct-Current Machinery. L. Fokes. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 11, p. 67; 4 fig. XXVI11.—Surface Transport and Storage. Coal Stack Fire Risks. E. B. Pausey. “ EL Rev.,” Dec. 28, p. 603; 2 fig. Coal Business at New Orleans. “ Shipbuilding and Shipping Record,” Dec. 27, p. 613; 3 fig. Thawing Plants. S. W. Lynn. “ Iowa Engineer,” Nov. 1917, p. 56; 5 fig. A Portable Belt Conveyor. “ Metall. Chem. Eng.,” Dec. 1, p. 665; 2 fig. Modern Methods for the Storage of Coal. G. F. Zimmer. “Eng.,” Jan. 11, p. 30; Jan. 18, p. 57; 29 fig. Mid-Scotland Ship Canal. “ Times Eng. Suppit.,” Dec. 28, p. 253. Motor Truck v. Teams for Local Hauling Around the Mine. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 15, p. 1006; 2 fig. Rapid Railway Truck Discharge. “ Cheap Steam,” Jan., p. 9; 3 fig. Mono-Rail Telpher Plant at the Warrington Gas Works. “ Gas JI.,” Jan. 8, p. 62; 4 fig. Development of Lifting Appliances (Die neuere Entwick- lung der Hebezeuge). —. Hermanns. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” Nov. 16, p. 361; illus. Safety Attachments for Electric Cranes and Similar Inter- mittent Machines (Sicherheitseinrichtungen fur elek- trische Antriebe von Kranen und ahnlich intermittierend arbeitenden Maschinen). —. Ritz. “ E. T. Z.,” Nov. 15, p. 542. The Importance and Employment of Electric Runways in Gas Works (Die Elektronhangebahn, ihre Bedeutung und Anwendung im Gaswerk). —. Wintermeyer. “ JI. Gasbel.,” Nov. 3, p. 557; illus. Storage and Spontaneous Combustion of Coal. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 28, p. 1235. (From “ Metall. Chem. Eng.”) Coal and Shipping—XXV. : Coal Bunkering Craft. F. J. Warden-Stevens. “Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 18, p. 119; 4 fig. XXIX. —Sanitation, Diseases, etc. Housing Developments at Lee Park and Wanamie. E. H. Poggi. “Coal Age,” Dec. 8, p. 962; 6 fig. Malingering. F. S. Riordan. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 8, p. 967. XXX. —Mining Laws, Royalties. Property Rights and Mine Ownership (Grundeigentiim- recht und Bergwerkseigentum). H. Werneburg. “ Gliickauf,” Dec. 1, p. 855. Prussian and German Mining Law (Das Bergrecht Preus- sens und des weiteren Deutschlands). Prof. Dr. R. Miiller-Erzbach. Pt. 2. 300 pp. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1917. 12 mk. Notes on the Austrian Law on Damage by Subsidence (Beitrage zum oesterreichischen Bergschadenersatzrecht). —. Herbatschek. “ Bergb. u. Hiitte,” Nov. 15, p. 405. A Criticism of the Proposed Mining Law (Die Berggesetz- novelle im Lichte der Kritik). —. Kudielka. “Mont. Rdsch.,” Nov. 16, p. 589. Incidence of Taxation upon Metalliferous Mining. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 18, p. 123. (From paper by Prof. H. Louis, read before Instn. Min. Metall.) COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. NEW COMPANIES. Gold (W. H.) Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 85, Gracechurch-street, London E.C. Registered January 15. To carry on the business of tin-plate mer- chants, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 shares. Director, W. H. Gold. Jackson Brothers (Hyde) Limited. — Private company. Registered office, Spring Field Iron Works, Newton, Hyde, Chester. Registered January 16. To carry on the busi- ness of engineers and millwrights, and brass founders. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 shares. Directors: T. Jackson, Sarah Emily Jackson, W. A. Jackson, C. W. Jackson, and two others. Qualification of directors, 100 shares. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. An official cablegram states that the production of coal in British Columbia last year was valued approximately at 7,562,000 dols. The approximate value of the coke was 957,000 dols. THE FREIGHT MARKET. The volume of business done in the outward chartering market during the period under notice shows no improve- ment, the shortage of tonnage on offer at all coal export- ing ports continuing to be exceedingly severe. On the north-east coast, business done has been confined largely to French Atlantic ports, with, in addition, a fixture from Tyne to London at the firm rate of 21s., another to Gothen- burg at the somewhat improved figure of 185 kr., and a third to Stockholm at the firmer price of 200 kr. There is any amount of business on offer for other directions, but no fixtures have been possible in the absence of cargo space. Spain is still quoted at 180s. to Bilbao or Santander, and 300’s, to Barcelona, but the market has not been tested recently. It seems probable, judging by the highness of the rates to Barcelona from other British ports, that very much more money than 300s. will need to be paid if that port is fixed for at an early date from the north-east coast. Portu- guese directions are steady, at 115s. to Lisbon and 125s. to Oporto. The coaling stations are firm, at 100s. to Gibraltar and 200s. to Port Said. At South Wales, a new record for the Spanish Mediterranean has been set up by the payment of 440s. for a 2,500-ton steamer for Barcelona. The only other business done outside of French Atlantic ports is the engagement of a 2,000-ton vessel for Gibraltar at 100s. Very firm figures are on offer for all neutral destinations. The Mersey and the Clyde are each reported to have engaged tonnage for Barcelona at the high rate of 400s. Homewards, the River Plate is very quiet, neutral owners holding off to enforce higher rates if possible. At the United States, coal freights from Virginia to the Plate are unaltered from 125s. For heavy grain on Committee account, the Northern Range to French Atlantic is firm at 50s., with 75s. quoted for West Italy. On net form, the Range is quoted at 260s. to the French Atlantic;, with 360s. for West Italy. Lumber pays 131 dols. for Gulf to River Plate. At the Far East, Kurrachee to the United Kingdom is still quoted at 250s. on scale basis, whilst Bombay is listed, on d.w., at 440s. to West Italy, and 275s. to the United Kingdom. Haiphong-Saigon to France with rice is steady at 500s. Madras to Marseilles with kernels is firm, at 500s. The Mediterranean and Spanish ore ports are paying fully late rates for vessels. Tyne to Gothenburg, 1,650, 185 kr.; London, 1,050, 21s.; Stockholm, 2,600, 200 kr.; and Treport, 650, 46s., coke. Cardiff to Bordeaux, 2,100, 69s., neutral; 1,350 and 1,400, 34s., Allied; Barcelona, 2,500, 440s., Spanish steamer; Caen, 800, 48s., neutral; Charente, 1,800, 63s., neutral; Gibraltar, 2,000, 100s.; and Rouen, 1,500 and 1,600, 48s. 9d., neutral. Glasgow to Barcelona, 2,000, 400s. Swansea to Caen, 1,200, 1,450, and 1,500, 46s. 6d., neutral; 600, 700, and 800, 48s., neutral; Rouen, 1,300, 1,350, and 1,450, 48s. 9d., neutral; 1,900 and 2,100, 24s. 6d., Allied; Bordeaux, 2,500, 69s., neutral; and Trouville, 700, 48s., neutral, and 850, 47s. 6d., neutral. Tees to Dieppe range, 500, 65s., pig iron. Mersey to Barcelona, 3,000, 400s. Later.—The following additional fixtures are announced : Tyne to Gibraltar, 2,500, 100s.; and Gothenburg, 1,600, 180 kr. Cardiff to Cherbourg, 1,250, 47s. 3d., neutral; Rouen, 1,400, 48s. 9d., neutral; and Tonnay Charente, 1,800, 63s., neutral. Swansea to Caen, 1,120 and 1,400, 46s. 6d., neutral. The rate from the Tyne to the Spanish Mediterranean is now quoted at 400s. to Barcelona, in conformity with the figures at which tonnage for Barcelona has been arranged at other British ports. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Acton, February 4.—Steam coal, household coal, coke, coke breeze (12 months) for the Urban District Council. Forms from the surveyor, Council Offices, Acton. Cheshunt, February 5.—Coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from the engineer, Manor House, Cheshunt. Earby (Yorkshire), February 9.—Anthracite coal and tar (12 months) for the Urban District Council. Forms from the surveyor, Council Offices. Leeds, February 11. — Coal (12 months). Forms from the Waterworks engineer, Great George-street, Leeds. Neston (Cheshire), January 30.—About 400 tons slack burgie or coal for the Council Waterworks. Forms from the surveyor, Town Hall, Neston. Southgate, February 12.—Coke, tar or tar slack (six or 12 months) for the Urban District Council. Forms from the surveyor, Council’s depot, Southgate. Tobercurry (Ireland), January 28. — 50 tons best (screened) house coal delivered at Workhouse, Tobercurry. Tenders to the clerk. Wandsworth, February 7.—Coal, coke, and tar for the Borough Council. Forms from the town clerk, Council House, Wandsworth. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. BeIhill, February 8.—Tar.— Distilled tar, tarvia, or other compounds for tar-spraying (about 40,000 gals.). Tenders to the borough surveyor, Town Hall, Bexhill. Madrid, March 22.—Railway.—Secondary railway from Villaodrid to Villafranca del Bierzo. Estimated cost, 51,165,079 pesetas. Tenders to Direccion-General de Obras Publicas, Ministerio de Forhento, Madrid. Distribution of Coal in France.—A Presidential Decree, dated January 7, extends the provisions of the Decree of December 4, 1914 (authorising the Minister of Finance to advance up to 15,000,000 fr. to the State Railways, to facili- tate the purchase and distribution of coal to civilians during the war) to the supply of fuel to industrial works and the public service. A special account is to be kept by the State Railways of the expenses incurred in the distribution of house coals. The Minister of Munitions is to fix the tonnage and origin of the coals affected by the Decree, and also the unit prices of each grade, and the various charges which may be added thereto.