January 25, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 189 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature. Ann. Glaser=Annalen fiir Gewerbe und Bauwesen Ann. Min. Fr.=Annales des Mines (de France) Bergb.=Bergbau Bergb. u. IIutte=Bergbau und Hiitte Bergw. Bl.=Bergwirtschaftliche Rundschau Bergw. Mitteil.=Bergwirtschaftliche Mitteilungen B. H. Rdsch.=Berg- und Hiittenmannische Rund- schau Blk. Diamond=Black Diamond Braunk.=Braunkohle Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.=Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers Bull. Can. Min. Inst.=Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute, Montreal Bull. Imp. Inst.^Bulletin of the Imperial Institute Bull. Soc. Enc.=Bulletin de la Societe d’Encour- agement pour 1’Industrie Nationale Bull. Soc. Ind. Min.=Bulletin de la Soci6t6 de 1’Industrie Minerale Bull. St. E.=Bulletin et Comptes Rendus Men- suels de la Society de 1’Industrie Minerale Can. Engin.=Canadian Engineer Can. Min. Jl.=Canadian Mining Journal Cassier’s Eng. Mthly.=Cassier’s Engineering Monthly Chem. Z.=Chemiker Zeitung Ch. Ind.=Chemische Industrie Coal Tr. Bull.=Coal Trade Bulletin Colliery Guard.=Colliery Guardian Compr. Air Mag.=Compressed Air Magazine Compt. R.=Comptes Rendus de 1’Academie des Sciences Compt. R. Soc. Ind. Min.=Comptes Rendus de la Societe de 1’Industrie MinSrale Dingl. J.=Dinglers Polytechnisches Journal El. Anz.=Elektrotechnischer Anzeiger El. Bahnen=Elektrische Kraftbetriebe u. Bahnen El. Rev.=Electrical Review El. u. Masch.=Elektrotechnik und Maschinenban El. Wld.=Electrical World Eng.=Engineering Engin.=Engineer Eng. Rev.=Engineering Review E. T. Z.=Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift Feuerungstechn.=Feuerungstechnik Fordertechn.=F6rdertechnik Gas Engin. Mag.=Gas Engineer’s Magazine and Gas Industries Gas. Jl.=Gas Journal Gas Wld.=Gas World Gliickauf=Gliickauf Ind. and Eastn. Engin.=Indian and Eastern Engineering Ind. Chim. Min. and Met.=L’Industria Chimica Mineraria e Metallurgica Ind. El.=lndustrie Electrique Ind. Eng.=lndian Engineering Ind. JI. Med. Res.=Tndian Journal of Medical Research Ind. Man.industrial Management Iron Coal Tr. Rev.=Iron and Coal Trades Review Jahrb. Geol. Berlin=Jahrbuch der Kgl. Preuss. Geologischen Landesanstalt Jahrb. Geol. Wien=Jahrbuch der K. K. Geologi- schen Reichsanstalt Jahrb. Sachsen=Jahrbuch fiir das Berg- und Hiittenwesen im Konigreich Sachsen Jahrb. Wien=Berg- und Huttenmannisches Jahr- buch der K. K. Montanistischen Ilochschu- len zu Leoben und Pribram •Ternk. Ann.=Jern-Kontorets Annaler JI. Am. Chem. Soc.=Journal of the American Chemical Society JI. Chem. Met. and Min. Soc. S. Africa=Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa JI. Chem. Soc. = Journal of the Chemical Society JI. Frankl. Inst.=Journal of the Franklin Institute JI. Gasbel.=Journal fiir Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung JI. Geol.=Journal of Geology JI. Ind. Eng. Chem.=Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry JI. I. St. Inst.=Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute JI. Monm. Colly. Offls. Assocn.=Journal of the Monmouthshire Colliery Officials’ Association JI. M. Sch. Techn.=Journal of the Municipal School of Technology, Manchester JI. R. Soc. Arts=Journal of the Royal Society of Arts JI. S. Afr. Instn. Engin.=Journal of the South African Institution of Engineers JI. Soc. Chem. Ind.=Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry JI. State Med.=Journal of State Medicine JI. S. Wales Colly. Offls. Assocn.=Journal of the South Wales Colliery Officials’ Association JI. W. Soc. Engin.=Journal of the Western Society of Engineers Kohle Erz=Kohle und Erz La Metall.=La Metallurgie Lehigh Empl. Mag.=Lehigh Valley Employes Magazine Man. Rec.=Manufactnrers Record Mem. Geol. Survey Scotld.=Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Scotland Mem. Soc. Ing. Civ.=Memoires et Comptes Ren- dus des Travaux de la Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France Metall. Chem. Eng.=Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering • Metall Erz=Metall und Erz Min. Eng. and El. Rec.=Mining, Engineering and Electrical Record Min. Eng. Rev.=Mining and Engineering Review Min. Eng. Wld.=Mining and Engineering World Min. Mag.=Mining Magazine Mitteil. Geol. Elsass=Mitteilungen der Geologi- schen Landesanstalt von Elass-Lothringen Mitteil. Marksch.=Mitteilungen aus dem Mark- scheidwesen Mont. Rdsch.=Montanistische Rundschau Oel- u. Gasmasch.=Oel- und Gasmaschine Oest. Ch. T. Ztg.=Oesterreichische Chemiker- u. Techniker Zeitung Oest. Z.=Ocsterreichischc Zeitschrift fiir Berg- u. Hiittenwesen Pract. Eng.=Practical Engineer and Engineers’ Gazette Proc. Am. Inst. Electr. Engin.=Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Proc. Engin. Soc. W. Penn. = Proceedings of the Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania Proc. Inst. Civ. Engin.=Proceedings of the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers Proc. Inst. Meeh. Engin.^Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Proc. Shef. Soc. Engin.=Proceedings of the Shef- field Society of Engineeis and Metallurgists Proc. S. Wales Inst.=Proceedings of the South Wales Institute of Engineers Queensld. Govt. Min. Jl.=Queensland Government Mining Journal Rev. Metall.=Revue de la Metallurgie Rev. Min.=Revista Minera, Metalurgica y de Ingenieria Riv. Sc. Tec. Comm.=Rivista Scientifica, Tecnica e Commerciale Ry. Gaz.=Railway Gazette S. Afr. Min. Jl.=South African Mining Journal Sc. and Art Min.=Science and Art of Mining Ship. Wld.=Shipping World St. u. E.=Stahl und Eisen Techn. Bl.=Technische Blatter (Wochenbeilage der Deutschen Bergwerkszeitung) Techn. Tidskr.=Teknisk Tidskrift Techn. u. Wirtsch.=Technik u. Wirtschaft (Mon- atschrift der Vereins deutscher Ingenieure) Times Eng. Suppit.=The Times Engineering Sup- plement Trans. Inst. Engin. Ship. Scotld. transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Ship- builders in Scotland Trans. Inst. Min. Eng. transactions of the Insti- tution of Mining Engineers Trans. Mchester. Geol. transactions of the Man- chester Geological and Mining Society Trans. Min. Geol. Inst. Ind.transactions of the Mining and Geological Institute of India Trans. Min. Inst. Scotld.transactions of the Mining Institute of Scotland Trans'. N. Engl. Inst, transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechani- cal Engineers Univ. Ill. Bull.=University of Illinois Bulletin Verh. Gewerbfleiss.=Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Beforderung des Gcwerbfleisses Wiener Dampfk. Z.=Zeitschrift der Dampfkessel- untersuchungs- u. Versicherungs-Gesellschaft A.G. Z. angew. Chem.=Zeitschrift fiir ungewandte Chemie Z. Bayer. Rev. V.=Zeitschrift des Bayerischen Revisions-Vereins Z. Bergb. Betr. L.=Zeitschrift des Zentralver- bandes der Bergbau-Betriebsleiter Oesterreichs Z. B. H. S.=Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Hiitten- u. Salinen-Wesen im Preussischen Staate Z. Dampfk. Bctr.=Zeitschrift fiir Dampfkessel u. Maschinenbetrieb Z. Elcktro-Chem.== Zeitschrift fur Elektro-Chemie Z. d. Ing.=Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Inge- nieure Z. Geol. Ges.=Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologi- schen Gesellschaft Z. Kalteind.=Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Kiilte- industrie Z. Schiess. Sprengst.=Zeitschrift fiir das ge- sammte Schiess- und Sprengstoffwesen Z. Turb. Wes.=Zeitschrift fiir Turbinen-Wesen I.—General. The Foundations of the Mining Industry in Poland (Die Grundlagen der Montanindustrie im Konigreich Polen). —. Petraschek. “Mont. Rdsch.,” Aug. 16, p. 425; Sept. 1, p. 451; Sept. 16, p. 470; Oct. 1, p. 506; illus. Subsidence Damage to Tramway Lines and its Prevention (Bergschaden an Strassenbahngleisen mit einer Anleit- ung zu deren Erkennung, Beseitigung und moglichster Verhiitung). —. Hartkopf. “ Zentralb. Bauv.,” Sept. 22, p. 485; Sept. 26, p. 490; illus. The Economic Resources of Fife. F. J. Johnston. “ Sc. and Art Min.,” Dec. 29, p. 204. Power Plant Accounting. W. A. Taller. “ Cassier’s Eng. Mthly.,” Jan., p. 37. Problems of Employment. “ Cassier’s Eng. Mthly.,” Jan., p. 45. Recovery of Sulphur from Illinois Coals. J. E. Pogue. “ Metall. Chem. Eng.,” Nov. 15, p. 584. The Coal and Electricity Question in Switzerland. “ Engin.,” Jan. 1, p. 24. Wages and Profits in British Industries. E. T. Good. “ Engin.,” Jan. 18, p. 47. Mineral Riches as Biological and Political Factors (Boden- schatze als biologische und politische Faktoren). Prof. Dr. W. Roth. 39 pp. J. Springer, Berlin, 1917. 1 mk. The Coal Reserves of the World (Die Kohlenvorrate der Welt). 182 pp.; 22 fig. F. Enke, Stuttgart. 7 mk. II. —Education. Technical Education and Training. W. G. Cass. “ Cassier’s Eng. Mthly.,” Jan., p. 57. III. —Geology. The Coal Fields and Coal Industry of Eastern Canada. F. W. Gray. “ Can. Dept. Mines Bull. 14.” Anticlinal Seams in the Donnersmarck Pit (Das Auftreten der Sattelfloze im Steinkohlenbergwerk Donnersmarck). —. Brandenberg. “Mitteil. Marksch.,” No.1/2, p. 28; illus. Coal Field Surveys in New Zealand. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 11, p. 72. (From Report of the Geol. Survey, Mines Dept., New Zealand.) IVi—Mine Surveying. Surveying and Mapping. W. L. Owens. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 8, p. 960; 1 fig. Thick and Thin Wire for Plumbing Shafts (Dicker und diinner Schachtlotdraht). —. Wilski. “ Mitteil. Marksch.,” No. 1/2, p. 24. VI.—Working of Minerals. The Winning of Coal and Brown Coal in Germany (Stein- kohlen- und Braunkohlengewinnung im Deutschen Reiche). —. Franke. “Verh. Gewerbfleiss.,” June; 105 illus. Portsmouth-Solvay Plant in Kentucky. T. de Verihey. “ Coal Age,” Nov. 24, p. 890; 2 fig. American Notes. S. Dean. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.” (vol. 54, pt. 3), Dec. 17, p. 225. The Working of Seams having Frail Roofs. J. W. Case. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 28, p. 715; 3 fig. (Paper read before Midld. brnch. Natl. Assocn. Colly. Mgrs.) Turbinair Ironclad Coal Cutter. A. Y. Hoy. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Dec. 15, p. 33; 3 fig. Coal Mining by Stripping Methods. E. C. Drum. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Dec. 15, p. 39. (Paper read before Coal Mining Inst., Pittsburg.) Bucket Scoops for Mining Brown Coal (Baggermaschinen fiir Braunkohlengewinnung). H. Hermans. “ Gliickauf,” Dec. 15, p. 887; 3 fig.. Development of Mechanical Coal-Cutting in the Ostrau- Karwin District (Die Entwicklung der maschinellen Schramarbeit im Ostrau-Karwiner Reviere). —. Rybak. “Bergb. u. Hiitte,” Nov. 15, p. 391. Mining Thin Coals. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 18, p. 122. (From “ Can. Dept. Mines Bull. 15.”) VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Apparatus for Measuring Dip and Strike of Strata in Deep Boreholes, and the Deviation from the Vertical (Kritische Beuerteilung der Apparate zur Bestimmung des Streich- ens und Fallens der Schichten in Tiefen Borldchern und der Abweichung der letzteren aus der Lotrechten). —. Henke. “ Techn. BL,” Nov. 21, p. 117; illus. Care and Maintenance of Cutter Parts. A. F. Fors. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 4, p. 31. (From “ Coal Age.”) Testing and Maintaining the Efficiency of Drills. H. H. Hodgkinson. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 11, p. 73. (From “ Eng. Min. JI.”) VIII. —Explosives, Blasting. Blasting with Liquid Air at Kladno (Ueber die Erfahr- ungen beim Sprengen mit flussiger Luft in den Stein- kohlengruben der Buschterader Eisenbahn in Kladno). —. Nemejc. “ Mont. Rdsch.,” Aug. 16, p. 423. Calculating the Explosion Temperature of Explosives which Leave Solid Residues (Beitrag zur Berechnung der Explosionstemperatur von Explosivstoffen mit festen Riickstanden). Hofwimmer and Heckel. “ Z. Schiess. Sprengst.,” 2nd Oct. No. (1917), p. 365. (The true specific heat of the residues must not be left out of con- sideration.) Possibilities in Chemical Explosives (Chemische Spreng- stoffmoglichkeiten). —. Stettbacher. “ Z. angew. Chem.,” Nov. 6, p. 269. (The chemistry of explosives and its possible development.) IX. —Timbering, Packing, etc. Comparative Strength of the Neubauer and Cemented Brick Methods of Roadway Lining (Rechnerische Untersuch- ungen des Streckenausbaues “ System Neubauer ” und Vergleich seiner Festigkeit mit jener von Ziegelzement- mauerwerk).- —. Neubauer. “ Mont. Rdsch.,” Sept. 16, p. 473; Oct. 1, p. 509; Oct. 16, p. 539; illus. Timbering in Brown Coal Mining (Der Streckenausbau im Braunkohlenbergbau). —. Herwegen. “ Braunk.,” Sept. 28, p. 213; Oct. 5, p. 221; Oct. 12, p. 229; Oct. 19, p. 237; illus. The Preservation of Timber (Die Konservierung von Holz). —. Simmersbach. “ Ann. Glaser,” Aug. 15, p. 49. Squeeze in the Maxwell Shaft. D. C. Ashmead. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 15, p. 1004; 4 fig. Wasting Anthracite by Culm Flushing. E. B. Wilson. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 15, p. 1017. Coal Conveyor in a Thin Bed. D. C. Ashmead. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 1, p. 926; 1 fig. National Forestry Scheme. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 11, p. 73. (From Report of Forestry Sub-Committee of Reconstruction Committee.) X.—Surface Arrangements. The Simplex Air Lock. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 28, p. 723; 3 fig. Tipping Dirt at Earnock Colliery. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 28, p. 726; 1 fig. Safety First Provisions at an Anthracite Colliery. D. C. Ashmead. “Coal Age,” Dec. 8, p. 965; 5 fig. XI.—Winding and Haulage. Critical Points and Load Moments in Winding Ropes (Kritische Stellen und Belastungsmomente beim Schacht- forderseile). —. Wirtz. “ Bergb.,” Sept. 13, p. 569. Mechanical Haulage Auxiliaries (Maschinelle Hilsforder- ungen). —. Fromlawitz. “ Kohle Erz,” Aug. 8, p. 391; illus. Factors Determining the Prime Cost of Electrical Winding Engines (Ueber den Einfluss der Fordermittel, Forder- weise und Maschinenbauart auf die Herstellungskosten elektrischer Schachtfordermaschinen). —. Winkel. “ Fordertechn.,” Aug. 1, p. 113; Sept. 15, p. 135; illus. Novel Self-Acting Plane. J. A. Smith. “ Coal Age,” Nov. 24, p. 885; 1 fig. Improving Haulage Facilities at Brown Coal Mines (Braunkohlenforderbahnen). —. Metz. “ Braunk.,” Sept. 21, p. 205; illus. Otis Passenger Elevator at Inspiration Shaft. C. E. Arnold. “Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” Dec. 1917, p. 2019; 1 fig- Lift for Winding Men. C. E. Arnold. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 11, p. 82. (From paper presented to Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.) Storage Battery Locomotives. B. F. Faust. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Dec. 15, p. 52. (Paper read before Natl. Min. Inst., America.) The Most Important Safety Catches for Shaft Winding (Die wichtigsten Fangvorrichtungen fiir die Bergwerks- Schachtfbrderung). —. Wintermeyer. “ Fordertechn.,” Nov. 1, p. 158; illus. (Undeutsch, Miinzner, Hoppe, and Grafe catches.) Notes on Winding (Betrachtungen uber die Schachtfbrder- ung). —. Macka. “ Bergb. u. Hiitte,” Nov. 15, p. 398; illus. Factor of Safety of Wire Winding Ropes. J. A. Vaughan. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 28. p. 1231. (Paper read before S. Afric. Inst. Engin.) XII (.—Lighting. Economising the Colliery Electric Lighting Supply. L. Fokes. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 28, p. 717. XV.—Mine Gases, Testing. The Ignition Temperature of Gaseous Mixtures. “ Eng.,” Dec. 28, p. 692. XVI. —Coal Dust. Rock Dust to Check Explosions. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Dec. 15, p. 27. (From “ U.S. Bureau Mines Year Bk.”) XVII. —Explosions. Notes on some of the Chief Explosions in Prussian Mines in 1916 (Mitteilungen uber einige der bemerkenswert- esten Explosionen beim preussischen Steinkohlen- bergbau im Jahre 1916). “ Z. B. H. S.,” pt. 2, p. 129; illus. Outbursts of Explosive Gases in the Crow’s Nest Pass Coal Field, British Columbia. J. Ashworth. 8vo. 15 pp.; 5 fig. J. Ashworth, 921, Drake-street, Van- couver. 1 dol. XVIII.—Mine Fires. Rules and Regulations to be Followed for the Prevention of Fires. “ Coal Age,” Nov. 24, p. 884. Spontaneous Heating of Coal. Prof. G. Knox. “ Gas JL,” Jan. 15, p. 110; 1 fig. XIX. —Rescue and Ambulance. Oxygen Mine Rescue Apparatus. F. W. Gray. “ Can. Min. JL,” Dec. 1, p. 463. Organising Safety Work in Mines. H. M. Wilson and J. R. Fleming. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 11, p. 68. (From “ U.S. Bureau of Mines Techn. Paper 103.”) XX. —Drainage, Pumping, etc. Neutralising Acid Pit Water (Saure Grubenwasser und ihre Entsauerung). —. Salomon. “ Braunk.,” Sept. 21, p. 205. Pumps for Deep Wells (Tiefbrunnenpumpen). —. Oesch. “ Z. Turb. Wes.,” Oct. 10, p. 273; Nov. 11, p. 305; illus. Pumping at the Monteponi Mine (Eduzione delle acque nella Miniera di Monteponi). A. Binetti. “Riv. Sc. Tec. Comm.,” Dec. 25, p. 371. The Application of Diaphragm Pumps to Metallurgical Work. L. B. Eames. “ JL Chem. Met. and Min. Soc. S. Africa,” Oct. 1917, p. 95; 6 fig. Air Required to Operate Air Lift. A. W. Allen. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 4, p. 31. (From “Eng. Min. JL”)