January 25, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 167 By Tests The Best “SINGLE HOOD” ACTUAL RESULTS OF TRIALS INCREASE IN EVAPORATION. These tests were carried out at one of the largest Collieries in the United Kingdom. “PERFECTA” BOILER CIRCULATOR Ltd., 39, Victoria Street, LONDON, S.W. 1. Albert Frosts - HoumrdSt. Sheffield. “union” brand RED LABEL. “DELIVERIES0 ° FROM STOCK» ■ -■ ■' • < ■C ■' Sullivan Ironclad COAL CUTTERS represent the latest and most approved practice in modern coal cutting machinery. They are the only machines with the chain haulage and friction clutch—the two greatest improvements in Coal Cutters in recent years. “Ask the Man who has one” Send for Catalogue 3073 A. SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO. (Established 1850), Salisbury House, London, E.C. 2. DISTRICT AGENTS. SWINBURNE & HARDIE, Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. F. J. LYONS-DAVIS, 23, Victoria Avenue, Cardiff. ROBERT LAVERICK, 2, Claremont Gardens, Nottingham. ARCHIBALD BAIRD & SON LTD., Hamilton, Scotland. JOHN WOOD & SONS LTD., Wigan.