January 11, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 103 The PREMIER Screen in the WORLD is Norton’s Patent Horizontal Main Screen .... Ife REQUIRES NO SPECIAL FOUNDATION. Will work continuously WITHOUT BOLTING DOWN. Will Screen more efficiently than any other screen. Over 150 Screens now at work. For PERFECT sizing & loading USE PULSATING CONVEYORS AND PULSATING LOADING JIBS (NORTON'S PATENTS) ^‘NORTON’S PATENT HORIZONTAL MAIN SCREEN AND COMBINED PICKING CONVEYOR, fitted with our Patent Air Cushioning Cylinders. The Screen illustrated is 5 ft. 6 in. wide, having four decks, and will deal with 125 tons of coal per hour separated into four sizes, and passing the large coal without any fall to the Picking Conveyor. NORTONS (TIVIDALE) Ltd., HECLA Works, Tipton, England. TUBE MANUFACTURERS EDWIN LEWIS & SONS LTD., WOLVERHAMPTON. Works: MONMORE GREEN and ETTINGSHALL. LIVERPOOL Warehouse: 58, SOUTH JOHN STREET. Telegrams: “LEWIS, WOLVERHAMPTON." Telepbone: No. 1147 WOLVERHAMPTON (Private Brandl Exchange). Bl SMALLMAN patent HAULAGE CLIPS. British Patents No. 8476 of 1906 ; No. 19533 of 1910 ; No. 9983 of 1911 ; and No. 4362 of 1912. Automatic Detachment. 1912 Pattern ; nine sizes. A and B Couplings and many others. The 1912 lever has large lateral stops and a wedge-shaped shouldered head. The catch C is not essential. Drop-Forged Shells. Drop-Forged Catches. Drop-Forged Levers. Drop-Forged Couplings. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Patentee and Sole Manufacturer:— BRIQUETTE MACHINERY. IS 1^2 NEW PATENTED IMPROVEMENTS. Rohl Sheepscar Foundry, Leeds, England. SOLE PATENTEES AND MAKERS. Telegraphic Address—“ Hydraulic, Leeds.” Telephone—No. 214 Leeds. “ABC ” 5th Edition, and Lieber’s Telegraphic Codes used. PRESSURES* ■k GAUGE | GLASS, J WASHERS y LUBRICATORSetc U5T5 o* pppi/cppop. MISSES J.B. , TREASURE CrC9, VflUXHflLL R° LIVERPOOL Haughton’s Patent Metallic Packing For Glands of Steam Engines of all types, Mill Engines, Locomotives, Electric Light Sets, Colliery Winding Engines, &c., &c., suitable for high or low pressure. Also largely used for HYDRAULIC GLANDS, PUMPS, ACCUMULATORS, HYDRAULIC RAMS, LIFTS, &c. HAUGHTON’S PATENT METALLIC PACKING is working with great satisfaction on High Pressure Engines up to 250 lb. and even 300 lb. steam pressures in connection with Electric Power Plant, and is also giving great satisfaction on low pressure engines, as used at Mi Ils, Collieries, &c. It is suitable for either continuous working or intermittent work, and for the largest piston rods as well as small valve spindles. Haughton’s Patent Metallic Packing Co. Id., 30, St. Mary-at-Hill, London, E.C. 3.