94 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 11, 1918. Telephone—4560 (two lines). Telegrams—** Belting, Sheffield.'* RENTON HOLDSWORTH & CO. LTD., Belting and Rubber Manufacturers, Offices: NORFOLK STREET. SHEFFIELD. Works: SYCAMORE STREET. Speciality : CONVEYOR BELTINfi. DRIVING BELTS. Telephone- 687 Central. Telegrams— “ Octagon, Sheffield.” Neepsend Rolling Mills, SHEFFIELD, MANUFACTURERS OF OCTAGON, ROUND & CRUCIFORM TOOL STEEL; COAL-CUTTER PICKS, files, hammers, drills, &c., &c. CABLE: A.B C. CODE. Telegraphic Address: “ Hag-gie, Gateshead.” Telephones: 3067, 3068. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. HAGGIE BROS. LTD., ESTABLISHED 1800. GA d ESBBEA T^NEa OF NELSON COLUMN FAME. W. E. HARRISON, Practical Steeplejack, Regent Terrace, SHEFFIELD, for Repairs, Additions and Renewals to Tall Brick & Iron Chimney Stacks, Lighthouses, Church Spires, etc. MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF w Jr h n I « fl P M «- ■r j iW -J-. n H I1 ■ LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS : : A SPECIALITY. : : AWARDED 3 GOLD MEDALS FOR EXCELLENCY. A trial in any part of the country solicited. ROUND AND FLAT WIRE ROPES for Collieries, Mines, Cable-Tramways, Incline Haulage, Aerial Ropeways, Power Transmission, Cranes, Derricks, Elevators, Steam Ploughs, Suspension Bridges, Pit Guides. FLATTENED STRAND HAULAGE AND WINDING ROPES. LOCKED COIL WINDING ROPES AND PIT GUIDE ROPES. Standing Rigging fitted complete, Wire Signal Lines for Railways and Collieries, Lightning Conductors, etc. Also all kinds of Round and Flat Hemp and Manilla Ropes, Coir Ropes, etc. NON-SPINNING ROPES. Guaranteed absolutely free from any spin whatever. Specially adapted for SINKING purposes to any depth, and for use on CRANES; has 25 per cent. Greater Breaking Strain than ordinary constructed ropes, and contains Exceptional Flexibility combined with Durability. LONDON OFFICE : 34, Fenchurch Street, E.C. GLASGOW OFFICE : 134, St. Vincent Street. Telephone, 1595 Avenue. CARDIFF STORE : W. H. Tucker, 3, 4 d 5, West Bute St. SOUTH AFRICAN AGENT : HULL STORE : Jas. Ruthven, St. Andrew’s Dock. D. Cullen, M.E., Loveday St., Johannesburg.