66 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 11, 1918. Workmen employed over 15,000. Complete Stone Breaking and Ore Crushing Plants. SPECIALITY ‘Heclon’ Rock & Ore Breaker. Sole Makers of HADFIELD’S PATENT “Era” Manganese Steel THE SUPREME MATERIAL for the Wearing Parts of Stone Breaking and Ore Crushing Machinery, etc. Colliery & Mining Wheels & Axles A SPECIALITY. HADFIELDS SPECIAL “COAL CUT” STEEL FOR COAL CUTTER BITS IS UNSURPASSED FOR DURABILITY. Steel Castings and Forgings OF ALL KINDS. HADFIELDS Ltd. Works area over 200 acres. Hecla & East Hecla Works, Sheffield, England. London Office: Norfolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill, E.C. 4. LATCH & BATCHELOR LD. Wire Drawers, Manufacturers of all classes of Wire Ropes. Patentees smd Manufacturers ox LOCKED COIL AND FLATTENED STRAND WIRE ROPES. HAY MILLS, near BIRMINGHAM. gPENCER & QO, LD Engineers, Fig. 2. HAULING. Figl.t.L'HAULING.; Fig. 13a. SINKING. $ Lang’s Lay Ropes. Patent Flattened Strand Ropes. Advantages of Patent Flattened .Strand Ropes. 1. Greater wearing surface,(therefore longerllife of rope and less wear upon pulleys. | 2. Greater strength, thereby admitting of smaller ropes being used for existing loads, or of increased loads without increase in size of rope. 3. Spliced easily and more effectively. 4. Less tendency to twist and stretch in working. Fig. 13a for Sinking and Fig. 11b for Cranes, &c., are non-twisting. Fig. 26. WINDING. Fig. 4. WINDING. Fig. 11b. CRANE. &c. Fig. 15a. WINDING Locked Coil Ropes, Indispensable for deep shafts. Stronger than any other rope of same size. Entirely free from twist. Smooth surface reduces wear to a minimum. Duration far ahead of any other construction. Fig. 20. GUIDE. WIRE ROPES OF ALL KINDS. Agent^ for Yorks, Notts. Derby & Leicester— YEADON, SON & CO., Albion Place, LEEDS, Melksham BRANCH OFFICES. WILTS HULL— Burnett Avenue. CARDIFF- 92, Claude Road. LONDON- 32> Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 4 LIVERPOOL- 34, Castle Street. Write to the M anufacturers for details of their Carbic Portable Welding and Cutting Plants. “ FOOL-PROOF” describes the Carbic Weld- ing and Cutting Plant. The Generator consists of but four portions, and is entirely without moving parts, valves, or anything liable to stick. It’s a model of ‘ fool-proof ’ simplicity. The control is automatic, and each Carbic Cake is guaranteed to produce a stated number of cubic feet of acetylene either by con- tinuous or intermittent use. SPECIALISTS IN ACETYLENE. 5!. HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON. E.C 1 The Avery Automatic ^^^f^ficiency. stalled in your pant means grea h g Weighs the coal fed to or ive ^riel on elevators, handled by gra , for particulars. < VVDV I TTl Automatic Dept. (J)» BIRMINGHAM. W. & T. AVERY LTD., Soho Foundry PI1W_______ W. B. BROWN & CO. (BANKHALL) LTD., Globe Works, Liverpool.