52 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 4, 1918. MACHINERY. Advertisements can be inserted under a Box number, and replies will be forwarded on payment of postage. Gillott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley ” Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tisement fortnightlv. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT & SON, Barnsley. For Sale.—One 45-kw. Electric Lighting SET. comprising vertical engine coupled to Siemens dynamo, 205 amps, 220 volts, 475/500 r.p.m. BIDDBL ft GO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. FOR SALE. Direct and Alternating Current Motors, DYNAMOS and GENERATING SETS, also SWITCHGEAR, INSTRUMENTS, CABLES, etc. Largest stock of Genuine Second-hand in the kingdom. THE PH(ENIX BLBCTBXOAL CO., Specialists in New and Sacond-hand Electrical Plant for quick delivery. 30-36, Broomielaw, Glasgow. For Sale, Horizontal Cross Coupled Drop Valve STEAM ENGINE, by Davey, Paxman & Co. Ltd., with cylinders 11$ in. and 20 in. diameter by 27 in. stroke, with or without inde- pendent surface condenser. Very fine engine. BARBT B. GABDAK ft OO. LTD., Staines. Air Compressors for Sale :— One Powerful " Ingersoll ” Horizontal Steam-driven Duplex Two- stage AIR COMPRESSOR, steam cylinders 13 and 24 inches diameter, air cylinders 9$ and 18$ inches diameter by 18 inches stroke, with intercooler and all connections. One Superior Cross Coupled Twin Belt-driven AIR COMPRESSOR, cylinders 16 inches diameter, 28 inches stroke, complete with steel air receiver. One Horizontal Two-stage Belt-driven AIR COMPRESSOR, with air receiver and connections; capacity 250 cubic feet One “Hernant” Steam driven AIR COMPRESSOR, by Larmuth, tandem type: capacity 275 cubic feet. One Belt-driven AIR COMPRESSOR, with steel air receiver, by The Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.; cylinder 10 inches diameter by 12 inches stroke; capacity 165 cubic feet. One Steam-driven AIR COMPRESSOR, by Tilghman, 9 inches steam, 7 inches air, 10 inches stroke. RIDDEL & OO.. 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. DIAMOND DRILL. Diamond or other Core Drill Wanted, with tubes and accessories. Also expert Driller.—Apply, Box 6932, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London. E.C. 4. For Sale.— 2/50- kw. GENERATING SETS, Browett-Siemens, 500 volts d.c. 1/150 „ „ Browett-Mavor & Couhon, 250 volts d.c. 1/150 „ „ Anderston Foundry, Mavor ft Coulson, 220 volts d.c. 1/172 „ „ Paul & Co , Mavor & Coulson, 220 volts d.c. 1/172 „ „ Paul & Co., Crompton, 500 volts d.c. 1/400-h.p. Triple Expansion, totally enclosed engine and condenser, by Beiliss & Morcom; equal to new. 2/500-kw. Exhaust Steam Turbine Sets, 220 volts d c. 1/500 „ „ „ „ 3 phase, 50 periods. B. WALKER, 2, Oswald-street, Glasgow. Wagons.—Wanted at once, purchase or hire, up to 100, 10/12 tonners, 5 doors preferred — Apply, Box 6940, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 ft 31, Furnival-street, Holborn* * London, E.C. 4. Wanted, Pair of Engines for Main and Tail Haulage. Diameter of cylinders 9 in. to 11 in. Drums to carry 3,000 yards of rope. To travel 45 miles per hour with good brake- power.—Apply, Box 6939, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanted, Air Compressor, steam-driven, 1,000/1,500 cub. ft. capacity, 80/100 lb. steam; by well-known makers.—Particulars and price to Box 6938, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 ft 31, Furnival-street. Holborn, London, E.C. 4. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield, HAVE FOR SALE: Pair. Endless Rope Hauling Engines, 22 in. cyls., with very fine helical gear and two fleeting wheels. These are exceptionally strong engines. Pair Ditto, 15 in. cyls., 30 in. stroke, with Corliss valves, double shrouded helical gear and flywheel: geared about 4$ to 1. By Grange Iron Co. FOR SALE 50 26 40 80 tons of New Slightly Defective FLANGE KAILS, 19| lb. per yard. 50 tons New Perfect STEEL FLANGE KAILS, 20 lb. per yard. tons New Perfect STEEL BRIDGE KAILS, 14 lb. per yard. sets, 14 lb.-30 in. gauge PORTABLE POINTS and CROSSINGS, and 60 yds. of curved track to suit. sets 14 lb.-24 in. gauge PORTABLE POINTS and CROSSINGS, also Turntables to suit. 12 S.H. TIP SKIPS, various sizes. 50 tons New 20 lb,. FLANGE RAILS and Accessories. 100 tons S.H. FLANGE RAILS, 20 lb. per yard. 20 tons S.H. FLANGE RAILS, 14/16 lb. per yard. 5,000 second-hand SLEEPERS, 3 ft. 6 in. by 6 in. by 4| in. 800 S.H. SLEEPERS, 8 ft. by 8 in. by 4 in. 300 tons of second-hand Creosoted CROSSING TIMBERS, 12 in. by 6 in.-15 in. by 7 in. by 9 ft. lengths. 4,000 yds. of New Steel 14 lb. PORTABLE RAILWAY, attached to Steel Sleepers, for 24 in. gauge, complete with Fishplates, Bolts and Nuts, Clips, etc, also Points and Crossings, Turntables, and Tipping Wagons to suit. 150 good second-hand FLAT-TOP BOGIES, for 24 in. gauge. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, Old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., new and second-hand rails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD FOR SALE. Two practically New Brick - making MACHINES, by Thos. C. Fawcett Ltd., each having two pairs of east iron rollers, each roll 2 ft. diam. by 2 ft. 6 in. wide, pugmill with two outlets delivering on to two hand-power wire cut-off tables. Patent Combined Stiff-plastic BRICK-MAKING and PRESSING MACHINE, by Herbert Alexander Ltd., mixes, tempers and feeds material into revolving moulding machine, and feeds automatically into powerful press. Patent Power-driven WIRE CUT-OFF TABLE, on box bed foundation, travelling table on vee slides, self-acting delivery for ten bricks. 5 ft., 5 ft. 5 in., 6 ft.. 6 ft. 6 in., and 7 ft. MORTAR MILLS. 6 ft. Over-driven PERFORATED REVOLVING MIXING PAN, by Thos. C. Fawcett Ltd., with light rollers 3 ft. diam. by 12 in. face, complete with gathering-up pan, etc. rjATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2*3,000 LOTS. free on application. Inspection invited. THO’W. WARD LIMITED, * Tel.—" Fobwabd, Shbffibld.” ALBION WORKS. SHEFFIELD. MACHINERY—continued. T^he Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. JL Telegrams—*’ Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). (Established 1888). Correspondence invited. WANTED. WAGONS.—Convert ad 8 or 10-tonners, bearing registration plates, end doors not necessary. MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL PATTERN, side tippers. BALLAST WAGONS, doors each side falling full length for internal works purposes only; also BATTENS for floors of wagons, 7 ft. by 7 in. by 2$ in. FOR SALE. LOCOMOTIVES.—Two with tenders attached. 6 wheels (4 coupled), cylinders 17 in. dia. by 24 in. stroke, working pressure 150/165 lb., copper fireboxes, steel tubes, ready for immediate work, having recently been overhauled and painted. Every facility afforded for inspection on appointment at Taunton, G. W.R. These two Locomotives were built by B-yer. Peacock & Co., afterwards rebuilt by the Great Western Railway Company, Nos. 212 and 213, for experimental purposes at Watchet, July Sth, 1912 See The Engineer, dated July 12th, 1912, also other Engineering and Local papers about that date. Have not worked since, and have all along been under cover. STEEL RAILS, with fastenings if required. About 300 tons in stock, ready for loading. List on application. SLEEPERS —Wood or steel. TARPAULINS.—6 good second-hand, about 20 ft. by 14 ft., complete with eyelets, tie ropes and tabs, re-dressed, painted and initialled, on rail at Cardiff. BLAST FURNACE SLAG.—Any quantity if taken "as raised.” TELEGRAPH POLES (new, creosoted).—3 by 30 ft., 3 by 26 ft., also 8 by 18 ft.; butts 7$ in. to 8 in. and 5 in. to 5$ in. at top; ready for loading at Cardiff. B.B.B. IRON, 50/60 bars, 9 in. by 13/16 in., in about 15 ft. lengths, f.o.t. Cardiff. SPRING STEEL BARS —About 4 tons, 3$ in. by $ in. WAGONS FOR MAIN LINE, also for works purposes. Every facility afforded for inspection, but sale subject to buyers obtaining permit from Ministry of Munitions. CAST IRON RAILWAY CHAIRS.-About 60 tons, ready for loading, good as new, suitable for flange rails, 70/75 lo. per yard, base about 4 in. SPECIAL. We are about rolling for collierv purposes :— (a) 200 tons 35 lb. FLANGE RA.IL'*. and about (&) 200 tons 41$ lb. FLANGE RAILS, lengths in each case not exceeding 18 ft., with Fishplates, Bolts, and Nuts to match. For Sale.—500-kw. Willans & Siemens TURBO-GENERATING SET. 500 volts. 3-phase. 50-3.000 r.p.m. B. WALKSB, 2. Oswald street, Glasgow. For Sale, one Hydraulic Dip Pump brass fitted. 500 to 2 000 gallons per hour, nearly ready for delivery BDWARD LUND, Engineer, Stockport. HUGH WOOD & CO. LTD Tel. Add.: “ Huwo^d,” Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tel.: 980 Central, Newcastle-on-Tyne. HAVE IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY:— HEADING MACHINE.—D.O., 500 volts. HEADING MACHINE —A.O.. 550 volts, 50 periods. BARREL STACKING M ACHINE. MOTORS.—A C., 440 volts, 50 cycles, 3 phase, 3-h.p. ,, 220 „ 50 „ 3 ,, 2 „ ,, 500 „ 50 „ 3 ,, 9 „ . ., 400 ,, 50 „ single „ 3 ,, AIR TURBINE.—15-h.p. LONG WALL and CENTRE GATE CONVEYOR CHAIN. CRUSHERS.—Jeffrey Single Roll Coal Crushers, reduce lump coal to stoker size in one operation, capacities fr^m 30 to 50 tons per hour. SPECIAL QUALITY COAL CUTTER HOSE. GIZA ANTI FRICTION ME L’AL. ALSO AVAILABLE FOR EARLY DELIVERY. CRUSHERS —Capacities 30 to 170 tons per hour. PULVERISERS.—Jeffrey Coal Pulverisers, reduce unscreened coal to dust, capacities 50 to lr0 tons ner hour. JEFFREY C IMPRESSED AIR LONGWALLS, suitable for UNDER- CUTTING and/or OVERCUTTING. HAULERS.—Single Drum Auxiliary Haulers, 10-h.p., British Westing- house electrical equipments; 750 yards of I in dia. rope. HAULERS.—Double Drum Auxiliary Haulers, 10-h.p., British Westing- house electrical equipment; 325 yards of i in. dia. rope ELECTRIC HAULERS—15 to 50-h.p. Single or Double Drum. HAULERS.—STEAM or COMPRESSED AIR, SINGLE or DOUBLE DRUM, 4 in. by 7 in.-5 in. bv 8 in.-7 in. by 9 in. CHAIN LONGWALL or CENTRE-GATE CONVEYORS. ELECTRIC D.C. or A.C. Steam or Compressed Air Drive. HUGH AATOOD & CO. LTD. FOR SALE. One "Walker” COMPOUND AIR-COMPRESSOR, steam cylinders, high pressure 30 in., low pressure 50 in.; air cylinders, high pressure 30 in., low pressure 44 in ; 5 ft. stroke, intercooler with 860 brass tubes, jet condenser and pump, capacity 4,000 cubic feet, 100 lb. pressure. Now dismantled, and ready for delivery. Makers, Walker Bros. Ltd., Pagefield Ironworks, Wigan. Weight. 132 tons. One SULZER PUMP,3 stage, 11 in. suction, 11 in. discharge. 1,500 gallons per minute, on 800 ft vertical lift, 1,480 revs., coupled to 500-h.p. induc- tion motor, 500 volts. 50 periods, liquid starter and gearing; equal to new. Two THREE-THROW GUTTERMUTH PUMPS, gunmetal rams, 6$ in. dia., 12 in. stroke, 180 r.p.m., capacity 1,000 gallons per minute against 800 ft. vertical lift, driven by induction motors 275-b h.p., 500 volts, 50 periods. Immediate delivery can be given. STEAM CRAB. No. 4 size, 30 cub. ft. capacity, suitable for lifting with rope or steam, driven by vertical cylinder attached to same, length open 72 in., closed 54 in . width 58 in., weight empty 22 cwt., weight with coal 35 cwt. suitable for working with a 3-ton crane. Makers, Grafton, Bedford. 90-h.p. GAS ENGINE, gas bag, improved fluctuator, low pressure, self- starter, all piping up to 20 ft., including exhaust pipe, gas pipe, water pioe. etc., weight 197 cwt. Cylinders 16 in. dia., 23 in. stroke; flywheel 7 ft. 9 in. by 10 in. face. Makers, Shardlow. This gas engine is practically new, and a bargain. THOS. OXLEY LTD., Shiloh Works, SHEFFIELD. Telephone—4630 (6 lines). Telegrams—"Ironical, Sheffield.” WANTED*— Steel Turnings, Shell Ends, Heavy Steel Scrap, Medium Turnings, Heavy Wrought, W.I. Pipes, C.I. Borings, Bundled Shearings and Bale Hoops, Light and Heavy Cast, Bundled Wire, Shafting, Mixed Borings and Turnings, any quantities. JOHN T. CORRY, PALMERSTON STREET, ANCOATS, MANCHESTER. Telephone, 6980 City. Telegram, ‘ Corry, Manchester.” New and DA I I Q with all Second-hand ■>I Lb^9j accessories. Points and Crossings. Slbbpbrs. Crossing Timbers, Portable Railway. Tip Wagons. Turntables. GOODWIN <& CO., No. 2 Dept., Queen Street, SHEFFIELD. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & 00. LTD. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. — Locomotives always in stock or in progress, — Tblxgbams—•• Locomotive." Workmanship and Materials of the Highest Quality. Built to any Specification or Gauge. PECKETT & SONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, BRISTOL. MACHINERY—continued, FOR SALE. Pair 22 in. Winding Engines, with drum 12 ft. dia. Pair Short Type WINDING ENGINES. 6 in. cyls., 10 in. stroke, drum 2 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 6 in.; built on steel girder frame. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. WAGONS. /^oal Factor requires to Purchase Wagons for cash, or on simple hire, 8,10, or 12 tonners —Replies to, Box 6919, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 ft 31, Furnival street. Holborn, London, E.C. 4. YXTanted, New or really good Second-hand ▼ V 28 in. to 30 in. WINDING ENGINES, 75 to 100 lb. pressure. Apoly, Box 6918, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 ft 31, Furnival-street* Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanted to Buy 40 or 50 Pit Corves, in good condition, 7 to 8 cwt. Also Pithill CORF WEIGH.—Apply*. JOHN SMITB, Gawber Colliery, near Barnsley. EDUCATION, YTniversal Mining School. Lessons by post. Thorough preparation for all Mining Exams. Syllabus and advice free. State your requirements. SOUTHERN and BALBAUM, 50, Oonnaught-road, Cardiff. PROPERTIES For Sale, or to Let as going concern, near Cardiff, WORKS, with RAILWAY SIDINGS and CART-ROAD to same, commanding Railway, Colliery and Forge work. The whole length of the land adjoining Rhymney B. ft M. & Pontypridd Npt. ft A. D. ft Railways (extending about 210 yards by 40, also pasture 100 yds. by 12. with Railways), containing about 12,400 sqr. yds., 2 leases 50/77 years to rim. Established 1871. Also Residence right by with 3 Living rooms* Hall, &c., 3 Bedrooms, Bathroom, w c., and other accommodations, including Outhouses and Stables. Inspection invited. Owner resigning through age. ENGINEERING ft BLY. WORKS ft FOUNDRY, CAERPHILLY. FINANCE, Directorship required in small Colliery (must be producing) by gentleman with £5.003 available. Par- ticulars to ARNOLD a CO. (London) LTD., Agents, 143, Cannon-street*. E.C. Estab. 1891. No result, no commission. MISCELLANEOUS, LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE COLLIERY UNDER-MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION. Headquarters—Bull’s Head Hotel, Market Street, Wigan. MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF COLLIERY UNDER-MANAGERS OF GREAT BRITAIN. rphe Council desire to make an earnest JL Appeal to all Under-Managers who are not yet members of any association to correspond with SEOBBTABY at the above Address* when Particulars of Membership will be forwarded, and Branches formed at Convenient Centres. Waste Timber.—Broken or Short Ends of Pit Props Wanted, lengths not less than 20 in. Quote lowest price per ton f.o.r.-BBNBY RICHARDS TILB CO., Tunstall, Staffs. \ XT anted, 28 Roof Principals, 53 ft. ▼ V over all span, suitable to carry timber and slate roof. Give sketch* full particulars, price and where can be seen.—Box 6936, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. VlfANTED TO PURCHASE, Iron Scrap and Old Machinery. State District and whether can be loaded Free on Truck. ALSO SEND QUOTATIONS FOR.— IRON ORE, SLAG, OLD SCRAP LEAD, ZINC, and any other Metals on Rails. Box 6852, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-st., Holborn, London, E.C. 4. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD. WAKEFIELD. And at MILBURN HOUSE, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, Tel. Address: “ Engineer, Wakefield." Tel.; 44 Wakefield; 867 Newcastle; 336 Doncaster. HAVE FOR SAL.E; Two Pairs HORIZONTAL ENGINES, by Marshall, Sons & Co., cyls. 11 in. by 14 in. stroke, with flywheel. Also One Ditto, by Davis & Co. One 10-h.p. PORTABLE ENGINE, by Clayton & Shuttle- worth, steam jacketed cyls. 101 in. dia. by 14 in. stroke,, flywheel d ft. 6 in. dia., etc. Pair CAPSTAN ENGINES, 9 in. dia. cyls., 16 in. stroke, 2 drums 5 ft. dia., geared 40 to 1, by Fowler & Co. One CAPSTAN HAULING ENGINE, double cylinder, 8 in. diam. by 18 in. stroke, drum 4 ft. dia. by 3 ft. 6 in. wide, drum flange 12 in. deep. Pair WINDING ENGINES, 26 in. dia. cyls, by 5 ft. stroke, drum 14 ft. dia. by 6 ft. wide, by J. & J. Joicey & Co. Ld. Pair Ditto, 16 in. dia. x 36 in. stroke, with drum 9 ft. dia. Makers, Swift Bros. VERTICAL BOILER, 6 ft. high x 2 ft. 6 in. dia., insured for 80 lb. pressure. One Ditto, 8 ft. high by 4 ft. 3 in. dia., new firebars and chimneys. One 12 ft. HEADGEAR PULLEY, with shaft and pedestal. C.I. BRICKING SEGMENTS for 16 ft. to 18 ft. pit. One Evans SINKING PUMP, 21 in. x 16 in. x 24 in. One DITTO, 21 in. by 12 in. by 24 in. One DITTO, 21 in. by 10 in. by 24 in. Please note R. H. LONGBOTHAM & Co. Ltd. always have- in stock, plant of every description for collieries, iron and steel works, contractors, &c., and are pleased to tender for purchase of plant. pot later Advertisement* and Scale of OBMNQgwa, * see P«