CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXV. The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, July 12, 1918. PAGE Ashton's (Mr. T.) Retirement ........... 751 Austria, Coal Situation in .............. 701 Austrian Coal, Proposed Tax on......... 440 Austrian Miners, Premiums for .........1095 Austrian Miners' Strike ................ 854 Belgium, Reconstruction on............. 852 Benevolent Association, Coal Trade 30, 396, 1196 Board of Trade J ournal ................ 29 ... Boiler Fuel Economics..................1314 Bradford Coal Merchants ..............1096 Brazil, Coal Mining in..................1143 Brazil, Coal Supply Board in ........... 848 British Columbia, Coal in.............. 388 British Columbia, Coal Output ......... 552 British Miners' Gift to Dutch Miners ... 433 Building after the War ................1155 Calcutta, Bunkering at ................ 849 Canada, Coal Shortage in............86, 1264 Canada, Shorter Working Day in ....^...1150 Canada, The Coal Areas of ............ 383 Canadian Coal Rights, Squatters Acquiring 747 Canadian Coal Saving .................. 858 Canal Traffic........................... 601 Canal Coal, Petrol from ................ 700 Carbon Content in Furnace Fuel, Deter- mining.............................. 996 Ceramic Society, The .................. 849 Chemistry Research Scholarship........ 337 China, Coal in South.................... 442 Cleavage in Coal........................ 538 Coal Carbonisation .................... 327 Coal Conciliation Board ............328, 846 Coal Contracts, Limitation of ........\ 803 Coal Control and the Gas Industry ..... 695 Coal in County Cork.................... 286 Coal Factors and District Committees...1057 Coal Merchant fined <£220 ..............1014 Coalowner's Complaint, A .............. 648 Coal Rationing......................... 591 Coal Rationing in Manchester........... 799 Coal Rationing for Scotland............. 953 Coal Rationing for Yorkshire __......... 752 Coal Rationing, Winter .............. 1145 Coal Rebates at North-Eastern Railway ............ Depots............................. 586 Coal Restrictions, More .................... 897 Coal Saving ........................... 36 Coal Seam, Microscopic Section of....... 552 Coal and Shale Production in New South Wales .............................1316 Coal Tar, Embargo on Swedish........... 437 Coal Traffic in South Africa ............1309 Coal and Wheat Shipments ............ 132 Coking, Coal for........................ 494 Colliery, A One-Man.................... 804 Colliery Firemen and Non-Unionist Ques- tion ............................... 285 Colliery Under - Managers' Association, Lancashire and Cheshire............ 804 Committees, A Plea for ................ 694 Compensation Act and Irish Colliery Workers..................................... 176 ............................. Compensation ; Industrial Diseases, Work- men's ................................ 602 Conciliation Board, Future of ......... 946 Control of Coal Mining.................1248 Conveyor, A Portable Belt.............. 135 Crown Bars Advanced ________________ 383 Demurrage on Railway Wagons and Sheets 1199 Denmark, Industrial Crisis in........... 176 Depreciation, Allowances for ........... 906 Deputies' Federation, Colliery......;___ 864 Deputies and the Miners' Federation, Colliery ...........................1214 Difficulties in Glasgow, Coal............1051 ..... Donetz Coal Basin...................... 68 Drainage, South Staffordshire Mines..... 72 Dunsmuir Collieries Case, The...........1194 Dutch Coal Output ....................1147 Dutch Need of Coal ....................1262 PAGE Electrical Power in Yorkshire........... 379 Electric Converter Plant ............... 754 Electric Power Bill, Gloucestershire..... 591 Electric Truck in Coal Haulage ......... 36 Enemy Coal Exporters, Glasgow..........1096 Engineering Standards Association,Britishll02 Escape, Holes for Coal Trimmers' .......1150 Exporters' Brokerage, Coal ............. 599 Food, Miners’ Protest Regarding ....... 84 France, Distribution of Coal in ......... 190 France and Italy, Coal for............... 599 France, Supply of Coal to ............... 542 Freight Brokerage, Coal ................1147 Freights to Ireland .................... 393 French Coal Output in 1917 ............. 337 French Coal for Switzerland............. 995 French Electric Power Prices, Regula- tion of_______............................... 947 Fuel, A Combined...................... 487 Fuel, A New Motor .................... 486 Fuel Economy Problem ................ 539 Fuel Oil Experiments .................. 552 Fuel Rations. Coal Controller on.........1197 Fuel Waste, Utilising.................. 710 Gas, Cleaning Blastfurnace _____.......... 134 Gas Coke in the Metropolitan Area, Supplies of ........................ 71 Gas Making and Residuals.............. 328 Gas for Motors ........................ 910 Gas Traction Experts ...........;______1299 Gas Works Construction and Practice... 482 Gas Works Retort Carbon, etc., Control Order ............................862 General Federation of Firemen's, Exam- iners' and Deputies' Associations of Great Britain .................... 244 German Coal Shortage, Effects of ... .... 138 German Coal in Switzerland .....36, 794, 904 ... German Coal Tickets .................. 650 German-Swedish Coal Agreement ....... 862 High-Speed Tool Steel..............328, 388 Holland, Coal Mining Industry in.......1218 Honours, New Year ................... 34 Household Fuel, Less .................. 804 Indian Coal ......................... 287 Indian Coal Controller................. 848 Indian Coal Output ................... 33 Industrial Councils ................... 230 Industrial Reconstruction Council...586,1303' Institution of Civil Engineers... 36,136, 433 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy ... 749 Institution of Petroleum Technologists 86,1047 ....... Ireland's Coal Supply .................. 134 Iron Combine, Ten Million Pounds....... 640 Iron Industry and the Conditions of Peace 1314 Iron Mining in Sweden ................ 698 11 on Ore Discovery in Queensland.......1309 Iron and Steel Trades Advisory Committee 897 Ironstone in the Midlands, Controlling the Price of ............................ 133 . 700 1101 . 486 . 23 . 910 .1053 . 702 331 . 947 . 812 .1214 Iron Trade, Midland............. Italian Lignite Production........ Italy, Coal for................. Italy, Coal Prices in........... Italy, Fuel Production in ...... ....... Italy's Coal Production Expanding. Italy, Shipments to ............ Japanese Iron Works, New ...... Labour Party Conference......... Lignite, Distillation of __...... Lignites in Murcia............... Lloyd George's (Mrs.) Visit to the Coal Exchange _________________________ 482 London Coal Exchange.................1247 Manchester Association of Engineers... 650 Manchester, Central Technical Library for 644 ... Manchester Coal Supply.............. 1260 M anchester College of Technology....... 495 Manchester Geological and Mining Society 546 Maximum Price of Bar Iron............ 329 Maximum Prices for Iron and Steel..... 177 PAGE Medals for Miners ..................... 177 Mexican Coal .........................1158 Middlesbrough Iron & Steel Shipments, 30, 282, 906 Midland Counties Colliery Under-Man- agers' Association.................. 496 Military Service, Mining Industry and... 704 Mineral Oil, Scottish ..................1014 Mineral Rights Duty .................. 184 Miners' Ballot, The................... 660 Miners' Federation, The................ 956 Miners' Federation and Man-Power..... 487 Miners' Federation and the New Recruit- ing Scheme ....................... 75 Miners' Food, Lord Rhondda and ....... 177 Miners and Food Control............228, 329 Miners and Man-Power ........................... 746 Miners' Permanent Relief Societies, Central Association of __.........1095 Miners' Permanent Relief Society, Lanca- shire and Cheshire.............................. 810 Miners' Permanent Relief Society, W igan and Districts..................... 860 Miners' Relief Societes and the Whitley Report............................1110 Miners Resolute, American Coal........ 960 Miners' Wages, English........695, 857,1014 Miners' War Wage ................... 493 Mining Instruction in Nottinghamshire ... 446 More Coke Available ................. 327 National Expenditure and Coal ..... ..... 334 National Federation of Colliery Engine- men and Boilermen ................1094 New Brunswick, Coal Mining in........ 393 ... New Convalescent Home for Miners..... 230 New South Wales Coal Mines.......... 68 New South Wales Mines, Proposed Nation- alisation of ...................... 31 Non-Ferrous Metal Licences............ 490 Northern Colliery Officials’ Mutual Aid Association ....................... 539 Norway, Shipments to.................. 804 Nova Scotia Coal Output.............. 346 Nova Scotia, Industries of.............. 236 Oil, British Mineral................... 857 Oil Fuel, English ..................... 746 Oil in Papua.........................1311 Output in 1917, Coal.................... 329 Paper Mills, Coal Consumption in....... 852 Paris Prices, Coal..................... 594 Patent Fuel and the Price of Pitch ..... 998 Pease, Admiralty Appointment of Mr. A.F. 72 Peat Supplies for Power.......a ..... 747 Pentre Mountain Landslide, The ... 644, 849 Peru, Coal in.....................953,1145 Petroleum Prospecting in Great Britain 194, 484, 588 Picks, Cost of Sharpening Miners'....... 440 Pig Iron, Exports of...................1059 ... Pig Iron Output....................... 73 Pig Iron Prices ..................... 75 Pig Iron, Production of ................1059 Pit Locomotives, Motors for............1301 Pit Props, Ferro-Concrete.......... .......... 848 .......... Pit Props, Iron ....................... 808 Pitwood Cargo Dispute ................ 290 Pitwood, Imports of................... 134 Pitwood, the Outlook for................ 538 Polish Coal Fields Annexed ............ 860 Potash Recovery in Pig Iron Manufacture 134 Power Station, Large Gas Engines in Colliery ..*..........................1145 Power Supply Scheme.................. 379 Prices, Revised Iron and Steel.......... 287 Priestman Collieries New Product....... 643 Prisoners, Miners and the Employment of German __......................... 78 Production and Holidays, Coal ........1010 Proportional Representation........... 650 Protected Occupations, New Schedule of... 238 Pulverised Coal as Bunker Fuel........1144 page Pulverised Coal, Steam Production with... 1256 Queensland, Big Iron Deposits in ....... 70 Queensland Coal Production, 1917.......1301 Queensland Mining Industry ...........1303 Queensland State Coal Mine, New....... 601 Refractories Research..................’ 601 Regulating United States Coal Contracts 231 Removals, Notice Regarding............. 437 Russia, British Aid to.................. 958 Russian Coal Transport Paralysed....... 483 Russian Mining Outlook................ 90 Salmon-fishing for Miners.............. 654 Scotland, Transport of Iron Ore in ..... 242 Scottish Oil Distribution ..............1094 Scottish Oil Fields Development......... 123 Shipbuilding Programme, United States... 29 ......... Spanish Coal Situation ................947 Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute ... 71 Steel Billet Prices, Bessemer ........... 654 Steel Castings, Manufacture of ......... 586 Steel Combine, New.................... 799 Steelmaking, Experiments in ........... 848 Steel Trade and Employment Exchanges... 228 Strike Trouble in South Wales ........1051 Stone Dusting ...........................379, 908 Subsidence Case............................. 414 Subsidence, Liability for .................. 292 Subsidence from Mining Operations...... 434 Sulphate of Ammonia Association......... 907 Summer Mining and Engineering School, South Wales................................ 650.... Surface Workers' Wages ..................1204 Swedish Association of Coal Importers ... 86 Switzerland, Coal for .. ....................1048 Tampico, Coaling at.........................1005 ...... Tap Cinder.................................... 30 Tar Fuel for Diesel Engines __ __..................1256 Tar Oils : New Control Order ............. 279 Temperature Conversion Table ...........1262 Tillery Pit Dispute .........................1309 Timber Haulage ................................................................... 643 Timber Prices, Home-Grown................ 654 Tin Restrictions, The New.................. 23 Toluol from Turpentine .................... 946 Trade Boards Bill .......................... 998 Trade Consolidation......................... 601 Trading with the Enemy....................1303 Transport .............................1005 ......... Tiansport, Inland...................... 640 Transport in North Staffordshire ...’....1314 Transvaal Colliery Combination, A .....1047 Tunnellers, Miners’ Federation and the Demand for ..................... 439 Ukraine, Coalfields of the .............1258 United States Bunker Regulations...... 743 United States Mining Fatalities........1051 Valves s»nd Boiler Mountings: A 75-Year Old Business....................... 138 Vanadium in Coal Seams .............. 188 Venezuela, Coal Mining in.............. 68 Wage, Miners’ War ...................1199 Wages of Cleveland Ironstone Miners... 194 Wages, French Miners' ................ 381 Wages, Glasgow Coal Men’s ............ 382 Wages in the Iron and Steel Trades ..... 75 Wagon Delays, Railway Companies and ... 136 Wagon Demurrage Claim, <£24,000..... 606 Wagon Makers, Combination of......... 381 Wagons, Government and Privately-Owned 500 Wagons to be Requisitioned, Coal.......1006 Water Power and Coal Saving.......... 188 Waterway Scheme, Development of..... 758 West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute 897 Wigan and District Mining and Technical College ..............................1299..... Wigan Mining College Summer Courses 908 Willings' Press Guide for 1918.......... 1262 Y.M.C.A. Huts ..................................... 177 Yorkshire Deputies' Association......... 952 _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Printed and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Friday, July 12, 1918.