1186 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 22, 1917. Ryder, A. Inclinometers. (8661) Ryland, C. F. Internal combustion, etc., engines. (8662) Sahlin, 0. Electric furnaces. (8478) Schofield, H. Forced draught arrangements for steam boilers. (8696) Seymour, H. W. Process for production of sulphite and sulphate of ammonia from gases and ammoniacal liquids. (8689) Shankland, D. Vehicle coupling. (8383) Smith, F. G. Apparatus for charging gas producers, etc. (8474) (Soc. d’Exploitation des Appareils Rateau). Centrifugal blowers. (8612) Stern, M. Steam traps and condensed water drainers. (8345) Tesorieri, U. A. Automatic couplings for railways and tramways. (8334) Thermic Plating Process Company. Apparatus for plating metals. (8363) Thomas, J.' L. Double-locked safety coupling. (8495) Thompson, W. Clinometers. (8287) Turner, W. C. Dynamo electric machines. (8468) Wellman, Seaver and Head. Apparatus for charging gas producers, etc. (8474) West, J. Destructive distillation of carbonaceous materials. (8337) Wilks, A. Mechanical discharger of debris formed by coal-cutting machines. (8577) Wilmart, C. A. Internal combustion engines. (8540) - Wood, W. R. Means for promoting draught in furnace chimneys or in conduits. (8477) Complete Specifications Accepted. [To be published on July '5.) [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1916. 3413. Dawson, A. T., and Horne, J. Controlling appar- atus for use in connection with hydraulic pumps. (106835) 3562. Illingworth, A. H. Means for controlling the speed and power of internal combustion engines. (106836) 7458. Stirling, J. H. Boiler feed water heating and puri- fying, apparatus. (106845) 7861. Rowe, A. Signalling apparatus, particularly appli- cable for use in mines. (106852) 7953. Adams, C. E. Tubular steam boilers. (102604) 8122. Lamplough, F., Rutherford, A. B., and Copland, R. D. Engine governors. (106865) 8476. Ruths, J. C. Power generating systems. (100694) 8503. Hall, W. A. Motor fuel for use in high-speed internal combustion engines. (106876) 8614. Briata, N. Trimmers’or ploughs for moving coal, ore, or the like. (106879) 9277. Rhodes, W. F. W., and Firth, J. Driving and controlling dynamo electric generators. (106836) 9497. Williams, H. T. Gravity self-setting clinometer. (106887) 9821. Daglish, E. E., and Lorkin, W. L. Winding mechanism. (106893) 10057. Hall, I. Crucible or melting furnaces fired by solid fuel. (106896) 10677. Electric Control Limited, and Ellefsen, O. Con- trollers for electric motors and the like. (106898) 11318. Roelofsen, J. A. Regenerative coke ovens. (106905) * 11830. Bark, W. T. Means for effecting the removal of the carbon deposit from retorts employed in the manufacture of illuminating gas from coal. (106910) 13265. Robinson and Company, T., Robinson, C. J., and’ Stevenson, T. J. Cyclone dust collectors. (106918) 14512. Kuhl, P. C. Gas turbines. (106931) 14901. Dansk Jernbetonkonstruktions Company Danalith Aktieselskab. Water distributing arrangement for water cooling towers. (106933) 16125. International Construction Company, and Sahlin, A. Feeding mechanism for shaft furnaces such as gas producers. (106943) 17997. Wilputte, L. Method and apparatus for regulating the distribution of the heating gases among the heating flues of a regenerative coke oven. (106953) 18033. Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon. High power ‘turbine plant. (102741) • 1917. 275. Svenska Turbinfabriks Aktiebolaget Ljungstrom. Radial flow turbines. (103296) 756. Harbinger, W. Steam boilers. (106959) 2988. Sahlin, A. Charging apparatus for gas producers. (106977) 4951. Stuart, F. L. Apparatus for loading and unload- ing. (105557) Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1917. 4496. Soc. Anon, des Turbo-Moteurs a Combustion. Com- bustion turbines. (106994) 7505. Diem, E. C. Electric alternators. (107005) 7702. Soc. de Paris et du Rhone. Electric generators. (107010) KOPPERS’ COKE OVEN PATENTS. Another stage was reached in the Patents Court on Tuesday in the proceedings regarding the Koppers coke oven patents. Mr. A. V. Derry, of Sheffield, opposed the claim of Messrs. Simon-Carves Limited, of Manchester, to a licence from the Board of Trade to use the German patents, 20870 of 1904 and 16386 of 1905, in order to erect Koppers coke ovens in this country. In the Appeal Court on May 22 (as reported in our issue of May 25), Mr. H. Terrell, K.C., denied the right of the Patents Court to deal with this application, the submission being that the patents are vested in Mr. Derry, a British subject, and a member of a partnership which worked the patents in this country until the partnership was auto- matically dissolved with the outbreak of war. The courts recommended Mr. Terrell to return to the Patents Court, and lay before the Comptroller evidence which would enable him to judge whether the English title to these two patents was actually vested in Herr Koppers, in whose name they are registered, or the partnership, which con- sisted of himself, Mr. Derry, and a German named Alten- hein, which was running them for Great Britain when war broke out. Counsel now explained that the partnership was known as the Koppers’ Coke Oven and Bye-Products Company. Before April 1902, the date of what he contended was the partnership .agreement, Mr. Derry was Mr. Kochs. He had, by deed poll,- changed that name to Derry. No proper deed of partnership was ever drawn up, but Mr. Altenhein drafted terms and sent them by letter to Koppers, who returned them signed. All along, however, the patents had been treated as the English rights vested in the partnership. Koppers was credited and debited with half-share of expenses and profits. The agreement said that the Koppers’ Coke .Oven and Bye-Products Com- pany “ became- so to speak the sole agents for Koppers in Great Britain,” and Koppers’ covering- letter in reply remarked that when certain improved plant had been erected, Kochs and Company could send English colliery proprietors over to see it. The letter added that soon nobody would be constructing anything but Koppers’ coke ovens. A later proposal to turn the company into a limited liability company implied, counsel argued, that the patents and improvements were intended to belong to the partnership. Mr. Derry gave evidence. He stated that it was always understood that the patents should belong to the partner- ship. No price was ever discussed for them. He did not regard them as valuable at the beginning. Koppers wTrote subsequently, “ What do I get in return for supplying you permanently with my experience, etc.,” but he was then trying to creep out of his obligations. Mr. Altenhein had come up with an escort from intern- ment, and was called to give evidence in support of Mr. Derry’s case. The hearing was then adjourned for the summoning of other witnesses. Mr. Terrell said his client had not decided whether, in a certain event, he should take his appeal to the House of Lords. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS, *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Science and Industry (No. 1): “ Industrial Research in the United States of America,” by A. P. M. Fleming, M.I.E.E. Price, Is. net. Explosives Act, 1875 (38 Viet. c. 17): [Cd. 8609], Forty- first Annual Report of His Majesty’s Inspectors of Explo- sives, being their Annual Report for the year 1916. Price. Id. net. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “The Mining Magazine”. (Vol. 16, No. 6), June, price Is.; “ Symons’s Meteorological Magazine ” (Vol. 52, No. 617), June 1917, edited by H. R. Mill, price 4d.; “ The Institution of Gas Engineers ” (London Meeting), president, A. E. Broadberry, M.Inst.G.E.; “ Mechanical Handling of Material and its National Importance Dur- ing and After the War,” by George F. Zimmer, A.M.Inst.C.E., with 134 illustrations and 10 collotype plates, reprinted from “ Gassier’s Engineering Monthly,” price 10s. 6d. net. The War Seal Foundation.—This foundation is designed to provide self-contained residential flats, where the dis- abled Service man may reside with his family, and also obtain treatment. The buildings now being erected at Fulham on a site provided by Mr. Oswald Stoll are esti mated to cost £49,000. A wider scheme is being organised to include the erection of similar blocks of buildings or bungalows in such places as Glasgow, Birmingham, Cardiff, Blackpool, Scarborough, and Southend. A silk flag (white ensign), bearing the autographs of distinguished men of. the day, has been presented by Mrs. Warden-Stevens to add to the funds, and this is to be disposed of at a great draw, to take place at the London Coliseum on August 4. Tickets are obtainable at Is. each, from the offices of the War Seal Foundation, 10, Charing Cross-road, London. This silk flag was originated by Mrs. Warden-Stevens, who has obtained all the signatures personally. GEORGE ANGUS & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. CONVEYOR BELTS I SEND FOR FRIGES. H of ALL DESCRIPTIONS. And at London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow, Cardiff, And JOHANNESBURG. --— HIGH-CLASS —---- Incline Haulage ROLLERS. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK. ALFRED STEEL & SONS LTD., MEADOW HALL ROAD, BRIGHTSIDE, SHEFFIELD. , Telephone—2633 CENTRAL. The Most Perfect and Economical SAFETY LAMPS. PROTECTOR LIGHTING CO. LTD., ECCLES.