June 22, 1917. t sssnttfWCTKfflaaBaam THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. _______ 1175 ________________________________ Cumberland. Maryport. COAL. The Cumberland coal trade remains in a satisfactory condition. The pits are working regularly and securing good outputs. The demand for fuel for local use is much firmer, and all branches except landsale are picking up again. Coking fuels are still rather scarce, but all other sorts are more plentiful, and local users are now receiving as much coal as they need. There is also a much bigger surplus available for the Irish market. Manufacturing fuel is in very keen request. Gas coal is firm. House coal is very quiet. The cross-Channel trade is exceedingly brisk, and the tonnage to Irish ports is now higher than it has been for the past 12 months. The shipments for the week have amounted to 4,860 tons, compared with 2,970 tons last week and 3,500 tons at the corresponding period of last year. The largest cargoes were for Belfast, Dublin, Carrickfergus and Londonderry. Coke is in firm demand, and all the output from the ovens in this district is being used at the local ironworks. Best Cumberland coal at the pit is 23s. 4d. per ton, with best export coal at 19s. 6d. per ton. Other current quotations are as follow :— full of work for the Government, and a little more private work is being allowed to be taken in urgent cases. Boiler makers’ works are getting short of plates. Best Cumberl’nd coal at pit Current prices. L’st week’s prices. Last year’s prices. 23/4 23/4 23/4 Best washed nuts at pit... 21/3 21/3 21/3 Buckhill best coal „ Do. double-scrned 22/6 22/6 22/6 washed nuts at pit Oughterside best coal at 21/ 21/ 21/ Fit Oughterside best washed 22/6 22/6 22/6 nuts at pit St. Helens (Siddick) best 21/ 21/ 21/ coal at pit St. Helens best house nuts 22/6 22/6 22/6 at pit 21/ 21/ 21/ Best dry small at pit 12/6 12/6 12/6 Best steam nuts „ 19/ 19/ 19/ Best Cumberl’nd coal, f.o.b. 19/6 19/6 19/6 Best washed nuts, f.o.b. ... 17/6 17/6 17/6 Best bunkers (coastwise) Do. (for foreign-going 25/ 25/ 25/ steamers) ...... Bunkers (mixed nuts and 30/ 30/ 30/ steam coal) (coastwise) 21/6 21/6 21/6 Do. (foreign) 25/ 25/ 25/ Best coal for gasworks ... Best washed nuts for gas- 20/ 20/ 20/ works ; 19/ 19/ ________________ Yorkshire and Derbyshire. Leeds. COAL. Little prompt business took place on the market on Tuesday, notwithstanding the strong demand. Buyers were in a decided majority among the attendance. Colliery agents had very little coal to offer on any account, and practically nothing for prompt delivery, the chief business transacted being concerned with the renewal of contracts. Forward commitments are being to a large extent delayed until the trade knows more of what is likely to happen with regard to the scheme of control. There has again been a good supply of trucks at the pits, a fair number of railway wagons still being available for long distance traffic. London house coal shows very little change. A few depots report that attempts .to secure a little coal for stock have been partially successful, but most merchants have a large number of arrears of orders still to overtake, mainly for private stocking purposes. Coastwise, a moderate trade is being done, chiefly from Goole. Sales reported are mostly of medium quality, Silkstone house coal, and a few cargoes of house nuts and kitchen coal, realising full limitation prices in every case. Though the house coal trade in the West Biding is quieter, there is a pronounced scarcity of best qualities. Merchants find it impossible to buy except from their regular sources of supply. Stocks of gas coal at the chief Yorkshire gasworks are still increasing, with the prospect of accumulating normal quantities by the end of September. Supplies from York- shire are still being sent to London and the south. While contracts are, generally speaking, being renewed on last year’s footing as to tonnage and price, several collieries largely engaged on Government work have had to reduce the quantity supplied for gas making. Manufacturing’ fuel shows little change, except that there is rather more slack on offer, but this does not apply to coking slacks, which are extremely scarce. The output of washed furnace coke has been slightly increased during the last week, and this is very welcome. Coke is badly needed, especially in the Frodingham district and the Midlands. Pit prices in the subjoined list are more or less nominal: — Current pit prices. Hull. COAL. The market continues on very even lines, the feature being a general scarcity of coal rather than anything else. For some time past supplies have been barely sufficient to meet current requirements, and even shipments to France have been subject to delay, owing to coal not being readily forthcoming to fit in with the steamer arrangements. This is indicative of the great demands that are being made upon the South Yorkshire output for official and industrial purposes, while so far as Derbyshire coal is concerned export of this is still stopped. Neutrals continue in the position of being unable to secure steamers. With greater freedom in the movement of shipping in the North Sea it is probable there may be some improvement in this respect. Upon it depends the expansion of the neutral demand. Licences to export to. France and Italy for the third quarter are now being issued, with validity from June 25. Business has been rather quiet the last day or two. Approximate values for prompt and next week’s shipment are:—Best South Yorkshire hards, 30s., washed nuts, 24s. 6d. to 25s. 6d. ; washed small coal, 20s. ; rough slack, 17s. to 17s. 6d.; Parkgates, 27s. to 27s. 6d.; screened gas, 26s.; West Yorkshire Hartleys, 27s. 6d. to 28s. 4d. Derbyshire coal for export nominal. Chesterfield. COAL. The strong demand for all qualities of coal continues from week to week, with no signs of any improvement with regard to supplies. The pits are all in regular work, and everything that is possible is being done to meet the requirements of consumers. The call for fuel for the heavy steel trades of Sheffield is very urgent, and is now on a large scale. Cobbles and nuts are in particularly pressing request. Slack is also wanted for steam-raising purposes. House coal orders are plentiful, the fuel being wanted chiefly for stocking purposes. Locomotive coal is in brisk demand, and gas companies are pressing for good deliveries of gas coal. The export trade continues exceedingly quiet, and, for the moment, the shipment of Derbyshire coal is prohibited. This is interfering seriously with the Humber trade. The coke market presents no new feature. The demand is maintained at a steady rate, and the whole output of the ovens goes steadily into consumption. Prices at pit. IRON. No change of importance has occurred in connection with the iron and steel industries. Bessemer mixed numbers are again quoted at 127s. 6d. per ton f.o.t., with special low phosphorus iron at 140s. per ton and semi-special iron at 135s. per ton f.o.t. Cumberland haematite warrants are still quoted at 115s. per ton. The steel trade is exceedingly brisk. No rails are being rolled. Imports of foreign iron ore for the week have amounted to 9,500 tons. _________________ South-West Lancashire. COAL. The household demand is strongly maintained by reason of the fact that stocking is going on where it is possible to get the fuel. As regards shipping there is not much change to report. Bequirements for ordinary bunkering and export purposes, though restricted, continue fairly steady on the whole, and there is a fair general enquiry. Large quantities of coal continue to come in from Yorkshire for Admiralty account. Quotations for Lancashire steam coal remain at 24s. 6d. to 25s. 6d. f.o.b., though lower rates may be taken to clear wagons. The coastwise demand for household coals keeps up, and much above the usual summer limit. The orders are there whenever the coal or the vessel is available. Slacks are a little easier, and, no doubt, advantage will be taken of this position for utility works— electricity works particularly—to lay in such stocks as they have labour to deal with. Prices at pit (except where otherwise stated), House coal:— Current L’st week’s^Last year’s Prices at pit (London) : prices. ! prices. prices. Haigh Moor selected ... 20/ -21/ ; 20/ -21/ 20/ -21/ Wallsend & London best 19/ -20/ i 19/ -20/ 19/ —20/ Silkstone best 19/ -20/ ! 19/ -20/ 19/ -20/ Do. house 17/ -18/ ; 17/ -18/ 17/ -18/ House nuts 16/ -17/ ; 16/ -17/ . 16/ -17/ Prices f.o.b. Hull:— Haigh. Moor best 23/ -24/ ' 23/ -24/ : 23/ -24/ Silkstone best 22/ -23/ 22/ -23/ 22/ -23/ Do. house 20/ -21/ ■ 20/ -21/ 20/ -21/ Other qualities 19/ -20! 19/ -20/ 19/ -20/ Gas coal Prices at pit: Screened gas coal 16/ -17/ 15/6-16/6 . 16/ -17/ 16/ -17/ Gas nuts • 15/6-16/6 15/6—16/6 ' 15/ -16/ 15/ -16/ ■ Unscreened gas coal ... 15/ -16/ Other sorts Prices at pit: Washed nuts 17/ -18/ ? 17/ -18/ 17/ -18/ Large double-screened engine nuts 16/ -17/ 5 16/ -17/ 16/ -17/ Small nuts .... 15/ -16/ : 15/ -16/ 15/ -16/ Bough unscreened engine coal 15/ -16/ ’ 15/ -16/ 15/ -16/ j 14/ -15/ 14/ -15/ | 12/ -13/ 12 1-131 Best rough slacks 14/ -15/ Small do. 12/ -13/ Coking smalls 12/6-13/6 12/6—13/6 12/6-13/6 Coke:— Price at ovens; Furnace coke 25/8 25/8 . 25/6-26/ Best house coals ....... Secondary do............ Cobbles ...........______ Nuts Slack Current 1 L’stweek’s Last year’s prices. ! prices. 1 prices. 17/ i 17/ 17/ 16/6 i 16/6 16/6 16/ i 16/ 16/ 15/ / 15/ 15/ ■ 12/6 12/6 12/6 IRON. A large volume of work is being turned out week by week, and the iron trade of the district continues in a state of great activity. ________ . - House coal- Best ...........__ Do. (f.o.b. Garston, net) Medium __.............. Do. (f.o.b. Garston, net) Kitchen............... Do. (f.o.b. Garston, net) Screened forge coal..... Best scrnd. steam coal f.o.b. Best slack ............. Secondary slack ........ Common do. Current prices. 21/ -22/ 25/6 19/ —20/ - 24/6 18/ 23/ upwds. 18/ . 24/6-25/6 L’st week’sjLast year’s prices, j prices. 21/ -22/ ; 21/ 25/6 ' 25/6 19/ -20/ 19/ -20/ 24/6 24/6 18/ 18/ 23/ upwds. 24/ upwds 18/ 24/6-25/6 16/ 15/ 14/ 18/ 26/ -27/ 16/ 15/6 14/6 upwds _______ _______ South Lancashire and Cheshire. COAL. There was a good attendance on the Manchester Coal Exchange on Tuesday. The situation remains unchanged, the demand for all qualities of fuel being in excess of the supply. Shipments of coal are steady, mostly on contract account. Prices generally are as below :— Prices at pit (except where otherwise stated). Barnsley. COAL. Collieries still find it a difficult matter to satisfy all requirements. Urgent demands have to be met with reduced tonnage sent elsewhere, and under present com ditions it is not possible to catch up the arrears on contract account. The enquiry for large steam coal is particularly active, especially for locomotive purposes and the Admiralty, whilst the tonnage sent to Hull is still only of moderate dimensions. A good enquiry from the neutral countries is reported, but little actual business is passing. Steam nuts are in good request, and are still short for general purposes. A good enquiry prevails for gas coal owing to the contract deliveries being rather reduced, and stocks at the home works are, generally speaking, only of a light description. There is little offering in the way of surplus lots, though the enquiry is good. Small steams continue to be in strong demand, and collieries are finding more enquiries for slacks suitable for coke making. The pressure for supplies of the latter is now more keen, but it is very difficult to procure an adequate supply of raw material. The position in respect to house coal is unaltered. The demand continues to be very heavy, notably for London and the south, where the policy of laying in stocks con- tinues, and shorter supplies are only available for the nearer markets in consequence of the pressure from the south. The improved demand for furnace coke is main- tained, and the production is about fully consumed. Values without exception remain firm about as follow — COAL. Although the demand on local merchants for supplies of domestic fuel has declined in consequence of the continued spell of warm weather, most merchants have a fair number of orders on their books, and with large householders taking the opportunity of getting in stocks, the supplies merchants can obtain from the collieries are readily disposed of. The decline of sales at the landsale depots is enabling collieries to reduce arrears on contracts. At present the demand for better class households is most pressing, though merchants are willing to take other sorts in order to secure a little stock. While certain grades of steams are not quite in so brisk a request as lately, the general demand for this class of fuel is active, and owners have no difficulty in selling whatever surplus there is after war requirements and contract obligations have been met. In fact, there is little tonnage to be secured in the open market. A steady tone pervades the slack market, most descriptions going out of hand satisfactorily, with rates retaining their firmness. Prices at pithead. Hand-picked brights ..... Good house coals......... Secondary do............. Best hard coals.......... Secondary do ............ Slacks (best hards)...... Do. (second) .......... Do. (soft)..........__ Current prices. 18/6-19/6 18/ -18/6 17/ -18/ 16/9-17/6 16/ -17/ 12/ -13/ 10/6-11/6 11/ L’st week’s Last year’s prices. I nr ices. 18/6-19/6 18/6-19/6 18/ -18/6 16/6-17/6 17/ -18/ ( 16/ -16/6 16/9-17/6 17/ -17/6 16/ -17/ 16/ -16/6 12/ -13/ 11/9-13/ 10/6-11/6 10/6-11/6 11/ I 11/ Prices at pit. _________________ Leicestershire. COAL. The changes in the distribution of coal are being steadily- brought into operation, in order to avoid any sudden dislocation in the ordinary course of business. Under the Government scheme it now seems certain that a good deal of traffic to the West of England will be diverted into other channels, in order to reduce the mileage of wagons per full load. A very substantial reduction in the domestic consumption is now noted, especially at the large centres of population, but at the same time deliveries for the _________________________________ House coal:— Best ............... Medium.............. Common.............__ Furnace coal.......... Bunker (f.o.b. Partington) Best slack __.......... Common slack ......__ Current prices. 22/ -23/ 19/6-21/ 18/ -18/6 17/6-18/ . 25/ -26/ 16/ upwds 14/6 upwds L’st week’s Last year’s prices. 22/ -23/ 19/6-21/ 18/ -18/6 17/6-18/ 25/ -26/ 16/ upwds 14/6 upwds prices. 21/ -22/ 19/ -20/3 17/6-18/ 17/ -18/ abt. 22/ 15/6 upwds 14/ upwds IRON. There is no new feature to report, except the 5s. advance granted by the Ministry of Munitions to the South Stafford- shire pig iron makers. This makes their price considerably higher than Derbyshire, 102s. 6d. against 98s. 8d. for No. 3 foundry. The forges and steel works are working well in spite of the very hot weather lately experienced here. Wagon builders are very busy. The heavy engineers are House coals:— Best Silkstono ....... Best Barnsley softs... Secondary do.......... Best house nuts ...... Secondary do.......... Steam coals:— Best hard coals....... Secondary do.......... Best washed nuts...... Secondary do.......... Best slack ........... Secondary do.......... Gas coals:— Screened gas coals ... Unscreened do......... Gas nuts...........___ Furnace coke............ Current L’st week’sLast year’ prices. 20/ -22/ 20/ -22/ ; 20/ -22/ 18/6-19/ 18/6-19/ ’ 18/6-19/ 17/-17/6 16/ -17/ 15/6-16/ prices. I prices. Prices at pit. Current 17/ -17/6 j 16/ -17/ ; 15/6-16/ ! 16/6-17/6 16/ -17/ 15/6-16/ 17/6-18/6 j 17/6-18/6 I 17/6-18/ 16/6-17/6 | 16/6-17/6 I 16/6-17/ 16/3-16/6 16/3-16/6 i 16/3-16/6 15/6-16/3 ’ 15/6-16/3 / 15/9-16/3 12/6-13/ ' 12/6-13/ I 12/6-13/ 10/6-11/ : 10/6-11/ ' 10/6-11/ 16/6-17/6 > 16/6-17/6 : 16/6-17/6 15/6-16/6 15/6-16/6 , 15/6-16/ 16/ 16/ ; 16/ 25/8 j 25/8 j 25/6-26/ Best household coal .... Second, hand picked .... Deep screened cobbles ... Deep large nuts ........ Bakers’ nuts............ Small nuts.............. Deep breeze ............ Peas ................... Small dust ............. Main nuts for London prices. 16/6-18/ 15/6-16/6 16/ -17/ 16/ -16/6 15/ -15/6 14/6-15/ 12/9-13/6 12/ -12/3 6/ - 7/ kitcheners.............. 13/6-14/ Steams, best hand picked 14/ -14/6 Steams, seconds ......... 13/ -13/6 Main cobbles for kitcheners! 13/6-14/ Main breeze.............I 12/6-13/6 L’stweefs prices. 16/6-18/ 15/6-16/6 16/ -17/ 16/ -16/6 15/ -15/6 14/6-15/ 12/9-13/6 12/ -12/3 6/ - 7/ 13/6-14/ 14/ -14/6 13/ -13/6 13/6-14/ 12/6-13/6 Last year’s prices. 16/6-18/ 15/6-16/ 16/6-17/ 16/ -16/6 15/ -15/6 14/6-15/ 12/9-13/6 12/ -12/3 6/ - 7/ 13/ -13/6 14/ -14/6 13/ -13,6 13/6-14/ 12/6-13/6