June 15, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 1147 Wrought Iron and Steel Tubes. SPECIAL JOINT. These Tubes are specially suitable for mines, being both light and strong. The Joint, as illustrated, can be easily connected, and a tube can be removed without disturbing the run Fittings of all kinds supplied. Improved Albion I«oose Flange Joint, PIT PROPS. We manufacture Tubular Steel Pit Props, which are exceptionally strong and durable. They can be used repeatedly and have a high factor of safety. Lists sent on application. STEWARTS and LLOYDS LTD., GLASGOW-41, Oswald Street. BIRMINGHAM—Broad Street Chambers. LONDON—Winchester House, Old Broad St., E.C. 2. SAFETY FIRST BELT BIGS, Suitable for every Pit Shaft, Scaffold, Quarrymen. BALDWIN’S LICHT, 1| to 2| lbs. weight. Comfortable, consistent with strength. STRONG, 4,000 to 6,000 lbs. section strength, HOLD men right by strong parts only. Cheap £ 7 to £ 13 per doz. SAVES a man’s life and 250 injury cases. A. HANLEY, fl AC- K / ’1^ w 1 ■ lift J 7l 1 ■^11 Thit'ltnerc, SHEFFIELD. THE ORIGINAL GALLOWAYS LIMITED, 63^r0°ent7ai. MANCHESTER. | WANTED. HAnin IRON & STEEL, of every description. OU nA r COLLECTED WROT, & STEEL, separated or mixed. VWIIHI TURNINGS & BORINGS, heavy, medium & light. Very highest prices free on rail any district. HALL, LE'WIS CO. - CARDIFF'. ’Phone—3245 (Private Branch Exchange). Telegrams—“ Halcyon, Cardiff.” TUBE FLOAT. For HIGH STEAM and LOW WATER SAFETY VALVES and ALARMS. Absolute Safety is assured. Over 1,200 Tube Floats Sold. We specialise in Valves and Boiler Mountings. It’s made in the Steam Users' Interest, SEND FOR CATALOGUE, FREE. Est. 1877 Over 2 000 British Steam Users are now using the Baldwin “ BETALL ” Valves. JAMES BALDWIN & CO., KEIGHLEY, Engineers and Founders. GALLOWAY Patent BOILER INCREASED HEATING SURFACE. LARGE GOAL SAVING. HIGHEST EFFICIENCY. Let us quote you for Write for Particulars For all kinds of Machines. John Russell & Co. Ltd Alma Tntoe WorRs, WALSALL. "ark ENGINEERS' HAMMERS & CHISELS, Small Forgings, Castings in — Lead, Copper & Brass. — The Patent Stone-dressing Tool Cold. Wicker Lane, SHEFFIELD. For Gas, Steam, Water, &c. * WELDLESS STEEL TUBES for ENGINEERS, Ac. The PREMIER Screen in the WORLD is Norton’s Patent Horizontal Main Screen ~ A REQUIRES NO SPECIAL FOUNDATION. Will work continuously WITHOUT BOLTING DOWN. Will Screen more efficiently than any other screen. Over 150 Screens now at work. For PERFECTsizing&loading USE PULSATING CONVEYORS AND PULSATING LOADING JIBS (NORTON’S PATENTS). NORTON’S PATENT HORIZONTAL MAIN SCREEN AND COMBINED PICKING CONVEYOR, fitted with our Patent Air Cushioning Cylinders. The Screen illustrated is 5 ft. 6 in. wide, having four decks, and will deal with 125 tons of coal per hour separated into four sizes, and passing the large coal without any fall to the Picking Conveyor. NORTONS (TIVIDALE) Ltd., HECLA Works, Tipton, England.