June 15, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1111 INCREASE YODR OUTPUT. WE CAN GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE AT THE LOWEST COST. NO LEAKAGE OF ACID. BRITISH PRODUCTIONS ENTIRELY. ACCUMULATORS for all purposes. « Telegrams— “ PELECTLYTO, BOCHURCH, LONDON.” Telephone— 119 STRATFORD. Firemen’s Emergency Pocket Lamp. Size 51 in. by 4 in. Miners’ Electric Lamp. Weight 4} lb. Pearson’s Electric Miners’ Lamp C? L? Victoria Works, Marshgate Lane, Stratford, LONDON, E. Mullings’ Patent Controller and Steam Brake. The most complete and reliable apparatus — for the — Automatic Control of Winding Engines. References to some of the most important Collieries in the Kingdom. Full Particulars from SOLE MAKERS : Worsley Mlesnes Ironworks Ld.? Telegrams— I A |\| Telephone— “ENGINES, WIGAN.” W lUMIli No. 46 WIGAN. Paper or Bitumen CABLES. Shot Firing Cables. All Guaranteed of BRITISH MANUFACTURE. COMPETITIVE PRICES for the HIGHEST QUALITY and QUICK DELIVERY. HIGGIN Ltd., deansgate, MsnchcstEr. Clarke, Chapman & Co. Ld., GATESHEAD. IFire s— “Cyclops, Gateshead.” Telephones — 1070, 1073 Central; 137 City. 2196 Central, Trunk Line. WATER TUBE BOILERS (“ Woodeson ” Patents), Suitable for the highest pressures. All tubes straight, of equal length, and nearly vertical. Catalogue and Prices on application. HAMMERED CAST IRON Premier Works. PISTON RINGS Don Road SHEFFIELD (by the Davy-Robertson Process). AU sizes from 2 J in. to 72 in. In our Special Piston Ring Iron. THE STANDARD PISTON RING & ENGINEERING CO. LTD., QUICK DEUVERY. LOW PRICES. TfebffiT --oSJH"™. Telephone No.—1006 Avenue. Telegrams - “ Kernamat, London.” H. E. HAY, Peninsular House, 28, MONUMENT ST., LONDON, E.C. Sole Agent for— KERN & CO., AARAU, SWITZERLAND. Established 1819. Contractors to the Indian Office. FIRST PRIZE-GOLD MEDAL. GRAND PRIX. Allahabad (1911) U.P. Exhibition. Paris, 1899. Milan, 1906. TURIN (1911)—2 GRANDS PRIX. 20 Medals and Highest Awards. Makers of High-class - - Swiss Drawing and . . Surveying Instruments. THE FINEST INSTRUMENTS IN THE WORLD. HIGHEST PRECISION. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. CATALOGUES SENT FREE. STOCK JOHN THOMPSON, 1601b 1501b. 120 b. Thompson 99 Disii Dish End Boilers-■■ 30ft. by ! „ ____ 30 ft. by 8 „ ... 30ft. by 8 ‘Russell’Steel DOGSPIKES For HIGH CLASS QUALITY and PRACTICAL UTILITY are UNSURPASSED. In use throughout the world. Large Stocks of all sizes held. JOHN G. RUSSELL, Clydesdale Spike Works, WISHAW, SCOTLAND. “CROWN” COVERINGS for Boilers, Piping, Superheaters, &c. 96 SAVING in Radiation, Greatest Economy, Longest Service. 1. : ? J ~ £LLli Hi J-- ii fcsflll1 1 - Idl Cannot be impaired, however intense the heat. Our TELLURIC CEMENT, unequalled for general purposes. Sole Makers: SUTCLIFFE BROS., Union Works, GODLEY, nr. Manchester.