May 25, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 983 .MARK PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield. AIR WASHER I, r ♦ r - * ■ »* ’•** ' r *> , • ■ . <<1 »- Xt - r' ’' 4 « r» -♦», For Cooling Turbo-Generators and supplying clean air to Compressors. Thorough Washing. The air current is brought into intimate contact with a very fine mist, and all particles of foreign matter are removed either in the spray chamber or by means of the scrubber plates. Elimination of Free Moisture. A series of carefully - designed eliminator plates removes all free moisture from the air current, which passes out of the Washer in a cool and pure state. Economy in Water. The water is recirculated, passing on its way to the spray nozzles through two sets of Filters. Write for Publication No. 1013 C. DAVIDSON & Co. Ltd., Sirocco Works, BELFAST. 6% TO 3% SAVING IN FUEL, or 1 Q.% TO 1 5% MORE STEAM Speciality— COAL SCREENING t CONVEYING 5 ST II* % ft V SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER. CONSIDERABLY OVER 1010 111 MMTO now at work in HI Dili I % CREAT BR,TA,N I ww H Lflaln I O AND THE C0L0NIES- Estimates and Designs on application Agent for South Wales: A. LEIGHTON STEVENS, 15, Fields Road, Newport, Mon. G DELIVERIES FROM STOCK Q SINGLE HOOD Circulator 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1 Established 1800. — BRASS TIME CHECKS JOHN LAWSON 4 SONS, Manufacturers of every kind of STEEL STAMPS, LETTERS, FIGURES, BRANDS, STENCIL PLATES, Ac. Roebuck Letter Works, 26, Carver Lane, SHEFFIELD. Telephone No. 57 7 States Do® tees —-O—— Tub “union” BRAND RED LABEL. \ re New Forms, &c., TZ’ O Q O Q Q Q ------- Full particular's on application. -----------______ THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn. London. E C 4. I Class B Save Money - Save Coal - Save Steam By adopting FORREST’S PATENT AUTOMATIC Cylinder DRAIN COCKS on your Compound, Winding, Hauling, and all your Stationary Engines, Steam Winches, &c. (Thousands in use), now fixed on most new Engines turned out by leading Engineers. The Safest Automati j Drain Cock ever fixed on Com= pound Condensing Engines, most positive in action. Makers of High-class Gunmetal Gland Taps. Wheel Valves, &c, For Prices, Particulars and Testimonials, apply Sole Makers, APPLETON & HOWARD, ST. HELENS, LANCS. Contractors to the War Office. Albert Frosts _ HoumrdSt. Sheffield.