May .18, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 949 Send Any Smashed Metal Part .. of any machine or engine, tool, furnace, truck, permanent way, &c. A replacement - would cost more than a repair — and a replacement cannot give better service than a Guaranteed Bepair by BARIMAR Scientific Welding Specialists. The largest plant-using concerns make con- stant use of this efficient service of Specialists, whose prices are always moderate. HOW TO SEND GOODS: Remove all fittings. Mark plainly with sender’s ’ name and address and send carriage paid. BARIMAR Ltd., Dept. L, 10, Poland Street, London, W. Telephone— Telegrams— 8173 Gerrard. “Bariquamar, Reg, London.” In any case of breakdown of plant where the part cannot be sent to London, a wire will ensure instant despatch of a Bari- mar Mobile Section, equipped to complete repair on. the spot. LEEDS TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Principal - - - R. E. BARNETT, B.Sc. Qhort Summer Course of Instruction in COAL MINE GAS TESTING and Air Measurement, in preparation for Home Office Examinations. . Instructor - -* - JAS. E. GOMERSALL, F.G.S. students meet at Leeds Institute, Cookridge-street. Leeds on TUESDAY, 22nd May, at 6 p.m. Subsequent class-meltings arraS to suit the convenience of those who attend or who send an intimation of their desire to join. Fee for the Course, 5s. Education Offices, Leeds. May, 1917. JAMBS GRAHAM, Secretary for Education. WIGAN AND DISTRICT MINING AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE. A pplications are invited for the appoint- «me?- °f a l?OTUBEB in MINING subjects. The Appointment in the first instance is for the period of the war only, but mav be made permanent if the vacancy is suitably filled. Commencing salary £150 per annum, rising by increments of £10 to a maximum of £200, together with War Bonus of 10 per cent. Applications should reach the undersigned not later than -Monday June 11th. J Particulars as to duties may be obtained from— . S. C. LAWS, M.A., B.Sc., ' ______________■ Principal. ELLESMERE PORT AND WHITBY URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. rFhe above Council invite Tenders for JL the supply of 2/2,500 tons of GAS NUTS during the twelve months from the 1st July, 1917, to the 30th June. 1918. Sealed tenders, on forms to be obtained from the undersigned, must be sent to the Council Offices Ellesmere Port, by the 29th May, 1917, endorsed Coal.” eS’ The Council d@ not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender THOS. W. FRANCIS, Clerk to the Council. The Receiver for the Metropolitan Police PJstrict hereby gives notice that he is prepared to receive TENDERS for the SUPPLY of COAL and COKtfl to the Police Offices, Police Courts Police Stations, etc., in the Metropolitan Police District for a period of Three Months from the 1st July, 1917. Printed forms of tender may be obtained from the Office of the Receiver, New Scotland Yard, S.W. 1. No tender will be received after 12 o’clock noon on Wednesday 30th Mav nor unless made on the printed form provided for that purpose The Receiver does not bind himself to accept the lowest or anv tender • New Scotland Yard, 14th May, 1917. ’ ARMY CONTRACTS. Renders for the supply of Coal and Coke JL for the period from 1st July, 1917, to' 30th June, 1918, at all Military Stations in Cheshire, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lancashire, Shropshire Herefordshire, Monmouthshire and Wales, will be received at the under- mentioned Office until 12 noon on WEDNESDAY, the 23rd MAY 1917 Forms of tender with list of stations can be obtained on a’pnlication to the DISTRICT BARRACK OFFICER, Headquarters Office 2, Nicholas-street, Chester. EDMONTON EDUCATION COMMITTEE. HDenders are invited for the supply and JL delivery of COAL and COKE at the various Elementary Schools in Edmonton, for the year ending 30th June, 1918. 0018 in Forms of tender may be obtained from the Architect, Town Hall. Lower Edmonton, N. 9. Tenders must be delivered to me, the undersigned, by noon on Tuesdav Sth June, 1917, the envelopes,to be endorsed “ TENDER FOR COAL AND COKE.” Education Offices, Brettenham-road, ARTHUR htiap Edmonton, N. 18., Secretary . CONTRACTS FOR COLLIERY STORES AND TIMBER. HPhe South Hetton Coal Co. Ltd. invite JL Tenders for six months’ supply, ending December 31st. 1917. of TIMBER (English only), OILS, IRON, CASTINGS, WIRE ROPE, and other Colliery Stores, except electrical. Forms of tender and specification, with full conditions, may be obtained from Mr*. J. R. LAMBERT, South Hetton, near Sunderland, and applicants for forms must state the kind of stores for which they wish to tender. Tenders addressed to the SOUTH HETTON COAL CO. LTD. South Hetton, near Sunderland, will be received up to June 2nd. '* For Sale.—12 useful Pit Ponies, varying from 12 to 15 hands. Just out of pit; in good condition HAUNOHWOOD COLLIERIES LTD., Nuneaton. TIT estinghouse Motor, 104-h.p., for Sale; V V 730 revs., 420-480 volts; starting gear mounted on slide panel. HELLEWELL & CO.. Royal Exchange, Manchester. ITT anted. — Second - hand Overhead V v TRAVELLING CRANE, to carry 11 ton, span 32 ft. centres,, about 16 ft. lift.—DENBY IRON A COAL CO. LTD., Denby Iron Works! near Derby. For Disposal.—About 30 tons good second-hand Flanged Hutch WHEELS and AXLES, wheels 81 in. dia.; axles 1% in. to suit 24 in. gauge. Also quantity old FLAT HEMP’ ROPE. Reply—BARNES & BELL, 79, St. George’s-place, Glasgow. For Sale.-- Two High Pressure Cylinders, 40 ft. by 6 ft. 6 in., for 100 and 1301b. steam pressure, each with one’ bolted end plate.—GEORGE COHEN, SONS A CO., 600, Commercial-’ road, London, E. 14. Generating Set for Sale,. VS VS d.c. 500 550 volts, 135 lb., speed 240, compound engine. HELLEWELL & CO., Royal Exchange, Manchester. For Sale.—Several Diamond Compressed AIR COAL-CUTTING MACHINES with cutter wheels 4 ft. 6in. and 5ft. 6 in.dia.; also a quantity of spares.—STRINGER & SON LTD - Park Mill and Emley Moor Collieries, Clayton West, nr. Huddersfield. Wanted.—Several Alternating & Direct Current MOTORS, new or good second-hand; please state age, maker’s name, h.p., voltage, and price.—YARNALL & CO., Cornwall-st. Ironworks, Openshaw, Manchester. TXIanted — One good second-hand 20 ton •» v WEIGHING MACHINE; state maker’s name and number. For Sale, 500 good second hand Relayable RAILWAY SLEEPERS 9 by 10 by 5. 1,000 ditto, suitable for cartroads or flooring purposes. 5,000 Contractors’ SLEEPERS, suitable for 3-ft. gauge road. . 20 sets of 12 in. STEEL WHEELS and AXLES, with pedestals 24'in. gauge. 20 sets 9 in. ditto? 18 in. gauge, for colliery work. 100 tons 40 lb. FLANGE RAILS, with fishplates to match. Apply—M. J. DEVILLE & CO., MILLHOUSES, SHEFFIELD. FC/^rykw. a.c. Generating Set for Sale, VS triple expansion, 135 lb., speed 330 revolutions, rope-driven exciter.—HELLEWELL & CO., Royal Exchange, Manchester. For Sale.—One Coil of New Best Steel WIRE ROPE, 1 in. dia., 4,000 ft., weight 3 tons; price £30 per ton; made by the Caledonian Wire Rope Co., Airdrie. KING’S, Garston, Liverpool. Gas Engine.—Wanted, good second- hand GAS ENGINE and GENERATOR, about 100-h.p^, d.c., 440 .volts, to work on coke oven gas.—Write, stating lowest price and all particulars, to “ X.Y.z;,” Box 6737, Collierv Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furmval-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Q 0Q-kw. d.c. Generating Set for Sale, VS VS Browett Lindley compound engine, direct coupled to com- pound-wound dynamo, 480-550 volts. HELLEWELL & CO., Royal Exchange, Manchester. For Sale.—Lancashire Boilers (two), 30 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in., by Galloway, re-insure National 120 lb. steam J. seen under steam. Immediate delivery. A. UNDERWOOD, 3, Queen-street, E.C. For Sale.—Loco. Boiler, 50-n.h.p., by Davey Paxman, 120 lb. steam. Immediate delivery. A. UNDERWOOD, 3, Queen-street, E.C. The announcement of the first directors of the British Trade Corporation marks a further step in this new experiment to assist British trade and industry. Lord Faringdon is the chairman of the board, and the other directors include Mr. F. H. Jackson, Mr. W. H. N. Goschen and Sir J. Hope Simpson, who may be taken as representatives of the banking interest; whilst Mr* F. Dudley Docker, Mr. J.v H. B. Noble and Mr. Arthur Balfour stand for industry. To this strong combination is entrusted the important task which the new Corporation will undertake* The project may be expected to develop cautiously, and the less ostentation it displays, the better will be the augury for its future success. In the meantime, the project is not escaping criticism, even before its scope is fully understood* This is inevitable under the circumstances; for British traders have so long been accustomed to rely upon individual initiative that they cannot be expected to appreciate all at once the advantages which the British Trade Corporation promises to secure. Perhaps the most acute criticism of the new project has come from the bankers rather than from the traders. The bankers’ point of view is worth consideration, but it cannot be properly estimated without some knowledge of the causes underlying the recommendation of Lord Faringdon’s Committee, that a ^rade bank should , be established in this country. One of the most important of these causes is the established fact that German traders have had considerable advantages in entering foreign markets from the support they received from the so-called industrial banks. It is perhaps the conviction that the British Trade Corporation is going to follow the lines of the German industrial banks that has aroused a certain amount of ^misgiving amongst the British joint stock banks. These German industrial banks are'not conducted upon the ordinary principles of" banking as understood in this country* There are in Germany several kinds of banks, including savings banks and banks receiving money on current or deposit account, just as do our own joint * stock banks. The industrial banks, however, do not as a rule pretend to transact merely ordinary banking business, but are also trading syndicates, making profits by financing approved industries or commercial undertakings, by floating companies and outside the regular contract requirements, little ' by establishing foreign branches for the benefit of business is passing in Lancashire, and no change in the ~ position has occurred in Yorkshire or the Midlands, even the warmer weather failing to stop the pressure for house coal. The market in Cardiff is weaker on account of the shortage of tonnage, and sellers are willing to make substantial concessions. Stocks of small coal are accumulating. No change of importance has occurred in the Scottish markets. The exports Of coal, coke, and manufactured fuel in April totalled 2,713,927 tons, valued at £3,598,291, compared with 3,200,069 tons, valued at £3,605,115, in the corresponding month last year. It is understood that the Government contemplates legislation to enable local authorities to obtain a sufficient supply of coal,for poor people during next winter. The President of the Board of Trade states that coal rationing will be necessary in some districts, especially London. For Sale.—140- and 100-b.h.p. Gas ENGINES, by Grice, with suction gas plants, 95 and 70-kw. gene- rators, 4-pole interpole, 220 volts, by Siemens, together or separate; seen running. Immediate delivery. A. UNDERWOOD, 3, Queen-street, E.C. For Sale.—25-h.p. Gas Engine, by Wm. Grice & Sons, Birmingham; Suction Gas Plant by Crossley Bros., Newport; Dynamo, G.E.C.; all complete in good working order, £150 cash down, can be seen any day.—For further particulars, write S. JONES, Sec. Ynyshir Workmen’s Hall, Ynyshir, Rhondda, South Wales. For Sale. — Six-wheel Coupled Saddle Tank LOCO. Ready for delivery. BRAMLEY ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Leeds. For Sale, good as new, Bamford’s B.12 CHAFF CUTTER and DUST EXTRACTOR, also timber frame- work if desired. Admirably suited for colliery work. Bargain.—Box 6736, Collierii Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. J. W. BAIRD AND COMPANY; PITWOOD IMPORTERS, WEST HARTLEPOOL, YEARLY CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO WITH COLLIERIES. OSBECK & COMPANY LIMITED, PIT-TIMBNB MERCHANTS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. SUPPLY ALL , KINDS OF COLLIERY TIMBER. Telegrams—“ Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne.” *** For other Miscellaneous Advertisements see Last White Page. the AND Journal of ths Coal and Iron Trades. Joint Editors— > J. V. ELSDEN, D.Sc. (Lond.), F.G.S. HUBEBT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoo.M.I.iM.E. lAt present on Active Service}. LONDON, FRIDAY, FLAY 18, 1917. The London coal market is recovering from pronounced shortage of house coal, and the railway- companies are bringing forward better supplies of loaded wagons, but the number is still much below the demand. Seaborne supplies are good, principally gas coal, but no free coal is offering. The coal markets are still inclined to drag. Quota- tions on the Tyne and Wear are of a nominal character, although best steam coals are well held. Bunkers are plentiful. As there is no great supply The Coal Trade Benevolent Association has decided to give up the annual dinner this year ; but, headed by Lord St. Oswald, a special list of subscriptions has been prepared, and the chairman, Mr. Joseph Shaw, K.C., is hopeful of making up the full amount. The members of the Coke Oven Managers’ Association (Midland section) will visit the Holbrook coke oven and by-product plant at Killamarsh, on Saturday afternoon, May 26. Only a small business is passing in the outward freight market. Most of the chartering on the Tyne is for small steamers to take coke to France. A number of coal owners had an interview with the Controller of Coal Mines relative to the State control of collieries. An agreement is expected. The Miners’ Federation of Great Britain decided to ask the Prime Minister to receive a deputation regarding rations and food prices, and also decided to attend a conference proposed by the Triple Industrial Alliance concerning the question of industrial compulsion. . The British Trade Corporation. German trade. These hanks, therefore, play the role of money lenders and company promoters, stock and share brokers and general financial agents. In all its transactions the German industrial bank exercised great discrimination in the selection of approved business, and one important result of its methods was that it enabled long credits to be given, owing to the practice of accepting six months bills* Dis Dillon has illustrated their methods in his descript tion, in his recently published work on “Germany and Ourselves,” of the establishment in Italy of the Banca Commerciale Italiana. This bank was largely German-owned, and was mainly concerned in shipping transactions. The object in view was to lend money to Italians for the acquisition of ships, which were mortgaged to the bank. With the influence thus established it was able to get an insight into Italian trade, carefully tabulating all the information