May 11, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 917 |E.W. TURNERS! English Timber Merchants, — | BLOXWICH, STAFFS. = Every kind of sawn & round English Timber, = = Oak Waggon Scantling, Tram Boards, circular = and straight Pine Sheeting, Deals, &c. = 1 TFIpPhonel13 BLOXWICH. = IDLrfEgramsl “TIMBER, BLOXWICH.” = WOODITE The best material for GAUGE GLASS RINGS in all sizes and sections For Valve*, Joint Ring*, Pump Cupg, Ram Ring*, Packing Rtngg. Price Liet and full particulars on application to— WOODITE CO., Mitcham Common, Surrey. British Manufacture Best Quality at Lowest Prices Every description either separate or in cases. SPECIAL 12 in. CARDBOARD PROTRACTOR, reading to 1°, at 2c. 6