May 11, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 887 B“s SUPERHEATERS xtl x x _______ SAVE IO to 20% of COAL. OVER 1,600 WORKING. JlllllllllIlllllLIUIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJ i 8 « E . . SUPERHEATER APPLIED TO LANCASHIRE BOILER. MAKERS of SUPERHEATERS FOR ALL TYPES OF BOILERS. Experts on Piping Installations, etc. Send your Enquiries to BOLTON’S SUPERHEATERS Ltd. (Late A. BOLTON & Co.) Heatizer Works, Trafford Park, MANCHESTER. Tele. No, 649 Trafford Park. Telegrams: “Heatizer,” Manchester. VERY early in the history of man came the necessity of moving things from one place to another. To-day the most successful boiler houses—those with the highest effi- ciency and lowest working cost—are using “ Bennis ” Automatic Coal and Ash Handling Plant combined with “ Bennis ” Stokers. Complete schemes prepared free to any requirement, and behind every one is the successful record of three quarters of a century’s experience. S I J & Co.,Ltd Our fully illustrated and descriptive literature free for the asking. AA LITTLE HULTON, BOLTON ; " AND ^zl", , ii 28, Victoria Street, S.W. i. ffi A Z H l3 GEORGE £3 BURNSIDE, Burnside’s Safety Boring Apparatus. Used most successfully in tapping old Mine Workings. -Apply/or Catalogue. Rock and Stone Drilling Machines: Drills to any Size. Also Eye Guards for Pit Ponies. Boring Tool Works, Shiney Row, Fencehouses, CO. DURHAM. - ’ ' ................... ' DISPOSAL OF PIT REFUSE. Are you short of Men ? Are you short of Wagons ? AN AERIAL ROPEWAY Will overcome these difficulties. Send us your enquiries. THE BRITISH ROPEWAY 7, MINCING LANE, Tele: Central 11250 Bank - 8212 ENGINEERING Co. Ltd., LONDON, E.C. 3. Tel. Address— “Glen,” Killamarsh. Telephone— Eckington No- 48. Mining Steel. High Speed Steel. Coal Cutter Steel. Chisel Steel. Steel Castings. ADIEEIll Bill I Q For Producing bnlrrlll fflILLd stonedust Buy from the Makers— James Glen & Co. Killamarsh Steel Works, KILLAMARSH, SHEFFIEL D. No. 6 REPORT OF THE EXPLOSIONS IN MINES COMMITTEE, whilst recommending a minimum of 50 °/o passing a 200 x 200 sieve, says emphatically“ THE FINER THE DUST THE BETTER,” con- sequently, STONEDUST PRODUCED BY THE GRIFFIN MILL. SYSTEM IS THE MOST EFFICACIOUS PRODUCTION THE PURPOSE, SEEING IT PREPARES:— Percentage Output per hour Passing 200 x 200 Sieve Dust from South Wales Shale— 1 to 11 tons upwards 83 °/o Dust from Yorkshire & other Shale—1 to tons upwards 87 °/o No other System of Pulverizing can approach the GRIFFIN & GIANT GRIFFIN MILL for Low Cost of Grinding and Fineness of Product. ---- FOR FULL PARTICULARS, APPLY - BRADLEY PULVERIZER C? 37, Walbrook, LONDON, E.C. FOR Horse Power Required 25 25