834 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN April 27, 1917. Chisel Steel. Steel Castings. Buy from the Makers— James Glen & Co IF YOU HAVE KiHamarsh Steel Works. Haulage and Winding Problems KILLAMARSH, SHEFFIELD. CONSIDER MO/SELESS Tel. Address— “Glen,” KiHamarsh. Telephone— Eckington No- 48. Jt COVENTRY Fitted in REDUCTION GEAR BOXES. They give High Efficiency and Long Life. Handbook Cl3 Free on Request. Coventry Chain Co. Ltd Coventry, Eng SPECIAL Self-contained MACHINE for CORRECT GRINDING of STONE-DUST For FIERY WORKINGS BRICKMAKING MACHINERY Suitable for COLLIERY SHALES. Richard Scholefield, tts Leeds. ’Phone 1513. ENQUIRIES SOLICITED. Wire “Brick, Leeds.” Mining 5teel. High Speed Steel. Coal Cutter Steel. BUMSTED & CHANDLER LTD Cannock Chase Foundry and Engine Works, HEDNESFORD, STAFFS. Telegrams—“ Bags. Hednesford.” Telephone—48 Cannock. FANS AND ENGINES FOR MINE Ventila- tion, with Special Reversing Doors. High Speed Engines FOR LIGHTING and POWER. Centri- fugal Pumps. Haulage Gears, &c. Above illustration shows our Steel Cased Reversing Fan, which is passing a larger volume of air than the 40 feet brick-cased fan alongside it. Founded 1 8 9 9. WATER AND WATER ENGINEERING. Price 6d. monthly. Annual Subscription, 7/6 post free (payable in advance) FOR SALE OR HIRE. Hire terms fur- nished on appli- cation. NAYLOR’S APPROVED 8IF0LD MARSAUT LAMP. Given the best light, in the hot Gas Detector, and the Safest Flame Lamp pro urable. Offices— 30 & 31, Fuknival Stkbbt, Holborn, London, E.C. 4 NEW MINES ACT. Approved Miners’ Lamps TO MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE ACT. Arranged for Electric Ignition and with Mag- netic Lock. Particulars furnished on application. Demonstrations arranged by appointment. J. H. NAYLOR, Central Brass Works, Established 1861. WIGAN. THOMAS SUMMERSON & SONS LTD ALBERT WORKS, DARLINGTON. Contracted for Complete Sidings PATENT IREflSERj ’ OVER 1,000 PAIRS SOLD. K ■ NEW PATENT N920901.1913. K Awz/yzzzv puoros. ro sol? PER PAIR, i AUTOMATIC lEVANS DODD, k | CANNOCK. The Capacity of your Winding Engines can be greatly increased by the use of Ferodo brake linings. The cages can be raised at full speed to within a very short distance of the pit mouth and pulled up smoothly and with certainty without the destructive practice of reversing the engines. Ferodo fabrics have the highest co-efficient of friction, and absorb more foot pounds of energy per square inch than any other material. They are spark-proof, thus obviating any risk of fire. Their durability is many times greater than that of hard oak, and they are at all times much more efficient. MANUFACTURERS of SWITCHES Chairs, Spikes, Fish Plates, Iron FISH PLATES and BOLTS for various sections and CROSSINGS, and Steel Castings, of Rail kept in Stock. IHBEBBBI Clutch and Brake Linings. Contractors to the War Office and Admiralty, London Gsneral Omnibus Company, and Underground Electric Railways of London and Paris. List H from THE HERBERT FROOD CO. LTD., Works—CH A P EL-EN-L E-F R IT H. We hold stocks at London, Birmingham, Belfast, Bristol, Car- diff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester & Newcastle. Agents for India: THE ASBESTOS & BELTING CO., H2 3 & 4, Waterloo Street, CALCUTTA.