April 13, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 745 GEORGE ANGUS & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. CONVEYOR BELTS of ALL DESCRIPTIONS. I SEND FOR PRICES. II And at London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow, Cardiff, ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinj,_And JQHANNESBURG-_ __ The Strongest & Most Reliable Briquette Machinery for Blocks, Ovoids or Eggettes. WHY have SO MANY GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS during recent years been placed with us? THERE’S A REASON. Write for particulars— ' IVA7. JOHNSON & SONS (Leeds) LTD., “ Eggette ” or Ovoid Briquette Making Machine. Outputs 1 to 20 tons per hour. Armley, LEEDS. J. BLAKE BOROUGH A SOINS L° Valves and Cocks of every description for all purposes. Sluice Valves from 1|ln. to 96 in. bore. Woodhouse Works, BRIGHOUSE, YORKS. Best Materials and Workmanship. Designs outcome of over 50 years’ Specialised Experience. GERMAN MADE GOODS. We invite Buyers of goods, formerly procured from the Continent, not mow to favour us with particulars of their requirements. We have completed arrangements under which we can give early delivery, and would be glad to quote competitive prices. ROWLAND 6 FOOT & CO ENGINEERS and ■ iwiiLHiw u. ruui at uu., contractors. 11, Queen Victoria St., LONDON, E.C. COLLIERY OWNERS MANUFACTURING BRICKS SHOULD 8UB8CBIBB TO THE BRITISH CLAY-WORKER The Organ of the Brick and Tile Trades. Published Monthly. Subscription : 8s. per annum, post free. Send for Specimen Copy to the Publisher, The BRITISH CLAY-WORKER, 43, Essex-St., LONDON, W.C. THE “LEA” RECORDER IS NEVER TIRED of giving you valuable information concerning the running of your Boilers, Engines or Turbines. Enlist the services of this trust- worthy servant on your behalf. THE LEA RECORDER Co. Ltd. DEANSGATE. MANCHESTER. Telegraphic Address .“ YEADON, LEEDS.” Telephone : 285 LEEDS. YEADONS’ Briquette Machinery for utilising small coal, coke, lignite, SAWDUST, IRON, COPPER & OTHER ORES, &c. - WHY have we received MORE ORDERS for BRIQUETTE MACHINERY in the last 18 MONTHS than ALL OTHER BRITISH MAKERS COMBINED? FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS:— 1. Because we use our own Original Designs throughout. 2. Because we have had 40 Years’ Practical Experience in Construction, Erection, and Working Briquette Machinery in all parts of the World. 3. Because our Briquette Machinery is acknowledged to be the Best for Satisfactory Efficiency and Durability. 4. Because we have Supplied our Briquette Machinery to customers in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland, Russia, Norway, Serbia, Sardinia, Italy, Spain, Turkestan, India, Assam, China, Japan, Canada, United States, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentine, S. Africa, New S. Wales, Queensland, & New Zealand. For Specifications, Prices, and Full Particulars, apply to — YEADON, SON & GOaj Engineers, Albion Place, LEEDS, England.