April 13, 1917. PHE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 713 ■ •• TRADE • • • • • . MARK • • PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield AIR WASHER Speciality— COAL SCREENING s CONVEYING For Cooling Turbo-Generators and supplying clean air to Compressors. Thorough Washing. The air current is brought into intimate contact with a very fine mist, and all particles of foreign matter are removed either in the spray chamber or by means of the scrubber plates. Elimination of Free Moisture. A series of carefully - designed eliminator plates removes all free moisture from the air current, which passes out of the Washer in a cool and pure state. Economy in Water. The water is recirculated, passing on its way to the spray nozzles through two sets of Filters. Write for Publication No. 1013 C. DAVIDSON & Co. Ltd., Sirocco Works, BELFAST. SECTION’OF SCREENING PLANT JATZ’BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER. CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS H Estimates and Designs on application Agent for South Wales: A. LEIGHTON STEVENS, 15, Fields Road, Newport, Mon. WORK IN BRITAIN COLONIES. f % MORE STEAM FUEL OIL for industrial furnaces, Diesel engines & merchant ships. SPECIFY FIG. 6685 Sent on Approval. ANNALS OF COALMINING & THE COAL TRADE By Post, 25s. 9d. BY ROBERT L. CALLOWAY. Price 25s. net. The Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4 1---U----11——If HIoIpIkIi nson, A___________JI__________11__________II__________11__________J SINGLE HOOD Circulator 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1 We supply a clean, high-grade fuel oil. Brotherton & Co. Ltd WORKS— Birmingham Glasgow Leeds Liverpool City Chambers, Leeds WORKS— Middlesbrough Sunderland Wakefield Workington PATENT SHELTERED SEAT TRYCOCK ...— For — | I WATER GAUGES. MiKMKSiilJ , o „ Fig. 6685. ADVANTAGES NO ASBESTOS PACKING TROUBLES. No plugs to work loose and leave the packing faces, causing cutting and leakage. No circular action to cause grooving. Easy method of operating, as there is no packing fric- tion to overcome. Is not affected by expan- sion. Large outlet for discharge of sediment, &c. Self Cleansing. Main valve opened and closed at atmospheric pres- sure, which overcomes the cutting action of the steam and water at the point of opening and closing. VALVE AND SEAT OF HOPKINSON’S “PLATNAM” METAL. which does not cut and score like gunmetal & other alloys. Upward* of 500 ton* of Standard Steel Castings kept tn Stock. We can give immediate delivery of iron and steel valves. Illustrated Catalogue Post Free on Application. J. HOPKINSON & C° LD Huddersfield. Maker* of Patent Safety Boiler Mounting* and Valve* For High Pressure Superheated Steam, High-class Exhaust and Water Sluice Valves for Condensing Plants, <&c., Automatic Exhaust Valves, Reducing Valves, Steam Traps, &c., &c. Depots and Showrooms—London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Oldham, Blackpool, Paris & Petrograd. No. 374.