630 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 30, 1917. F0R minerals, JD water and brine PAGE I Boreholes for Prospecting in . . 631 I Underground Workings a Speciality. 63i VIVIAN’S BORING COMPANY, I PARKSIDE, CLEATOR MOOR. 6211 OVER 88 MILES OF BORINGS COMPLETED. I Established 44 years. Largest experience. I Telegrams—“Vivians, Parkside, Cleator Moor.’’ 622 ------------------------------------------ ® BORING fob MINERALS, &c. z 625 Solid Specimens of the Strata obtained. 626 J Established 1888. Work guaranteed. 627 628 629 629. 629 “CROWN” BOILER COVERINGS 635 I of Outstanding Superiority. 396"/. SAYING 640 I Intensest Heat cannot Impair. . I SUTCLIFFE BROS. “SKSXT' CONTEHTS. Editorial Articles :— Sampling Delivered. Coal.............•_.................. The Industrial Outlook ............................. Articles:— Aerial Wire Ropeways....................................... Hydraulic Decking Plant nt the Great Western Colliery Company’s Cwm Pit................. The Recovery of Benzol from Gas .................... An American Concrete Tipple ................. Steam Raising with Pulverised Coal ............... Portable Miners’ Lamps ...................... Coal Output in 1916 .......................... South Wales Mining Timber Trade ................. The American Coal Trade ............................ Mining Industry and Military Service .......... Mining Rights in Hatfield Chase____ .........__ Obituary.............__......................... Labour and Wages........................ Mining and Other Notes.................................. Open Contracts ______............... The Freight Market .......................... Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted.................................. .................................... New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades ............................ Publications Received................. Letters to the Editors :— Cage Safety Devices .................. Signalling with Bare Wires ........... Reports of Meetings :— South Wales Institute of Engineers ... The Coal and Iron Trades........... The London Coal Trade ..... The Tin-plate Trade................____ Current Science and Technology........... Parliamentary Intelligence .............. ___________________________________________________ Notes from the Coal Fields .............. Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature ....... Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies ........ Miscellanea :— Mining Accidents and Relief —New Orders _____________________________ Regarding Wagons __......................... Coal Production in Spain—Electric Power __.... Institution of Mechanical Engineers—Institution of Civil Engineers—Restriction on Spelter Dealings................................... _ Blinded Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Hostel__..... ■7;Restrictions on Imports—Belfast Coal Merchants’ __________________________________________ Action—Manchester Association of Engineers The Hailwood Lamp—Prices of Wrought Iron Scrap ___.........................__ . Tempering Coal-cutting Machine Bits — Coal Shipped from Ports in the United Kingdom ______________________ during February _________....................... Geo. N. Dixon & Co., 43, Castle Street, Liverpool, Auctioneers and Valuers, COLLIERIES, Brickworks & Mining Plant Auctioneers & Valuers to the Engineering Trades. KNIGHT & PARTNERS Ltd 27, Old Queen Street, Westminster, S.W. J. S. DAVIDSON & SON, St. Bees, CUMBERLAND. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. SALES conducted in ail parts of the Kingdom. COAL, IRON & STEEL SHARES. WILLIAM CHAPMAN & COMPANY Stockbrokers. (established since 1851). Cavendish Buildings, Wheeler Cate, NOTTINGHAM. Special Business in Coal, Iron and Steel Shares. Lists, reports, &c., will be forwarded regularly on application. 644 644 636 636 bSJ££1 I For COLLIERIES Rails 1 and WORKS. Roof Bars | TH0? W. WARD Ltd, Pit Props I Albion Works, a ■ " I SHEFFIELD. arches J — _________________________________________________________ “MINERAL DUTIES ON LAND VALUES.’ By R. F. MacSwinney, Barrister-at-Law. Just issued, 4/2'post free. SWEET & MAXWELL LD., 3, Chancery=lane, W.C, 2. .. 629 632—636 .. 632 ..... 635 .. 628 .. 636 .. 636. “AERIAL ELECTRIC PLANT. Two Very Fine Turbo - alternators, 700-kw. each; particulars on application. 250-kw. Generator, by G.E.O., 500 volts d.c., 120 r.p.m.; low price. Two 50-kw. Generators coupled, by Armstrong Whitworth, 230 volts d c , compoundrwound; £350. High speed Engine and Generator, on one bedplate, by Westinghouse Co., 30 kw. six pole dynamo, 125 volts, 350 r.p.m ; £135. * One 50-kw. Generating Set, high-speed Alley & MacLellan engine, coupled Phoenix dynamo, four psle, shunt wound, 220 volts d.c. JOHN FREDK. WAKE, DARLINGTON. PiAfYkw- Generating Set for Sale, V_z d.c. 500.550 volts, 135 lb., speed 240, compound engine. HELLBWELL & CO., Royal Exchange, Manchester. 622 625 627 635 636 638 ROPEWAYS GOLIATH CRANES. , Two 20-ton Goliath Cranes, 45 ft. span ; low prices. JOHN FREDK. WAKE, DARLINGTON. ANY SYSTEM For Sale.—Pair of Coupled Horizontal STEAM ENGINES, by Robey, Lincoln, cylinders 15 in. diameter, stroke 26 in., fitted with patent automatic governor and link-expansion gear, flywheel (in halves), 12 ft. diameter and grooved for six ropes l^in.. diameter.—For further particulars, apply, INCE HALL COLLIERIES LTD., Manchester-road, Higher Ince, Wigan. 644 ________________________________________________ Offices for — The British Ropeway Engineering Co. Ltd. ADVERTISEMENTS and PUBLICATION— I 7 MINCING LANF LONDON F P 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, ’ miNWW« LflNt> LuNIJUN, E.C. London, E.C. 4. | Tele—CENTRAL 11250. Telegraphic Address—“ Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” _______________________________________________ Telephone--1354 Holborn CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS : Prices for SPECIAL POSITIONS on application. Prices for ORDINARY POSITIONS Single Column (3 inches wide) : For 52 insertions 2s. 9d. T • „ . • ? K 2g , / per insertion for eacli ” 13 ’’ 3s.’ lOd. J inch in depth. _______________________________________________ Double Column (6 inches wide), double the above rates. Three Columns (9 inches wide), three times the above rates. (A Classified List appears on page 646.) Engineers, Edinburgh. Bruce Peebles & Co- L‘d- ELECTRICAL MACHINERY SEMI-PORTABLE AND PORTABLE ENGINES. /tZVn.h.p. Compound Undertype Semi- fjr Portable Engine, by Robey, cylinders 13£ in. and 23 in. diameter, 24 in. stroke, 1401b. w.p., Very fine engine; £725. Two 12 h.p. Semi-portable Engines, by Robey, 120 lb. w.p.; £170 each. 10-h.p. Portable Engine, by Marshall, single cylinder, 80 lb..w.p.; £130. 8-h p. Portable Engine, by Ruston Proctor, 100 lb. w.p.; £120. JOHN FREDK. WAKE, DARLINGTON. HAULING ENGINES FOR SALE. Pair Long-type Hauling Engines, 12 in. cylinders, 20 in. stroke, 2 drums 4 ft. diameter on tread. To view and for price, apply— EAST BRISTOL COLLIERIES, Kingswood Collieries, Bristol. See our Illustrated Advt. last week. LOCOMOTIVES. 1 D in. Four-coupled Loco, copper box, IO 140 lb. w.p.: £950. 9 in. Four-coupled Loco, steel box, 120 lb. w.p.; £400. Two 8 in. cylinder Four coupled Locos, 2 ft. 6 in. gauge, by Kerr Stuart, 150 lb. w.p.; £450 each. 3 ft. gauge Bagnall Loco, 6 in cylinders, 150 lb. w.p.; £375. JOHN FREDK. WAKE, DARLINGTON. HEATERS—Steam or Waste. 3KOLTEI?. " —Small Pattern. COOLERS-" Interchange.” ^SOFTENERS—No Lime. a-c- Generating Set for Sale, V-/ V/ triple expansion, 135 lb., speed 330 revolutions, rope-driven exciter.—HELLE WELL & CO., Royal Exchange, Manchester. Write— ____________________ ________ .The Lawrence Patent Water Softener, &o., Co. Ltd. The Colliery Guardian, published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, PARLIAMENT MANSIONS, WESTMINSTER, can be supplied direct from the Publishing Offices, post---------- free for twelve months, at the following rates :— United Kingdom ______ 26/- (23/6 in advance). Canada ______________ 28/- (25/- do. Foreign and Colonial ... 30/6 (27/6 do. When foreign subscriptions are sent by Money payable through the Post Office, advice should be the Publishers. SUBSCRIPTIONS MILS, RAELS. ALL SECTIONS AND ACCESSORIES. Also quantity F.B. suitable for bearers. .. Sleepers. Timbers. Switches and Crossings. Orders, 11 Buffer Stops. Locomotives. Cranes. Wagons. ______ Bent t0 ARMYTAGE & JONES Ltd., Sheaf Street, Sheffield. . Offices for Advertisements and Publication :—30 Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C.4 Telegraphic Address, “Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.’’ Telephone—1354 Holborn. . ______________________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________ and 31> I TZ>rattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted JLJ* with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTICE CLOTH on good commission only.—Address, FAIRCLOUGH & SONS, Bank-lane, Clayton, near Manchester. Mine Secretary and Accountant, 22 years’ experience South Africa and the East, would like position at home.—Box 6695, Collier# Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C.4. Established 1866. PATENTS, DESIGNS, and TRADE MARKS. JJARRIS AND MILLS, I lyining Engineer, First-class (home) l^Obtent Agents. 1-OL Colliery Manager’s Certificate, REQUIRES POST in India nn/j zc tttgtt wnmnDv t nvnnv I 1.mm^ia^ly ,affcer tha war 2O’in- gauge; £8 See Advertisement appearing an front Cover of alternate weeks. Steel Tip Wagons, oak frames, new; £18 each. THE WADDLE PATENT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD., 20 3Jtu gauge Side-tip Wagons, entirely new, hardwood tops and frames; Llanmore Works Llanelly | john fbedk. wakb, Darlington. HAULING OB WINDING ENGINES. Pair very fine Hauling or Winding Engines, by Grange Iron Co;, Ltd., 15 in. cylinders, with Corliss valves, almost as new; £250. Pair 16 in link reversing Hauling or Winding Engines; £150. Pair 13 in. Reversing Engines, by Marshall, suitable for hauling or winding; £180. JOHN FREDK. WAKE, DARLINGTON. MATERIAL FOR SALE. One Steel Bricking Scaffold for 16 ft. pit. One Evans’ SINKING PUMP, 8.000 gallons capacity. Two Pooley’s PIT BANK WEIGHING MACHINES, type 83. One 3 GROOVE ROPE WHEEL for 1J in. rope, 3ft.4Jin. dia., 5J in. shaft, keywayed, in halves. One 3 GROOVE ROPE WHEEL for 1% in. rope, 4 ft. dia., 4 in. shaft, keywayed, in halves. One 5 GROOVE ROPE WHEEL for 1| in. rope, 6 ft. dia., 5 in. shaft, keywayed, solid. Apply, SWANWIOK COLLIERIES, Alfreton, Derbyshire. ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE AND OVERHEAD CRANES. 5-Ton Electric Loco. Crane, by Grafton, 34 fb. steel jib, 40-h.p. motor, 525 volts d.c.; £700. 3 ton Electric Loco. Crane, by Smith, 23 ft. steel jib; £525. 2-ton Electric Loco. Crane, by Isles, steel jib: £325. 40 ton Electric Overhead Crane, 36 ft. span ; £650. 10-ton Electric Overhead Crane, 3 motors; £445. JOHN FREDK. WAKE, DARLINGTON. GENERATING SETS. One each 400- and 750-kw., 350/400 volt, 50 period, 3 phase, both can be seen running. 68-kw., new, 220 volt, d.c set. 75 kw., 110 volt, Parsons Turbo generator, with surface condenser, complete. MOTORS. Two 40-, one 25- and one 20-h.p., slip ring 400 volt, 59 period, 3-phase. Two 30-h.p., squirrel cage, 25 period, 3-phase, 400/440 volt, fitted with back gears, 720 r.p.m. Makers, British Westinghouse. Two bi-polar, open-type, shunt-wound, Crompton, 110 volt, 920 r.p.m. All are complete with slide rails and starting switches. TURBO MINE PUMP, capacity 500 galls, per minute, 500 ft. head direct coupled to 150-h.p., 440 volt, 3-phase, 25 period, Crompton motor ’ Independent Steam - driven Mirrlees - Watson JET CONDENSER, capacity 19 000 lb. of steam per hour. The above plant .is ready for immediate despatch.—Apply, FRANK GILMAN, Lightwoods Hill, Birmingham. Telephone, 1031 Edgbaston. STEAM WINCHES, ETC. Six Steam Winches, 7 in. cylinders, first- class condition; £60 each. Two Horizontal Windlasses, 6 in. cylinders; £50 each. One Harfield Patent Steam Windlass. 9 in. cylinders; £100 JOHN FREDK. WAKE, DARLINGTON.