March 23, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 603 THE STRONGEST PERMITTED DYNOBEL No. 3. ARRANGE TRIALS WITH NOBEL’S EXPLOSIVES CO. LTD., GLASGOW. Let us quote you for For all kinds of Machines. ENGINEERS’ HAMMERS & CHISELS, Small Forgings, Castings in — Lead, Copper & Brass. — The Patent Stone-dressing Tool Cold. Wicker Lane, SHEFFIELD. ORM EROD’S IMPROVED PATENT SAFETY LINKS For the effectual prevention of Accidents from Over- winding. THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE SAFETY DETACHING HOOK YET INVENTED. Advantages and full particulars on application. Sizes up to 10 Tons working load in Stock or Progress. DIPLOMAS OF HONOUR AWARDED TORONTO, LONDON & OTTAWA, CANADA, August, September and October, 1898. PATENTEE Sf SOLE MANUFACTURER— EDWARD ORMEROD, Atherton, nr. Manchester. Aft A u t o ... !<■ DetacHmenv. The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and » wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (fous sizes), catches and couplings. SMALLMAN patent HAULAGE CLIPS. New Models Nine Sizes. Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. Illustrated Catalogue. Clips can be had without catches Patentee and Sole Manufacturer:— JAMES W. SMALLMAN. Nuneaton. Ennlann SEVER, DORLING & GO. L,D Bowling Iron Works, BRADFORD. Telegrams—“FOUNDRY, BRADFORD.” Telephone—1644 BRADFORD. AGENTS . Northumberland and Durham—Mr. W. E. COWENS, Scottish Union Bldgs., 90, Pilgrim St., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire— South Wales—Mr. D. LLEWELLIN EVANS, 120 Bute Street, CARDIFF. Manager Fan Department—R. A. YOUNG, 13, Mosley Street, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. SOLE L1CENCEES FOR CAPELL FANS. PRE-EMINENT FOR 25 years for efficiency, strength and reliability. New and improved design, giving larger outputs for same size of fan. RESULT OF TEST. Fan, 12 ft. 6 in. by 7 ft. Revs., 265. W.G., 8 in. Cu. ft. per min., 376,000. H.P. in air, 472. H.P. indicated, 579. Useful effect, 81’5 per cent. Estimates for Fans up to the largest capacities.