March 16, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 545 The Silent Conveyor (Spence’s Patent). SHEFFIELD. A Fair Example of Results Length of Face - - Height of Seam - - Average Gradient against load Average discharge (5 men) - 60 tons per shift Average load (input) - 4 B.H.P. 80 yards 2 ft. 9 in. 1 in 12 Meco Belt Conveyor Head, Spiro-turbine Drive. Perfectly noiseless in operation. Positive in action, will convey equally well uphill or down. Most economical in power consumption. Electric or air-driven. Will men your take the place of your enlisted and will increase tremendously output of coal. Write to-day for Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars. Mining Engineering Co. Ld Meco Works, Moorfields, The Telegrams : “ Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone: 4 5 30 Central (2 lines).