March 9, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 505 A high return on outlay assured with coal at present abnormal price. Initial cost of Economiser repaid in many instances in two to three years. A reduction in the coal account means an increase in dividend. Steaming capacity of boilers increased. SAVES ONE WAGON OF COAL IN EVERY FIVE. COPYRIGHT i n ?- ~ “ § ■. i © Reduces the coal consump- tion 15 to 20 per cent. Every ton of coal saved by the Economiser at a colliery is another ton for sale at market price. Coal saving commences immediately Economiser is connected up. Write for Pamphlet “ B.Q.” to: E. GREEN & SON L" Economiser Works, WAKEFIELD. Bargains in BELTING. EVERY DESCRIPTION. For DRIVING or CONVEYING. Up to 30 in. wide in stock. F. WATKINSON &, CO., Belting Manufacturers, HALIFAX, England. Also These Mountings INSTRUMENTS of PRECISION for the FIELD, MINE, AND DRAWING OFFICE. PRATCHITT BROTHERS, Denton Ironworks, CARLISLE. PUMPING, WINDING and M HAULING ENGINES THE “BETALL” THEY ARE made in the Steam Users’ Interest. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FREE ESTAB. 1877. Over 2,000 British Steam Users are now using the Baldwin ” BET ALL” Valves. JAMES BALDWIN & CO., KEIGHLEY, Engineers and Founders. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ... a hot thick fire and therefore speedy evaporation. That’s the secret of boiler firing. But you cannot get the best results from the natural draught —that is, chimney draught. A chimney relies upon hot gases for its drawing power— and that’s waste. These hot gases should be utilised in the reduction of your fuel bill. The “Cyclone” Induced Draught Plant gets the maximum from the fuel. It helps you to use cheaper fuel. And it means—all the time—economy with efficiency. Write for our Booklet 275F to-day. It will interest you. min “ Cyclone ’* Blower and Exhauster. A few extracts from testimonials—facsimiles of the original letters are shown in our Booklet. “. % . the Induced Draught has given a satis- factory result both in the Reduction of the Coal Bill and the stopping of the Smoke Nuisance. . .” “. . . the use of the fan enables us to cope with this load without having to put on extra boilers. .” “ The savings to be effected by the plant above referred to, will in 12 months time more than pay for the Induced Draught Installation.” “ Your fan has now been running 18 months. We now use only the one Boiler, have reduced the quality of coal 25 °/o . . . and have ceased to receive notices from the Authorities re * emitting dense smoke.’ ” we could not possibly work without it we are well satisfied with the results. has given every satisfaction. Illllllllllllllllllllll Direct Coupled Steam Set supplied to the Monkton Colliery Co. Ltd. Contractors to H.M. War Office and Admiralty. The illustration shows a “Thornton” Patent Mining Dial in compact form. Many patterns. Illustrated Catalogue free on application. A. G. THORNTON Ltd.. Manufacturers, Paragon Works, 19, King Street West, MANCHESTER. PREPARE for HEAVY RAILWAY TRAFFIC, and order your new Weighbridge before prices get higher. G.H.B . r I M- Ha The LEEDS make allows your Locomotive to go over. SAML DENISON & SON L™ Furlea, LEEDS.