452 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 2, 1917. Hurst Limited, C. Engines or machines. (2482) Hutt, A. C. Rate setting device for stoking regulators. (2556) Jackson, J. G., and Jackson Limited, J. G. Extrusion charging apparatus for dealing with charging substances to be maintained heated. (2665) Kilburn, B. E. D. (Sulzer freres Soc. Anon.). Apparatus for heating fuel for combustion engines. (2514) Kingett, W. R. Coal trimmer for locomotive engines. (2632) Mondolfo, G. Process for treatment of peat for transform- ing it into a combustible product. (2622) Munster, Simms and Company. Air heater for internal combustion engines. (2679) Murphy, W. Internal combustion engines of the two-stroke cycle type. (2414) Musker, A. Discharge of coal, etc., from barges, etc., and elevation and delivery thereof. (2543) Neil, J. Firing doors of steam boiler furnaces. (2730) Patton, A. M. Engines or machines. (2482) Perks, E. Valve mechanism for internal combustion engines. (2606) Rainey, F. E. Water tube boilers. (2477) Richardson, C. W. Annaratus for distillation and dehydra- tion of coal tar, oils, etc., and debenzolising wash, etc., oils and liquids. (2607) Sclater, A. W. Internal combustion engines using heavy oil as fuel. (2563) Shanks, J. K. Melting furnaces. (2420) Spence, W. L. Two-stroke cycle internal combustion engines. (2661) Spiller, R. F. Engines or machines. (2482) Stanfield. J. R. M. Internal combustion engines. (2590) Stark, A. H. Means for utilising kinetic energy of air. (2554) (Sulzer freres Soc. Anon.). Apparatus for heating fuel for combustion engines. (2514) Tedesco, G. Apparatus for purifying or refining mineral spirits, etc. (2506) Tidmas, C. W. Internal combustion engines. (2521) Walker, A. C. C. Internal combustion engines, etc. (2412) Welford, R. Internal combustion engines. (2428) Whittaker, G. R. Steam boiler appliance. (2659) Wildy, D. W. Internal combustion engines. (2428) Williams, E. Firebrick linings, arches, etc., for furnaces, etc. (2634) Yates, J. Steam boiler appliance. (2659) Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on March 15.) 1915. 13888. Heys (Neuland Patents Limited). Dynamo electric machines. 1916. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 2441. Dayton, W. C. Apparatus for making gas from liquid hydrocarbons. (104023) 2547. Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Company, and Whit- more, H. B. Dynamo electric machinery. (104027) 3409. Wardale, H., and Storey, W. R. Hydraulic cranes and the like. (104042) 4924. Lea, J. E. Apparatus used in the measurement of water of condensation boiler feed water and the like. (104061) 5132. Heyl, G. E. Reduction of ores. (104064) 5133. Heyl, G. E. Distillation of shale and the like. (104065) 5134. Heyl, G. E. Distilling coal. (104066) 5135. Heyl, G. E. Distilling oil. (104067) 5814. Slade, H., and Green, F. W. Construction of tube joint for fuel economisers for steam boilers and the like. (104078) 6078. Nield, W. H., and Melland, W. Furnaces. (104084) 6445. Crossley, K. I., and Webb, W. Le P. Internal combustion oil engines. (104089) 6655. Gill, J. H. W. Two-stroke internal combustion engines. ((104091) 7634. Gilman, F., and Clements, G. F. Pneumatic and like hand tools for scaling tubes and surfaces. (104099) 8795. Dorman and Company, W. H., and Watson, O. W. J. Governors for engines, particularly internal combustion engines. (104104) 8818. Hardy, B. H., and Redrup. A. L. Device for strain- ing or tensioning wires, cables, and the like. (104105) 12855. Burks, E. G., and Hayes, N. Coal washing mechanism. (104121) 13678. Wilputte, L. Coke ovens. (104127) 14099. Habets, P., and France, A. Apparatus for washing coal and other minerals. (104132) 14996. Howden and Company, J., and Hume, J. H. Feed water heating and distributing devices for multi- sectional steam generators. (104137) Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1916. 4000. Riter-Conley Manufacturing Company. Producing sulphate of ammonia. (104155) 13800. Aktiebolaget Ingeniorsfirma F. Egnell. Method and apparatus for analysing gas. (104160) 16083. Morrison, W. Power transmission systems and mechanism. (104161) 17994. Darier, G. E. Fractional distillation of liquids, washing gases by liquids, and cooling gases and liquids. (104163) 1917. 1197. Westinghouse Machine Company. Turbine appar- atus. (104169) 1544. Soc. Anon, pour 1’Eclairage Electrique des Vehicules. Dynamo electric machines. (104172) 2119. Burrell, G. A. Gas analysing apparatus. (104179) 2298. Petersen, V. 8. K. Method and apparatus for measuring heat calories. (104184) An application was made in the Patents Court for licence to use 23 patents covering the newest German discoveries of fast dyes from coal tar products. It was stated that none of these dyes had been employed in this country before. British Dyes Limited, of Huddersfield, made the applica- tion, and offered a royalty of 2J per cent. The Comptroller stated that he would recommend the granting of the appli- cation. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Elementary Coal Mining. By G. L. Kerr. London : Chas. Griffin and Company Limited. Price, 3s. 6d. net. Butterworths’ Workmen's Compensation Cases. Vol. 9 (New Series). Edited by Judge Ruegg and D. Knocker, assisted by E. T. Dale. London : "Butterworth and Com- pany. “ Journal of the Royal Statistical Society ” (Vol. 80, Part 1), January, price 5s.; “ The American Mining Congress Journal ” (Vol. 3, No. 2), price 20c. ; “ Indus- trial Management,” February, price 25c. ; “ Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers,” February; “ Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute (No. 58), February. Partnerships Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces dissolution of the partnership of T. L. Powell and W. A. Noel, trading as Powell, Noel and Company, colliery agents and coal exporters, 110, Bute-street, Cardiff ; J. H. Field- ing (who continues the business), W. L. Brodie, and T. G. Batt, trading as George Hinchliffe and Company, coal mer- chants, 116, Westbourne Park-road, London, N.W.; and J. G. H. Weager (who continues the business) and J. F. Funck, trading as “ The Metal and General Agency, Weager and Funck, proprietors,” metal 'agents, 5, Whitting- ton-avenue, E.C. Trade Openings Abroad.—A partner, in a London export firm is shortly making a business trip to Brazil, and desires to get into touch with United Kingdom manufacturers of tin-plates, bars, hoops, and allied goods, with a view to developing trade in these articles after the war. Communi- cations in this connection should be addressed to the secretary, Statistical and Information Department, London Chamber of Commerce, 97, Cannon-street, E.C.—The repre- sentative of a British retailing firm established at Oruro and Uyuni, who is at present on a visit to the United Kingdom, desires to secures agencies for United Kingdom manufac- turers of mining supplies of all kinds, etc. The enquirer's name and address may be obtained from the Department of Commercial Intelligence, 73, Basdnghall-street, London, E.C. The reference number (101) should be quoted.—A firm at Hawera, New Zealand, desires an agency for engineering material (all classes): The reference number at the Depart- ment of Commercial Intelligence is 96. STEAM, MOTOR, BELT, OR ROPE=DRIVEN AIR & GAS COMPRESSORS From 50 to 15,000 cubic feet FOR COLLIERIES, MINES, Etc. advantages^-- SIMPLICITY. RELIABILITY. SELF-LUBRICATION SMALL FLOOR SPACE. F - • w ■ ! ■ w \ _ One of Two 1,400 c.f. Air Compressors, in De Beers Mines S.A. ADVANTAGES: DURABILITY HIGH EFFICIENCY. BEST WORKMANSHIP. MINIMUM MAINTENANCE BELLISS & MORCOM LIMITED, Telegrams: FMOAHMfM I A IVA London Office: “BELLISS, BIRMINGHAM.” D1I\1V1111 8, VICTORIA STREET, S.W.