Pebkuxby 16, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 361 —— THE ------___ Koppers’ Coke Oven Is undoubtedly the most successful Bye-Product Oven on the market. Since its introduction a little over 10 years ago there have been built 15,000 KOPPERS’ OYENS. KOPPERS’ OVENS ARE AT WORK HEATED BY PRODUCER GAS AND BLAST FURNACE GAS. KOPPERS’ DIRECT RECOVERY PROCESS IS THE SIMPLEST AND MOST EFFICIENT SYSTEM OF AMMONIA RECOVERY. PLANTS ERECTED FOR THE RECOVERY OF BENZOL & TOLUOL, FOR TAR DISTILLATION & THE MANUFACTURE OF SULPHURIC ACID. Full particulars on application to -- The Koppers’ Coke Oven and Bye-Product Co., 301, GLOSSOP ROAD, SHEFFIELD. SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS GOODALL CLAYTON & Co. Ld. Davis’s Cranked Dial. Theodolites, Levels, Barometers, etc. DAVIS’S IMPROVED HEDLEY DIAL WITH CRANKED LIMB, ENABLING SIGHTS TO BE TAKEN TO ANY DEGREE FROM LEVEL TO 90 DEGS. UP OR DOWN. Davis’s Surveying Instruments are used in the majority of Mines in the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and other parts of the World. PLOTTING INSTRUMENTS for Railways, Mining Engineering, and Field work. LEEDS. Telegram. :— “Vertical, Leed».” Telephone:—1982, Leeds. All MAKERS AND ERECTORS OF SCREENING PLANTS, PICKING BELTS, SCREENS, PITHEAD GEARS. SEND FOR LIST No. 411 A. BUNKERS, ROOFS, STEEL STRUCTURAL WORK, &c. JOHN DAVIS & SON GAS RETORT INSTALLATIONS, CONVEYING PLANTS. (Derby) LTD., ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY; & 17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. Telegrams—“ Davis, Derby.” Telephone—240 Derby RepresentativesH. L. CHESTON, Clarendon House, Boston Spa, Yorks. W. OGDEN DAYSON, 1, Mount Street. Swansea, for South Wales.