February ' 16, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 323 WELLS’ WATER OIL FILTERS With Patent “Sight-feed” Syphons. Over 22,000 Sold. Supplied to the Principal Gasworks, Corpora- tions and Leading Industrial Firms. Pay first cost in a short time, as Dirtied Oil, which has hitherto been thrown away, can be filtered and used again and again. No. 1—For users having only a small quan- £ s. d. tity of oil to treat (no syphon), 17in. by 9in. .......... ... 1 IS 0 No. 2 —Capacity about 3 gallons oil, 22 in. by 10in........... ... 2 10 0 No. 3.—Capacity about 6 gallons oil, 27 in. by 12 in................3 10 0 No. 4.—Capacity about 12 gallons oil, 36 in. by 16 in........................ 5 10 0 No 5.—Capacity about 24 gallons oil, 43 in. by 23 in.........................9 9 0 No. 6.—Settling chambers holding about 50 gallons oil, 60 in. by 30 in. ... 19 10 0 Wells’ “ Lightning ” Lime & Colour Washer (Wallwork & Wells’ Patent). A Great Saving of TIME, LABOUR & MONEY. No Outside Power Required. Lime Whiting or Cold Water Paints applied at a speed of from 10 to 20 square yards per minute >n a manner superior to brushwork. One coat with the machine on rough surfaces is equal to two applied with brushes. Will Save First Cost in a Few Days, ENLARGED PATTERNS. REDUCED PRICES. No. 6a, with detachable pail ... £5 5 0 No. 6, handy size, with tank, and wheels ... ... ... £6 15 0 No. 4, with 5 ft. poles, single spray- ing nozzle, and 15 ft. special armoured hose, capacity 8 gallons......................... £8 5 0 No. 4a, the same as No. 4 but with strong wheels, and under- frame ........................... £9 0 0 No. 5a, large machine, with wheels, 5 ft pole, double spraying nozzle and 20 ft. hose, capacity 12 gallons ... £11 5 0 Over 6,000 Sold. A. C. WELLS 8 Co. London a MINE FAN PLANT KEITH INDUCED DRAUGHT PLANT ___ Complete Plants also for DUST EXHAUSTING, FORGE BLOWING, SMOKE REMOVAL, &c., &c. James Keith & Blackman Co. Ld. 27, Farringdon Avenue, LONDON. Type GAS ENGINE With -VARIABE ADMISSION" GOVERNING ‘‘WORKS LIKE STEAM ENGINE.’ FOR DRIVING ALTERNATORS IN PARALLEL. A SINGLE CYLINDER OR COUPLED ENGINE. Catalogue, with full particulars, on application to — TANGYES LT-° BIRMINGHAM No. 205 D