I January 19, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 147 SOLE MAKERS F. R EDDAWAY & c^. PENDLETON, MANCHESTER. LONDON OFFICE 5O/l LIME ST.,E.C. BELTING RUBBER-FILLED AND RUBBER-COVERED The only Rubber Belt that cannot open in the plies or split in the seams. Unlike other Rubber Belts. Solid woven unseparable plies. THE MOST PLIABLE BELT MADE. Stronger than leather or any other kind of Belt. — BEST for transmission of power. BEST FULLEST POWER TRANSMISSION. Less Slippage. Less Stretch. Less Trouble. Longer Life. MOST ECONOMICAL for elevating all kinds of material. BEST for conveyor work. BEST for hot conditions In AND EFFICIENT. — cement plants, steel mills, We fully guarantee this Belting. mines, rock crushers, etc., etc. Full particulars from The ELECTRIC HOSE & RUBBER C° L“ 55, CAXTON HOUSE, WESTMINSTER, S.W. Tel.: Vic. 4341. 51IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF THEEDAM’S IMPROVED A common rope well lubricated will last longer than the best rope not lubricated, is admitted by the most competent authorities. PIT ROPE OILER OVER 500 IN USE. There is no need to emphasize the necessity of keeping Wire Ropes WELL LUBRICATED. Illustration of Haulage Rope Oilers on application. H MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OF COLLIERIES, t. c. futers. Vol. I., Price ais. net (By post 21s. 8d.). Vol. II., Price ios. 6d. net (By post Ils.). SUPPLEMENTARY VOL.—Price ios. 6d. net (By post Ils.). THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. To Save Oil, Time, and Prolong the LIFE of Your ROPES, USE Makers : E. C. THEEDAM Ltd DUDLEY, Save Time and Prevent Accidents BY USING « AFTER 6 MONTHS USE ON A STONE CRUSHER. FASTNUT 55 WASHERS H A The following is based on the experience of a leading firm :— By using a “ FASTNUT” (which requires no fitting) in the place of a cottar or split pin, and castle nut or check nut, which takes a man at least a quarter of an hour to fit, A saving, after paying for “ FASTNUTS,” of £1 7s. in money, and 36 HOURS in time. For ('Fitting 144 |-in. nuts with pins hour each at 1/- per hour)... Example I cost of 144 “ Fastnuts ” (which cost nothing to fit) ... AMOUNT SAVED Prove the Truth of this Statement at Our Expense. IN USE ON 60 COUHiIERTES. £1 16 0 9 0 £17 0 SAMPLES, CALENDARS AND LISTS FREE. “ FASTNUT ” Ltd., 115, Newgate St., London, E.C. TURBON. The LATEST THING m FANS. Equally suitable for Mine Ventilation, forced and induced draught, or any other purpose. Great strength, simplicity and silence. Highest efficiency. Perfect balance at all speeds. Suitable for all pressures. Resists high temperatures without distortion. No rivets in blades. Manufactured by THE WADDLE PATENT FAN CO. LTD., ---------------- FOB THE -- TURBON PATENT FAN CO. LTD., UONDON Addvess— 34, Viotoria Street, S.W. LLANELLY. BOILER HOUSE ECONOMY. The Heywood Patent Furnace Bars and Smoke Burner Combined. . . The illustration shows the Bars made in 5 ft. or 6 ft. lengths, with ribs cast on. This Bar has been designed to meet the requirements of Collieries, Steel Works, Forges, Locomotives, Steamers, and all other types of Furnaces that are very hard fired. Write for Catalogue and price to— THE “ HEYWOOD ” AIRTIGHT DAMPER CO. LTD., Grove Foundry, Gomersal, LEEDS.