January 19, 1917. 131 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. _________________________________________________________________________________ Prices f.o.b. Sunderland. Current L'st week’s Last year’ Gas coals:— prices. prices. prices. Special Wear gas coals 30/ . 32/6 23/ Secondary do. 20/ 22/ 21/6 House coals:— Best house coals 30/ 30/ 26/ Ordinary do Other sorts:— 24/ 24/6 23/ Lambton screened 30/ 30/ 26/ South Hetton do 30; 30/ 26/ Lambton unscreened ... 19/ . 19/ 21/6 South Hetton do 19/6 19/ 21/6 . Do. treble nuts 25/6 23/ 22/ Coking coals unscreened 20/ 19/ 21/6 Do. smalls 18/6 18/ 20/6 Smithies 20/ 20/ 21/ Peas and nuts 26/ 23/ 22/6 Best bunkers 21/ 19/6 22/6 Ordinary bunkers 19/6 18/6 20/6 Coke:— Foundry coke 42/6 42/6 40/ Blast-furnace coke (did. Teesside furnaces) ... 28/ 28/ ; 35/ Gas coke 30/ -31/ 32/ | 28/ s Middlesbrough-on-Tees. GOAL. A continuance of stormy weather has reduced arrivals of steamers, and turns are disorganised. The lack of full loading facilities has thrown a good deal of coal on the market, with the result that some descriptions have fallen . a little in price. Best Durham gas coal is now obtainable at 25s., though many sellers name 26s., and second qualities are in the neighbourhood of 20s. Bunker coal is easier. Ordinary Durhams are 20s., and up to 22s. is asked for best sorts. Household coal keeps steady and firm. Coking coal is well taken up at round about 19s. Coke was in large and still steadily growing demand for local use. Furnace kinds continued to realise the fixed maximums. Thus average sorts were 28s. at the ovens, and low phosphorus qualities 30s. 6d. at the ovens. Best foundry coke ranges from 42s. 6d. to 47s. 6d., and patent runs from 41s. to 42s. 6d. Gas coke is put at 32s. IRON. characterise all branches of the Production of pig iron promises the near future by the blowing Firmness continues to iron and steel industries, to be further increased in in of more furnaces. Cleveland pig is in good request both for home consumption and for shipment, and considerable business is passing. For home use No. 3 Cleveland pig, No. 4 foundry, No. 4 forge all stand at 87s. 6d., and No. 1 is 91s. 6d. For shipment to our Allies the general market quotation of No. 3 is 98s., but rather large sales are reported to have been made to Italy at 97s. 6d. No. 1 is 102s.-6d., No. 4 foundry 96s. 6d., and No. 4 forge 95s. 6d. for despatch to the Allies. For shipment to neutral countries the minimum rates named are 105s. for No. 3, and 110s. for No. 1. Consumers of east coast haematite iron report good and regular supplies coming in. Sales for home use are fairly heavy, but export business is stagnant, owing to continued difficulty in obtaining licences. Permits for export of recent sales are not likely to be granted until the arrears of loading against contracts made some little time ago have been largely made up. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 are 122s. 6d. for home use, 137s. 6d. for shipment to France, and 142s. 6d. for export to Italy. Imports of foreign ore to 1 Middlesbrough are on a satisfactory scale. To date this month the unloadings amount to 112,285 tons. Finished iron and steel manufacturers are stated to have very full order books. Production of mercantile shipbuilding material is reported to have assumed very considerable proportions and to be still steadily growing. Quotations all round are very firm. and merchants are finding it rather difficult to get enough to satisfy their customers. Orders are still coming in quicker than they can be dealt with, and most of the depots have already booked sufficient business to keep them very busily employed till well on into the next month. Gas coal is a very active trade, and the only stocks going away at present are for the public gas companies