116 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 19, 1917. Telephone—No. 7. I X TWO 'A GLASSES V E. THOMAS’ PATENT DOUBLE GLASS LAMP, Inner glass with combustion tube aperture supported from below. APPROVED Flame Safety Lamps. To meet the requirements of the New Mines Act, 1911. Cambrian Lamps are made for all Mining purposes, and are fitted with Magnetic, Pneu- matic, or Lead Locks, Double Gauzes, Com- bustion Tubes, and Electric Ignition. Our Double Glass Lamp gives a greater Candle Power than any Miner’s Electric Lamp. Makers of the new “ MAGNET ” Underground Relighter. E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS LIMITED, Cambrian Miner’s Safety Lamp Works, Telegrams—“ Lamps,” Abkrdakk. I u N'._ Ma. Wi Giving a bright light at the end of the shift = 11 G.P. FIRST IN 1870. ABERDARE. STILL LEADING. NO SUSPICION between Weighmen. Denison’s Patent Mercury Resistance PIT BANK WEIGHING MACHINE. Electric Signalling with Bare Wires DAVIS-MACDONALD SOLENOID BELL TREMULOUS AC^jBN). Patent. GONG REMOVED. COMPLETE BELL. I PATENT ' I DERBY Zt LONDON „i I I !! f Quick. Accurate. Durable. NO WATER. Pointer Shadowless. SAMI DENISON & SON L,D Furlea, With this Bell there is NO POSSIBILITY OF A SPARK. SUITABLE FOR A.C. OR D.C. Davis’s Relays with Special Winding, overcoming sparking on the line and in the Relay. Davis=Fryar Mechano=EIectric Signalling. Patent. The Davis-Fryar System dispenses entirely with bare wires and is in successful operation throughout the country. SEND FOR GIST 41/H.O.S. JOHN DAVIS & SON (DERBY) LTD., ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY, & wVstvStTr.sts:w.