January 12, 1917. THE COLLIERYGUARDIA^. 61 '5^* SULLIVAN IRONCLAD COAL CUTTERS represent the latest and most approved practice in modern coal-cutting machines. They are the only machines with the chain- haulage and friction clutch—the two most important improvements in coal cutters during recent years. Send fot Catalogue “ASK THE MAN WHO HAS ONE.” SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO., (Established 1850.) Salisbury House, London, E.C. SWINBURNE & HARDIE, Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. F. J. LYONS-DAVIS, 23, Victoria Avenue, Cardiff. ROBERT LAVERICK, 2, Claremont Gardens, Nottingham. ARCHIBALD BAIRD & SON LTD., Hamilton, Scotland. THIS LAMP INSURES SAFETY FIRST—AND LAST I MS ' - - mi L J ' - a The Hailwood Combustion Tube Lamp Is the ideal mine safety lamp, the most efficient gas detector, the choice of the British, French, and American Governments. No matter from what point you judge a mine lamp; the Hailwood will best meet your requirements. You will find it to he safer than any other flame safety lamp Obtainable. • Its If to It candle power will convince you that the Hail= wood is a safety lamp worthy of the name. Few parts, simple’ construction, and light weight, 3i lbs. 50% to 100% cheaper than an electric lamp, and less trouble* some. 80,000 supplied or on order. ACKROYD & BEST LTD•y Lamp Experts, Beacon Works, MORLEY, nr. Leeds. Telephone No.—86 Morley. Telegraphic Address—“ Lamps, Morley, Leeds.”