January 5, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 51 f WRIGHT’S FORGE & ENGINEERING GO. LTD. **»*>**£ We make a Speciality of HEYWOOD & BRIDGE’S PATENT FRICTION CLUTCHES and HAULING INSTALLATIONS. We are supplying our Hauling Gears to the leading Gold Mines, Collieries. Quarries, Brickworks, etc., etc., and are continually receiving repeat orders. (Electrical and Mechanical, Vertical and Horizontal.) The illustration is of Endless Wire Rope Hauling Pulleys with Friction Clutch. We have thousands of our Clutches at work on all kinds of drives. Send for Catalogues free. The Capacity of your Winding Engines can be greatly increased by the use of Ferodo brake linings. The cages can be raised at full speed to within a very short distance of the pit mouth and pulled up smoothly and with certainty without the destructive practice of reversing the engines. For Ferodo fabrics have the highest co-efficient of friction, and absorb more foot pounds of energy per square inch than any other material. They are spark-proof, thus obviating any risk of fire. Their durability is many times greater than that of hard oak, and they are at all times much more efficient. IHBEBEE Clutch and Brake Linings. Contractors to the War Office and Admiralty, London General Omnibus Company, and Underground Electric Railways of London and Paris. List H from THE HERBERT FROOD CO. LTD., Works- CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH. We hold stocks at London, Birmingham, Belfast, Bristol, Car- diff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester & Newcastle. Agents for India : TURNER BROS. (INDIA) LTD., H2 3, Waterloo Street, CALCUTTA. S T O C K TUBES January 1st, from | in. to 4 in. Black Gas 70 miles Red Steam Galvanised Gas Galvanised Steam 70 „ 60 „ 60 „ TOTAL STOCK 260 miles Send Specification for Prices. Round Wire and Cut Nails. . Warehouses : Leeds, and Trafford Park, Manchester. S. DIXON & SON LD., Swinegate, LEEDS. Telegrams—“Brass, Leeds.” Phone—3600 (4 lines). Patentees & Sole Maiers, DAVID BRIDGE & CO. LD., Haulage Works, CASTLETON. MANCHESTER. The Cambrian Approved Double Glass Lamp. No. 1 G.G. Giving a bright light at the end of the shift = 14 C.P. Telephone: • Telegraphic Address: No. 7 Aberdare. "Lamps, Aberdare.” Approved (Flame) SAFETY LAMPS To meet the reguirements of the new Mines Act. The CAMBRIAN Fitted with Magnetic, Pneu- matic, or Lead Locks, Electric Ignition, and Double Gauzes. Our Flame Safety Lamps give a greater Candle Power than any Miner’s Electric Lamp. MAKERS OF THE NEW MAGNET UNDERGROUND PATENT SAFETY LAMP RELIGHTERS. E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS Ltd., Cambrian Lamp Works, Aberdare, South Wales. combined are invited. Years. References to users Established 50 We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms BREAKING SIZING AMD WASHING PLANT 'ANTHRACITE CORL" LTD., BRIDGEND, SOUTH WALES;