1154 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN June 16, 1916. COAL AND COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. During the month of May 1916 compared with the corresponding month of 1915. Port. May 1916. May 1915. Coals. Cole. Coals Cohe. Coals. j Coke. Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 217.036 22,891 407,099 1 16,869 190,063 6,022 — North Shields 31,690 711 28,363 ! 295 3,327 ■ — 416 — South Shields 373,587 24,513 304,779 i 2,685 j 68,808 , — 21,828 — Sunderland 166,205 2,280 197,863 ' 2,085 1 — | 31,658 195 — West Hartlepool 73,898 — 69,613 — 4,285 1 . — 1 - — Goole 36,676 1,088 30,991 960 ! 5,685 ! 128 — Blyth 189,215 53 169,901 1,376 19,314 — — 1,323 Newport , 371,862 606 267,225 987 104,637 — — 381 Liverpool 30,542 689 19,725 431 10,817 — 258 — Methil 108,801 — 149,869 502 — 41,068 — 502 Glasgow .. 170,004 6,655 209,946 5,141 — 39,942 1,514 — Kirkcaldy 8,045 20 10,335 — — 2,290 20 — Burntisland 64,124 — 108,160 34 — 44,036 — 34 Cardiff 844,796 1,210 964,798 4,607 — 120,002 — 3,397 Borrowstoness — — — — — — 1 — — Llanelly 12,547 — 15,364 — — 2,817 • — — Middlesbrough ...................... — 1,136 1,185 4,811 2,293 — 4,811 — 1,157 Seaham 64,147 46,512 17,63 — 1.185 — Swansea 319,647 1,963 170,834 j 307 148,813 —■■ 1,656 — Granton 7,924 796 13,695 i 252 — 5,771 544 — Port Talbot 193,370 1,981 143,946 4,005 49,424 i — — 2,024 i Alloa — — — — — 1 — — — Grangemouth ... — — — — — — — Neath — — — — — ! — Hull 91,730 1,514 217,038 ! wo — ! 125,308 1,414 — Immingham — i — — — i — — -— Amble 26,354 1 - 26,292 — 62 — | — — Troon 14,958 1 . 12,199 — 2,759 j — — — Grimsby •9,827 1 — 39.768 - 48 — : 19,941 48 Ayr 21,821 — 17,763 1 — 4,058 ' — i — — Greenock 7,233 i — i — 7,233 — — Leith . 110,575 ■ 2,666 123,350 2,667 — 12,775 — 1 i Ar dross an 6,941 1 -— 1 11,946 2,025 — 5,005 — 2,(>25 Irvine — i — 1 — — — — — COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.' Port. 1 ! May 1915 May 1916. | Port. May 1915 May 19 6. Coals. Coke. Coals. : Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. 1\ ns. i Tons. ; Tons. ! Tons. Tons. Tons, i Tons. Tons. Newcastle 128,814 j 25 133,482 155 - Ayr 7 88,373 285 ; 64,45 ’ 2,436 North Shields 5,250 : 4,860 Irvine - .7,071 South Shields 178,360 i 350 : 182,940 3,730 ! Alloa — • — Blyth 35,300 . — 22,370 — 1 Whitehaven 16,620 — 18.16' Amble 2,825 — 2,910 ! — ! Liverpool 153,932 560 123,840 1010c,1390pf Sunderland .. 87,450 — 107,495 — Grimsby 1,480 — — Seaham 95,025 — ! 65,880 — Granton 12,082 — 2,350 Hartlepool 41,960 — 34,220 — Borrowstoness — — I — Stockton . — — — — Burntisland ... , 17,450 — i 20,160 Middlesbrough .. 1 100 25 — 20 . Kirkcaldy 2,590 1 660 Hull ! 64,515 — . 31,952 ) . Methil 13,630 — 23,800 Goole i i 73,392 — 43,579 f - Port Talbot 9,266 84 963 Swansea h.,188 — 7,903 ' 80 Glasgow 23,145 1,099 i 26,554 996 Cardiff 40,023 220 ‘ 27,170 — Grangemouth — — ' — Llanelly 3,555 — 2,080 — Greenock 3,246 — i 2,362 ' 2 Newport 47,505 — 46,607 ! 30 ’ Immingham .... — — — Troon 10,642 — j 8,877 1 . i Leith 3,756 17 ; 13,163 1 16 Ardrossan 16,171' — i 29,089 20 Note.— i he figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. * H‘«»m Browne’s Bxport List. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. British Electric Traction Company Limited. — The gross profit amounts to £244,065, compared with <£'235,508 for 1914-15. After deducting the general expenses and the amount written off sundry assets, there remains £209,169, plus £71,399 brought forward, making £280,568. The directors recommend to place to reserve £20,327; dividend of 6 per cent, upon the cumulative participating preference stock (on account of which £12,108 has already been paid); dividend of 3 per cent, upon the ordinary stock; and to carry forward £86,428. Cortonwood Collieries Company Limited. — The directors have paid a further interim dividend of 2J per cent. (6d. per share), free of tax. Dundee Coal Company Limited. — A dividend of 5 per cent, is declared by this South African company, as against 21 per cent, paid last August. Lancashire Power Construction Company Limited.—The trading profit for 1915 amounted to £32,235, to which has to be added interest on hire purchase plants, etc. ; amount avail- able for division, £36,264. The directors place £15,000 to reserve fund, and recommend a dividend of 3 per cent., leaving, to be carried forward £2,064. The revenue account shows total receipts £19,200. After deducting the expendi- ture of £15,257, there is an available balance of £3,942, which it is proposed to carry to reserve account. Niddrie and Benhar Coal Company Limited.—The report states that the profit, including £2,811 ‘brought in, is £47,172. After deducting debenture interest amounting to £2,811, £10,576 for depreciation, and £4,000 for interim dividend, there is a balance of £29,784. The directors recommend a final dividend of 10 per cent., free of tax, making 12 per cent., free of tax, for the year, which will absorb £20,000, carrying forward £9,784. Redpath, Brown and Company Limited.—Interim dividend of Is. per share (5 per cent.), free of tax, on the ordinary shares, which compares with 9-fid. per share, free of tax, last year. Rickett, Cockerell and Company Limited.—Dividend of 5 per cent, (the same as last year) on the ordinary shares for the year, £12,000 to the reserve (making £42,000), and £24,121 carried forward. Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Company Limited. —Interim dividend of 18 per cent, per annum (4s. fid. per share). Young’s Paraffin Light and Mineral Oil Company Limited.—The accounts for the past year show £36,152 for appropriation. The directors proposed to add £20,000 to the depreciation fund, to set aside £9,746 for exceptional outlay at the works, and to carry forward £6,406. They report that the fire last year at the works materially affected the profits. NEW COMPANIES. Eargeddie Coal Company Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 19, Waterloo-street, Glasgow. Capital £6,000. Subscribers : R. Barr, A. C. Barr, W. S. Davis, and A. Gourlay. Clarke (William) and Son Limited. — Private company. Registered June 6. To acquire the business of coal mer- chants carried on by F. Clarke, 185, High-street, Lincoln, and 341, Grays Inn-road, W.C., and elsewhere, under the style of W. Clarke and Son, and to enter into an agreement. Nominal capital, £50,000 in 5,000 £10 shares. Directors : F. Clarke, F. B. Clarke, and B. H. Clarke. Qualification of directors, £100. Silkstone Main Colliery Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, Silkstone Common, near Barnsley. Registered June 6. -Nominal capital, £5,000 in 5,000 £1 shares. Governing director, J. E. Cowcill. Qualification of governing director, £100. United Cornish Wolfram Properties Limited. — Private company. Registered June 5. To acquire certain lands known as Trescarne and North Tor in St. Cleer, Cornwall. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Directors : A. Clarke, T. Grover, and J. Hamblett. Qualification of directors, other than first directors, £100. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. Coke Restrictions in Aberdeen.—The Aberdeen Gas Com- mittee reports the receipt of a,communication! from the District Coal and Coke Supplies Committee formed under a general scheme proposed by the Board of Trade some months ago. The letter suggested that it was necessary in the national interests to restrict the supply of coke to certain markets. The Gas Committee has had a report from the gas-engineer, Mr. S. Milne, on the matter, and, while not prepared to accede to the request of the Supplies Committee in its entirety, has decided to instruct the engineer not to supply riddled gas coke for shipment, malting or grain drying, public build- ings or institutions (except hospitals) heated by basement furnaces, steam raising in stationary boilers, and green- houses (except where these form an essential part of a busi- ness, and then only if a substitute cannot be used). The committee further resolved that deliveries should be given to purchasers of moderate quantities for consumption in their own houses, to bakeries, and other works engaged in making or preserving food supplies, to munition and other works engaged on Government contracts, except for steam raising, and to merchants who have hitherto done business with the Gas Department, provided they give an undertaking to adhere to these recommendations, and deliver only within' the city. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Islington, June 22.—The Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, invite tenders for any quantity not exceeding 1,600 tons of steam coal and about 30 tons of coke, to be delivered as ordered at the institutions and offices of the parish. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for coal and coke,” and addressed to the Guardians, must be delivered at the Guardians’ Offices, St. John’s-road, Upper Holloway, not later than 12 noon on Thursday, June.22, and the tenders will be opened at a meeting of the Guardians the same day. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. No contract will be given to firms who do not ordinarily observe the recognised rate of wages and hours of labour. Printed forms of tender, con- taining conditions of contract, from Mr. Edwin Davey, clerk. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Ashford (Kent), June 27.—Coal for sewage works, etc. Forms from the Urban District Council surveyor, North- street, Ashford. Clitheroe, June 24.—Gas coal and nuts for the Corpora- tion (12 months). Forms from the engineer, Gas Works. Colchester, June 20.—100 tons of Hucknall or Pleasley hard steam for the Guardians. Forms from E. B. Potter, Victoria-chambers, Colchester. Dublin, June 21.—About 3,000 tons of coal (various) for dispensaries and workhouse. Forms from the Master’s Stores, Dublin Workhouse. Dumbarton, June 30. — 320 tons of coal for the Joint Hospital. Tenders to A. Roberts, clerk, Dumbarton. Egremont (Cumberland), June 22.—2,000 tons for the Urban District Council.. Tenders to the clerk. Glasgow, June 28.—Fuel for institutions. Forms from J. R. Motion, clerk, Council Chambers, Glasgow. Grays (Essex), June 22. — Hard steam coal (6 or 12 months) for the Urban District Council. Forms from the electrical engineer, Maidstone-road, Grays. Great Dunmow.—Coai for schools during winter. Forms from G. E. Croot, Great Dunmow. ■ HAileybury.—Coal (12 months) for Haileybury College, Hertford. Forms from the bursar. Hindley (Lancs), June 26.—9,000-10,000 tons Arley gas nuts for the Urban District Council. Forms from the engi- neer, Gas Works. Kidderminster, June 20.—Engine slack to the upper and lower pumping stations for the Drainage and Waterworks Committee (6 or 12 months). Forms from the deputy town clerk. Lancaster, June 16.—Coal, slack, etc. (12 months) for committees. Forms from the borough surveyor, Town Hall. Larkhall (Scotland), June 20.—5,000 tons Virtuewell coal for 12 months from July 1, for the Larkhall Gas Com- pany Limited. Tenders to the secretary. Lowestoft, June 26.—Coal and coke for the Lowestoft Hospital. Forms from the clerk. Saffron Walden, June 24.—2,000 tons of best screened gas coal and about 130 tons of best hand-picked hard steam coal for 12 months. Forms from the borough surveyor. Salford, June 26.—Coal for the Electricity Department. Particulars, etc., from the borough electrical engineer, Frederick-road, Salford. Stanford Rivers (Essex), June 20.—120 tons of coal to the Poor Law Institution, Stanford Rivers, for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. A. Richardson, clerk, Council House, Chipping Ongar. Stranorlar (Ireland), June 19. — 80 tons of the best double-screened Cumberland ccal and 25 tons of. the best Glasgow splint for the Workhouse. Tenders to the clerk. Trim, July 3.—18 tons of best coal, f.o.r. Dublin, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to P. Healy, clerk, Town Hall, Trim. Whittingham (Lancs), June 22.—Coal and slack for the County Asylum. Forms from the steward. York, June 26.—>1,300 tons of house and steam coal for the Corporation. Forms from the city engineer, Guildhall. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. OBITUARY. Mr. William Budd, senior partner in Budd -and Company, colliery proprietors and coal exporters, Newport, died suddenly from heart disease on Saturday. He was 69 years of age, and had been about half a century resident in New- port. Prof. Silvanus Phillips Thompson, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Principal of the Finsbury Technical College, died on Monday, after two days’ illness. A man of wide learn- ing, he was best known by his work in electricity, both purely theoretical and as it was 'applied to the problems of industry and manufacture. He was also an acknowledged authority on many other branches of pure and applied science. His “ Dynamo-Electric Machinery ” is a standard treatise. The engineering world lost two distinguished representa- tives by the sinking of the “Hampshire”—Sir H. F. Donald- son, technical adviser of the Ministry of Munitions, -and Mr. Leslie S. Robertson (of Robertson and Outram, consulting engineers, Westminster), who accomplished valuable work in the equipping of munition factories. He was secretary of the Engineering Standards Committee. The Naples Press states that a rich deposit of coal has been discovered in Abruzzo. An analysis of the mineral has proved satisfactory, and the coal promises to be of good heating power. Grimsby Coal Exports. — Returns for the week ending June 9 show that the coal exported from Grimsby was as follows:—Foreign: To Dieppe, 403 tons; Dunkirk, 952; Esbjerg, 965; Gothenburg, 1,499; and Sigerford, 435 tons— a total of 4,254 tons foreign, against 13,699 tons foreign during the corresponding period of last year.