June 9, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1109 IF/iy should the Manufacturer or trader who takes proper precautions and looks after the safety of his em- ployees pay the same premium for his Employers’ Liability Insurance q as the man who takes no inter- f est and adopts no safeguards • Before Renewing your EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY INSURANCE Ascertain if you can effect a saving IF your business is well conducted, IF you employ competent supervisors and foremen, IF you have established proper means of protecting your Machinery, etc., IF your “past claims experience” has been light— You can probably Save Money. Because the British Dominions General Insurance Company gives individual attention to each risk, special regard being paid to any features which reduce the hazard involved. Because though “on paper” the description of trade given on any two proposals may be the same, yet in actual fact the hazard to be covered in each case may be very different. The Company recognises this fact, and by carefully considering the conditions of each case on its own merits and by giving full credit to all favourable details, is able in many cases to make a substantial reduction in the premium. Because the “ Security ” given by the Company cannot be challenged. Its reserves exceed £1,000,000. Because the Company has a specially efficient “ Claims Organization,” which not only saves the employer from all worry, trouble and anxiety in respect of claims, but which at the same time enables it to minimise the “ claims cost ” of the risk, putting the case on a most favourable footing, and thereby entitling it to “ minimum rates of premium. Make a Test Enquiry: submit your case for Expert Examination and Advice. Write for Special Brochure Dep. EL. No. 43. • THE BRITISH DOMINIONS General Insurance Co. Ltd., British Dominions House, Royal Exchange Avenue, London, E.C. RESERVES EXCEED £1.000.000. AS/43 APPLICATION FOR AGENCIES INVITED >