May 26, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 983 |N the bad old days many of us were quite content to jog along, satisfied if we could just manage to “keep things going.” In practice, this often meant using good coal when inferior stuff would serve equally well ; firing the boiler wastefully by hand, and bringing the coal to the boilers in hand - carts and wheel- barrows. Nowadays everybody is asking :— “ How can we increase output ? ” “ How can we cut down our coal bill—our labour costs ? ” We answer that it is easily possible to get a greater steam output with less coal, with coal of cheap quality and with less labour in handling, if you have a “Bennis” equipment. “Bennis” Stokers and Compressed Air Furnaces arranged for hand firing. They are installed in one of the best known Collieries in Yorkshire u 6*? V I •4 .-Ji -< ■ ■■'III ■rtf. AERIAL ROPEWAYS ANY SYSTEM. The British Ropeway Engineering Co. Ltd., 7, MINCING LANE, LONDON, E.C. ’’i^ZT^Tele-CENTRAL 1 1250. Wf. are manufacturers of Machine Stokers, Colliery Furnaces, and all kinds of Automatic Machinery for the expeditious handling of Coal and Ash. Our apparatus is in successful operation in the most important collieries in the Kingdom, as well as in all progressive iron and steel works, electricity stations, &c. Ask us to advise you. That costs nothing, and if you decide to install our plant we will give definite guarantees of efficiency and economy so that you will be sure of getting the results claimed. ED. BENNIS & CO. Ltd. Little Hulton, Bolton ; and 28, Victoria Street, S.W. SMALLMAN patent HAULAGE CLIPS. New Model: Nine Sizes. Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. Automatic De*a.