914 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN May 12, 1916. EXPORTS OF COAL. COKE, ASO gSAfiUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM During April and the First Four Completed Months of 1914, 1915 and 1916. To April, 1916. April. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (<£). Tons. I ! £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1914. 1915. 1916. 1914. 1915 1916 Russia - — i 218,445 5,404 143,877 5,754 Sweden 8,673 6,872 8,755 9,615 95,554 122,249 28 L,932 264,286 112,982 173,193 190,143 138,736 Norway 55,149 49,068 8,205 9,189 118,832 ; 145,483 185,219 228,765 182,186 110,491 183,079 203,740 Denmark 13,662 13,855 55,964 61,326 133,833 157,407 193,853 258,717 203,459 122,778 188,421 232,588 Germany - 691,939 408,203 — Netherlands 6,398 6,795 58,129 54,634 31,498 36,595 134,516 102,532 96,025 80,048 82,094 98,024 Belgium — — — 102,393 — 56,360 — France 458,719 418,028 433,288 415,115 382,249 ! 480,884 977,847 1,478,279 1,274,256 590,926 1,183,942 1,314,027 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 21,261 19,664 7'194 6,380 43,540 61,576 111,833 65,823 71,995 81,615 60,200 87,620 Spain and Canaries 35.021 32,268 41,156 39,635 67,657 ! 89,618 292,197 167,567 143,834 210,772 161,321 161,521 Italy 16,892 16,282 104,711 103,002 308,987 382,175 659,192 462,391 430,590 476,426 405,692 501,459 Austria- Hungary — 86,036 55,599 Greece 4,739 5,335 8,934 9,149 10,661 14,746 65,684 38,647 24,334 47,217 35,049 29,230 Roumania 29,348 22,728 Turkey — — — ; — 45,741 3,073 — 35,897 3,073 — Algeria 20,491 18,950 32,429 34,764 16,360 | 19,781 88,068 108,356 69,280 57,639 100,390 73,495 Portuguese West Africa — — 4,861 4,523 5,357 | 8,859 23,682 7,598 10,218 17,831 7,792 13,382 Chile 145 419 — — 9,713 17,590 37,207 9,139 9,858 30,951 8,435 18,009 Brazil 3,400 3,915 ( 5,156 7,213 13,263 18,209 93,327 94,551 21,819 83,433 112,605 29,337 Uruguay 4,559 4,848 ' 4,496 5,607 26,755 1 33,706 54,148 30,275 ' 35,810 48,055 37,681 44,161 Argentine Republic 6,160 6,920 ' 3,253 4,066 108,772 1 133,703 312,518 201,020 118,185 274,444 216,536 144,689 Channel Islands 62 96 - 8,914 j 9,618 9,434 12,454 8,976 7,362 10,363 9,714 Gibraltar ... 13,681 11,903 19,403 24,053 24,000 1 30,372 48,132 31,708 57,084 36,673 34,676 66,328 Malta 1,194 ! 1,324 31,443 13,101 1,194 23,131 11,256 1,324 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 9,673 7,138 12,319 13,894 28,601 32,679 263,695 120,815 50,593 201,782 111,357 53,711 Aden and Dependencies , — — 572 595 10,761 24,746 572 9,505 29,151 595 British India — — — — — 26,659 261 — 19,784 255 — Ceylon — 1 ! — — — — 36,508 — — 30,965 — — Other countries 7,253 , 8,817 609 723 29,618 i 36,502 102,261 40,756 37,480 79,172 46,523 46,042 C Anthracite 70,245 83,148 66,774 81,476 178,704 180,804 137,019 129,906 156,981 164,624 | Steam 571,262 502,622 297,382 315,270 1,355,105 1,701,008 3,837,620 2,842.354 2,223,749 2,665,278 2,549,665 2,518,900 Totals Gas 3,647 3,963 432,926 414,784 8,657 9,317 878,877 498,743 445,230 552,558 331,400 428,064 1 Household ... 3,804 4,915 — — 30,520 36,694 82,798 83,614 34,324 53,571 78,602 41,609 L Other sorts 36,980 36,525 78,554 72,834 4,874 5,176 236,019 164,249 120,408 141,544 109,140 114,535 Total 685,938 631,173 808,862 802,888 1,465,930 1,833,671 5,214,018 3,769,764 2,960,730 3,542,857 3,225,788 3,267,732 Total (April 1915) .................. 1.059,465 788,991 817,359 583,159 1,892,940 1,853,638 — — — — Total