May 12, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 885 Drill Steel Sharpening AND Forging Machine. Will save its cost in wages alone. Perfect bits with unskilled labour. Correctly shaped bits, consequently Faster drilling speeds. The MECO SHARPENER is the original machine of its type, and has been repeatedly copied, but never equalled. Ten times more Meco Sharpeners are in use in British Collieries than any other type. We can show you several at work in your district, all giving satisfaction. NOTE. MECO SPECIALITIES ARE ALL BRITISH I Write immediately for Illustrated Catalogue and Quotation. ThE Mining Engineering Co. Ld Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD. Telegrams: “Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone: 4 5 30 Central (2 lines). AGENT FOR SOUTH AFRICA: C. H. WILKINS, Bettelheim Buildings, Johannesburg. / > \ P.O. BOX 22 4 4. /L