April 28, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 789 JEFFREY COAL CUTTERS Have again and again throughout the country proved themselves to be the best. There are three good reasons why you should try a Jeffrey Coal Cutter. FIRSTLY. We supply you with a machine on a thirty days FREE working trial. SECONDLY„—We pay carriage both ways if unsatisfactory. TH!RD L Y.—We make no charge for training men to run our machine during trial. HUGH WOOD & Co. LD Newcastle-on-T yne. --('■-"SI is ».. ■ ' I 3 d ^'Hailwoods -A IMPROVED LAW1 j Gives l i to 1| Candle Power. Plenty of Light & Safety is assured the miner who carries the - — HAILWOOD — Combustion Tube Lamps. Plenty of light, because it is scientifically constructed, not readily smoked up, and may be tilted without being extinguished. Plenty of safety, because the “ Hailwood ” has gas-detecting properties. These are only two of the many advantages of this lamp, which has the approval of both British and French Governments. Our circular tells the other features and incidentally why 64,000 Hailwoods are now in use. Send for a copy. ACKROYD & BEST LTD., Beacon Works, Morley, Yorks.