April 14, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 723 EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AHO HAHUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UHITED KIHGDOM During March and the First Three Completed Months of 1914, 1915 and 1916. To March, 1916. March. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. ! Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1914. | 1915. 1916. 1914. 1915 1916 Russia 175,134 118,325 Sweden 13,440 13,129 4,753 4,799 112,241 130,389 239,201 257,038 130,434 152,086 165,027 148,317 Norway *. 52,101 44,373 8,904 9,286 131,735 147,231 233,444 296,307 192,740 138,790 193,611 200,890 Denmark ; 18,307 15,579 69,098 68,080 124,481 136,657 271,695 285,880 211,886 173,413 189,300 220,316 Germany 737,017 434,574 Netherlands 4,244 4,222 35,316 29,414 20,311 22,094 151,146 169,040 59,871 92,009 118,700 55,730 Belgium — — — — — 140,314 — — 78,247 — — France 520,017 439,444 439,415 401,908 400,019 474,995 1,235,041 1,275,725 1,359,481 748,854 908,719 1,316,347 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 18^516 1U957 19,965 17^066 52,162 69,396 123,867 117,211 90,643 90,406 101,941 104,419 Spain and Canaries 46,587 44,939 33,907 31,515 62,495 79,973 319,617 156,388 142,989 235,398 124,576 156,427 Italy 25,060 22,386 115,513 109,154 285,703 353,788 736,565 714,993 426,276 520,029 603,048 485,328 Austria-Hungary 63,444 44,141 Greece 4,197 6,290 9,780 10,825 5,296 8,743' 60,567 47,734 19,273 42,283 40,333 25,858 Roumania — 37,991 ' 28,604 Turkey — — I — — — — 68,340 j — — 53,256 — Algeria 7,443 6,348 i 42,999 48,149 20,364 j 25,970 105,528 i 76,041 70,806 72,353 , 55,113 80,467 Portuguese West Africa 1,358 1,534 ! 21,037 25,113 16,226 1 19,984 18,927 : 24,630 38,621 15,580 22,988 46,631 Chile 316 759 i — — 573 771 64,822 | 3,551 889 52,761 3,322 1,530 Brazil . 2,856 3,774 j 809 920 33,037 45,998 112,893 | 50,616 36,702 100,124 51,620 50,692 Uruguay 3,117 3,289 i 7,469 9,513 27,346 35,386 63,287 i 43,370 37,932 57,109 42,901 48,188 Argentine Republic 2,918 4,622 | 14,180 17,286 52,164 > 73,636 330,800 i 168,567 69,262 286,497 157,998 95,544 Channel Islands _ 1 975 1,219 4,224 ; 4,201 16,661 15,194 5,199 12,500 11,623 5,420 Gibraltar 6,369 4,879 12,613 14,957 18,256 22,804 44,964 32,472 37,238 33,489 25,126 42*640 Malta 655 i 1,426 i 5,699 6,670 69,102 6,025 6,354 52,570 3,768 8,096 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 2,860 | 3,745 i 10,903 8,847 37,599 i 43,458 302,725 125,967 51,362 231,235 108,629 56,050 Aden and Dependencies — 1 — — — 1 — 29,091 — — 25,349 — — British India 35 1 40 — — 57 J 65 18,618 1,620 92 14,370 1,142 105 Ceylon - 1 — ! — 1 — 21,971 1,505 18,239 1,026 •Other countries 4,159 i 4,827 ! 7,660 9,324 33,064 41,003 116,950 107,399 44,883 95,341 102,861 55,154 1 f Anthracite 80,431 88,490 376 282 61,712 79,260 201,899 150,894 142,519 152,133 146,771 168,032 1 Steam 583,277 485,390 318,812 330,239 1,341,457 1,615,829 4,294,733 2,995,629. 2,243,546 2,985,705 2,359,764 2,431,458 Totals Gas 3,613 4,082 447,217 407,713 4,172 5,467 1,002,414 615,630 455,002 625,151 378,284 417,262 | Household. 11,474 13,507 — — 28,573 35,441 119,887 81,245 41,047 80,182 67,778 48,948 1 Other sorts 55,760 52,093 88,921 79,141 6,138 7,215 290,789 133,875 150,819 174,761 80,775 138,449 Total 734,555 643,562 855,326 817,375 1,443,052 1,743,212 5,909,722 3,977,273 3,032,933 4,017,932 3,033,372 3,204,149 Total (March 1915 > 1,078,570 705,908 868,564 537,378 2,030,139 1,790,086 — — — — Total (March 1914) 1,373,489 710,713 1,336,774 825,595 3,199,459 2,481,624 — — — — — — Coke — — — 82,898 68,281 139,457 75,789 58,839 217,301 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 178,100 98,202 109,403 154,840 87,424 143,760 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — 6,170,720 4,143,756 3,281,793 4,248,561 3,179,635 3,565,210 I First three months of 1916. I First three months. TotaL Anthracite Steam Gas 255,095 1,971,087 16,684 22,877 144,242 295,304 1,593,804 16,220 23,820 128,901 781 886,402 1,447,827 293,796 586 863,384 1,238,424 257,213 213,871 3,887,179 23,502 119,099 8,386 278,667 4,346,153 25,433 131,138 9,586 721,987 12,712,882 2,771,197 377,249 847,054 511,888 8,304,039 1,798,637 250,978 354,184 469,747 6,744,668 1,488,013 141,976 446,424 580,710 8,928,467 1,758,846 253,662 515,187 486,513 6,088,477 1,086,134 188,111 204,088 574,557 6,803,341 1,280,077 154,958 395,700 Household Other sorts ... .; Total 2,409,985 2,058,049 2,628,806 2,359,607 4,252,037 4,790,977 117,430,369 11,219,726 9,290,828 12,036,872 8,053,323 9,208,633 Total for three months of 1915 2,993,141 1,809,543 2,479,399 1,494,842 5,747,186 4,748,938 — — — — — — Total for three months of 1914 4,080,902 2,174,819 3,727,476 2,329,854 9,621,991 7,532,199 — — . — — — — Coke Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 301,749 502,181 235,174 243,348 368,244 316,204 262,980 438,210 185,189 208,230 568,012 378,964 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — — 18,234,299 11,698,248 9,975,276 12,738,062 8,446,742 10,155,609 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Armstrong (Sir W. G.) Whitworth and Company Limited. —The directors have decided to pay the final dividend on the preference shares, less tax, and a further dividend of Is. 8d. per share, free of tax, on the ordinary shares. Associated Coal Consumers Limited.—The accounts for the year ended June 30 last show a profit of £1,333, thus reducing a debit balance of £6,292 brought forward to £4,958. Brush Electrical Engineering Company Limited. — The report for the year 1915 states that after providing for general charges, maintenance of plant and buildings, and interest on debenture stocks and loans, there remains £17,300, and £7,065 was brought in, making £24,365. The directors recommend that £8,000 be applied for depreciation of pro- perty, patents, and goodwill, £2,044 in payment of the further 4 per cent, interest to which holders of the 6 per cent, prior lien participating second debenture stock are entitled out of the first net profits available for dividend in any year, and £5,000 placed to reserve, carrying forward £9,321. The sum of £31,963 has been expended on capital account during the year. Canadian Explosives Company Limited.—Dividend of .If per cent, on the 7 per cent, cumulative preferred shares for the quarter ended March 31. Clayton and Shuttleworth Limited. — The 15th annual report states that the net profit for the year, after providing amply for depreciation of buildings, plant, tools, etc., and allowing for directors’ fees and income-tax, is £72,787, to which has to be added £15,832 brought forward from last year, making a total profit of £88,619. From this is deducted interim dividend on the 5 per cent, preference shares paid in October, absorbing £8,750, and there is transferred to reserve fund £15,000, leaving an available balance of £64,869. Out of this the directors propose to pay the final dividend on the preference shares, £8,750, and to declare a dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 7J per cent; for the year (sub- ject to tax), amounting to £33,750, leaving to be carried forward £22,369. Curtis’s and Harvey Limited.—The report for 1915 states that the net profit for the year, after payment of debenture interest and other charges, is £143,831, which, added to the amount brought in, makes £158,540. The directors trans- ferred £50,000 to reserve, and £10,000 to accident reserve, and recommend a final dividend of 5 per cent., making 10 per cent, for year, with a bonus of 10 per cent., both less tax, carrying forward £48,924. Ingersoll-Rand Limited.—Cash dividend of 30 per cent, and a stock dividend of 20 per cent, on the common stock, payable April 29. A year ago a cash dividend of 5 per cent, was paid. Skinner and Holford Limited.—Interim dividend of 5 per cent. NEW COMPANIES. Beard (A. E.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 97, Upper Kennington-lane, London. Registered April 6. To carry on business of mechanical engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 60,000 Is. shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) : A. E. Beard and C. C. Collard. Qualification of directors, one share. Dee Engineering Company Limited. — Private company. Registered April 7. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £600 in 500 £1 preference shares, and 2,000 Is. ordinary shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) : T. Edwards and D. Dean. Qualification of directors, 50 shares. Dyson, Jones and Company Limited. — Private company. Registered March 31. To acquire and take over the business of ironbroker, etc., carried on at Middlesbrough as Fred Dyson.. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 20,000 £1 shares. First permanent directors : B. Jones, R. A. Constantine, and T. H. Donking. Qualification of directors, 250 shares. Fletcher, . Miller Limited.—Private company. ■ Registered office, 82, Bentinck-street, Ashton-under-Lyne. Registered March 31., To acquire from J. A. Fletcher and others business of manufacturers of cutting and case hardening compounds for ferrous and non-ferrous metals at Ashton- under-Lyne, etc. Nominal capital, £500 m 500 £1 shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) : J. A. Fletcher and J. F. Miller.’ Roper‘(Fred W.) Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 48a, Briggate, Leeds. Registered April 15. . To carry on business of coal masters and factors, colliery agents, iron masters, smelters, engineers and iron founders, patent fuel manufacturers, brick makers, and to acquire mines, mining ground, and mining rights, etc. - Nominal capital, £1,500 in 1,500 £1 ordinary shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) : F. W. Roper and Helena Roper. Smith (James) Hoisting Machinery Company Limited.— Private company. Registered April . 4. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. First directors : G. H. Buckley, C. E. Partridge, and J. Smith. Watson (A. T.) Limited.—Private company. Registered April 6. To carry on, develop, etc. , business of coal merchant, exporter and shipper, agentj coal and coke factors, colliery agents, quarry and mine owners, and to work same. Nominal capital, £25,000 in 25,000 £1 shares. First directors : A. T. Watson, Mabel V. Watson, and, W. Nimmo. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sone Limited company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C Grimsby Coal Exports.—The official return of the quan- tities of coal exported from Grimsby during the week ended April 7 is as follow^ :—To Esbjerg, 1,176 tons; Gothenburg, 3,274 tons; and Rouen, 1,804 tons; a, total of 6,254 tons, compared with 4,955 tons in the corresponding week of last year.