672 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN April 7, 1916. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators given' in italics). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Aeronautical Instrument Company and G. Brewer (4501). Anemometers. Brindley, H. S. B. (4508). Valves. Brownlee, R. H., and Uhlinger, R. H. (4797). Separation of carbon dioxide from other gases. Christopher, J. E. (4487). Combined gas cooler and washer. Cobbett, S. A., and Sackett, J. (4711). Furnaces. Craddock, T. F. (Craven and Burn and Company) (4641). Tensioning devices for couplings of railway, etc., vehicles. Davies, J. P. (4813). Water tube boilers. Dixon, A. F. (4805). Signalling systems and apparatus. Eureka Mucking and Engineering Company (4799). Machines for loading materials. Hjort, V. F., and Lassen, J. J. (4694). Apparatus for softening and purification of water. Jefferson, T., and Vickers, W. B. R. ((4585). Double- acting pump. Jenkinson, H. G., and Winder, W. B. (4652). Apparatus for testing and ascertaining hardness of steel, etc. Joel, H. F. (4596). Portable electric battery lamps. Jones, D. D. (4738). Shackle for trains, trams, trollies, etc. Kilby, J. N. (4680). Manufacture of steel and alloys. Lake, W. R., Moscrip, W., and Sharpe, D. (4831). Foundry ladles. Linden, L. (4562). Softening water. MoCowatt, W., and Weir, G. and J. (4599). Centrifugal, etc., pumps. Mascord, G. W. (4531). Fuel. Miller, R. (4629). Electric ignition of explosives. Myers, E., and Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Company (4798). Recovery of ammonium chloride in the manufacture of gas or coke. Noble, E. E. (4605). Water tube boilers. Place, J. F. (4632). Purifying or re-oxygenating air. Place, I. F. (4633). Liquefying atmospheric air and separating same into oxygen and nitrogen. Prioleau, W. L. St. J. (4796). Process for extracting moisture from peat. Romanes, J. S. (4479). Electric furnaces for smelting and refining metals. Seddon, W. H. (4591 and 4592). Rotary elastic fluid engines, pumps, compressors, etc. Shaw, P. (4814). Chucks for lathes, drills, etc. Straussler, N. (4756 and 4758). Fluid pressure engines, pumps, compressors, etc. Straussler, N. (4757). Piston or sleeve valves, etc. Thorpe, J. F., and Whiteley, M. A. (4825). Explosive. Wilson, C. F. (4589). Boring bar for boring taper holes. Young, R. G. (4681). Signalling apparatus. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on April 20.) 1914. 24299. Process for the treatment of lignite, brown coal, peat, wood, and the like raw fuel materials. Bogwood Ges. 24595. Lifting and like slings or cradles. Calthrop. 1915. 74. Separation of metals or alloys from a mass of mixed particles of metals or alloys. Stevens. 1206. Process for treating coal and other material. Burrows. 1433. Iron tongue and groove piling. Deutsch-Luxem- burgische Bergwerks-und Hutten Akt.-Ges. 4687. Pumps. Dunlop Rubber Company, and Macbeth. 4861. Screens for purifying water. Smits. 5139. Metal melting furnace and the like. Hall. 7210. Rotary pumps. Fleuss. 7564. Apparatus for use in the annealing,of metal or in the manufacture of malleable cast iron. Slingsby. 8587. Apparatus for treating coal wash water and the like. Hargreaves, Charlton, Wilson, and Mackey. 9101. Regulating mechanism for controlling the flow of fluids. British Thomson-Houston Company. (General Electric Company.) 9109. Gyratory or other similar crushers and grinders. Hadfield and Miller. 9678. Apparatus for feeding pulverised or finely-divided fuel or- other material. Quigley. 11515. Turbine apparatus. Westinghouse Machine Com- pany.. 12713. Railway rolling stock. Sheffield, and F. R. Rand and Company. 13376. Ore or fuel briquettes and the process of making same. Bibb. 13626. Steam superheaters. Stirling Boiler Company and Mackay. 14830. Producer gas plants, particularly applicable to suction gas plants. Crossley and Fielden. 17473. Centrifugal pumps. Naamlooze Vennootschap “Werf Conrad.” Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1915. 9728. Process for the autocatalysis of tars and mineral oils. Soc. Lyonnaise des Eaux et de rEclairage. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following, the applications are those which the specifications will finally bear.] 3997. Chains. National Malleable Castings Company. 100200 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. United States Geological Survey : (Professional Paper 95E), “Evaporation of Potash Brines,” by W. B. Hicks; (Professional Paper 95F), “ Erosion Intervals in the Eocene of the Mississippi Embayment,” by E. W. Berry ; (Professional Paper 95G), “Preliminary Report on the Diffusion of Solids,” by C. E. V. Orstrand and F. P. Dewey ; (Professional Paper 95H), “ Notes on the Geology of Gravina Island, Alaska,” by P. S. Smith; (Professional Paper 951), “The Age of the Ocala Limestone,” by C. W. Cooke; “Preliminary Statement on the Mineral Pro- duction in the Province of Quebed, 1915 ” (Mines Branch, Department of Colonisation, Mines and Fisheries, Quebec); “Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute ” (No. 47), March ; “ The Eighth Annual Report of the Geological Survey Branch, Wellington, New Zealand”; “Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (Vol. 51, Part 1), price 6s.; “ Trade of the Union of South Africa, Southern and Northern Rhodesia, and British South Africa for December 1915,” price 3s. 6d. ; “ The Journal of the Institute of Journalists ” (Vol. 4, No. 3), March; “The Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, October-December 1915,”; “The Monthly Magazine of the Incorporated Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool ” (Vol. 15, No. 3), March; “Rise and Development of Semet-Solvay Coke Ovens,”-by K. Shimomura per the Coke Oven Construction Company Limited, Sheffield); “The I.C.S.- Student” (Vol. 8, No. 4), April; Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1914-15 : “The Mechanical Trimming of Coal in Ships' Bunkers,” by C. W. Ward ; “ The Equipment of Intermediate Sidings and Single Line Crossing Loops, New South Wales Government Railways,” by A. I. M. C. Smith; “A Method of Determining the Initial Tensions in Rope Stays Supporting Towers or Similar Structures,” by W. E. Corrie; “A Rapid- Method of Contouring Plans in the Field,” by H. K. Lamb; “ The Improvement of the River Clyde and Harbour of Glasgow, 1873-1914,” by Sir Thomas Mason, and edited by J. H. T. Tudsbery; “ The Economics of Ladder Dredgers and Steam Hoppers,” by H. Berridge; “ Pambam Viaduct, South Indian Rail- way,” by C. R. White; “Abnormal Coefficients of the Venturi Meter,” by Prof. A. H. Gibson; “ Electric Tram- way, The Spit to Manly, New South Wales,” by J. J. C. Bradfield; “Influence Diagrams for an Arch-Rib Hinged at the Ends Only,” by F. C. Lea; “ The Renewal of Crossing at the East End . of Central Station, Newcastle-on-Tyne,” by B. P. Fletcher; “ The Lateral Pressure and Resistance of Clay, and the Supporting Power of Clay Foundations,” by A. L. Bell; “ The Flow of Water over Sharp-Edged Notches and Weirs,” by H. J. F. Gourley and'B. S. Crimp; “Circular Covered Service Reservoirs,” by W. Morris; “ Tests of Reinforced Concrete Structures on the Great Central Railway,” by ■I. B. Ball; “ Corrosion of Steel Wharves at Kowloon,” by S. H. Ellis; “Concreting in Freezing Weather, and the Effect of Frost upon Concrete,” by J. Hammersley- Heenan; “ The Laxaxalpam Aqueduct Tunnels, Mexico,” by J. Forgie; “Experiments upon Mortar, and Diatomaceous Earth as Puzzolana, in Sea Water, with Special Reference to Groynes in Denmark,” by A. Poulsen; “Improvement Works, Otago Harbour,” by J. B. Mason; “A Practical Method of Tracing Some Useful Curves,” by A. H. Shield; “ Power Formulas for Lighthouse Lights,” by A. Brebner; “Transportation Problem in Canada, and Montreal Harbour,” by F. W. Cowie; “Economics of Electrical Railway Distribution,” by H. F. Parshall; “Impact Coefficients for Railway Girders,” by C. W. Anderson; “ Engineering Operations for the Prevention of Malaria,” by F. D. Evans; “ Address of A. Ross, President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, November 2. 1915,”; “ Address of B. H. Blyth,. M.A., President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, November 3, 1914”; “The Geology of the South Wales Coal Field (Part 12) : The Country around Milford,” .by T. C. Cantrill. E. E. L. Dixon, H. H. Thomas and 0. T. Jones (Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales), price 2s. 6d.; “ Thickness of Strata in the Counties of England and Wales, exclusive of Rocks Older than the Permian,” by A. Strahan, T. V. Holmes and others (Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales), price 4s. 6d. ; “ The American Mining Congress Journal ” (Vol. 2, No. 3), March; “Compressed Air Magazine” (Vol. 21, No. 3). March; “ The • Journal of the Franklin Institute” (Vol. 181, No. 3), March ; “ The Times Imperial and Foreign Trade Supplement ” (monthly, No. 1). GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Accounts of Foreign Trade up to March 25, 1916, 4d. MINES AND QUARRIES : FORM NO. 15, IN WELSH, 4d. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1916 : No. 189, Trading with the Enemy, l|d. North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers.—A general meeting of this institute will be held in the Wood Memorial Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne, at 2 p.m., to-morrow (Saturday). The following papers will be open for discussion :—“ Modern American Coal Mining Methods, with Some Comparisons,” by Mr. Samuel Dean; “The Hirsch Portable Electric Lamp,” by Mr. H. H. Hirsch; “ The Logic of Trams,” by Mr. J. Gibson. A paper on “ The Influence of Incombustible Substances on Coal Dust Explosions,” by Mr. A. S. Blatchford, M.Sc., will be read, or taken as read. 0' if ❖ Quick Delivery From Stock, 3 MEDIUM AIR MACHINES. 2 SMALL 1 SMALL ELECTRIC „ HURD COALCUTTER AND ENGINEERING Works : 35, Pitt Street, GLASGOW. CO SOUND INVESTMENT. Food for your Horses prepared in half time with half labour. Installations can be seen from 5 cwt. to 5 tons per hour. First-class Medals— Parisv 1885 ; London, 1862. “SHELTON” IRON. “SHELTON” STEEL CPO.”Jtctu^ Gold Medals— Paris, 1878 ; Melbourne, 1881. “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON « Telephone—3241 (2 lines). Telegrams—” Elevator, Leeds.” GEORGE PORTEUS, Engineer, LEEDS. ALFRED ALLEN & SON JVtEvtoeip** ofT tiTTO. STEEL PIT GIRDERS & COLLIERY RAILS a Speciality; also High-class RAR IRON for Couplings, &c. IRON & STEEL BARS, ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— ...... ■ ... THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., SSS Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. 'telegraphic Address: “ Shelton, Stoke-au-Trent.” Tel. No. 11 and 253. | Telegraphic Address ; “ Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No. 886 Banke .COLLIERY AIR PIPES.. | pr and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD, t^ower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—44 Allen, Lower Gornal.” Telephone—106 Dudley.