April 7, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 669 Both the British and French Governments have approved of this Lamp. HERE’S WHY: Gives 1} to 1| Candle Power. It is a lamp built on a scientific basis. It is magnetically unlocked, electrically ignited, gives a clear white flame, and is not readily smoked up. 60,000 of these lamps put in use in past 18 months. HAILWOOD’S PATENT COMBUSTION TUBE OIL LAMP. In this lamp there is a combustion tube and inner glass. Incoming air enters the outer gauze, then passes through the gauze cone B, and down between the inner glass, meeting the flame at aperture G. This insures perfect combustion, and it permits the lamp to be tilted without being extinguished. And these are only a few of the features of the “Hailwood.” We will enjoy telling you the others—you will profit by the knowledge. ..■“ wWeoi- g* So write for the full details to-day. ACKROYD & Beacon Showing Combustion Tube in position in usual gauze and glass. BEST LTD., Works, MORLEY, YORKS. e-"7 Hailwood Combustion Tube, showing small glass ready to be passed into and supported by spring arms.