626 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN March 31, 1916. ally increase the area of whirlpool chamber from this point to discharge. Fig. 1 is a sectional front elevation of an impeller, with outline of its casing; fig. 2 is a side elevation of an impeller, with outline of its casing; fig. 3 is an enlarged plan view of part of impeller, showing section of tubular leg at 0 P. (Four claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators given in italics). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Ashworth, A., and Dempster, B. and J. (4171). Means for operating plate valves, etc., of gas producers. Christie, H. F. (4420). Gas production. Downes, A., Machin, W. A., and Mills, E. (4166). Jigging conveyors. Ford, W., and Keay, W. (4157). Smokeless fuel. Hansen, C. (4466). Water supplying attachments for rock drills. Hislop, R. F. (4368). Gas producers. Instone, S. (4282). Apparatus for loading coal, etc., into vessels, etc. Lea, E. G. (4117). Drying peat, and apparatus therefor. Phillips, L. (4164). Coal dust waterer. Quinn, W. (4211). Means for automatically holding and supporting pit cages, lifts, etc. Rayner, G. H. T. (4301). Valves and valve gear for rock drills. Riter-Conley Manufacturing Company (4128, 4129, 4130). Construction and operation of gas generators. Twigg, R. (4139). Rock drilling machines. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on April 13.) 1913. 22139. Reciprocating or rotary pumps. Kestner. 1915. 4675. Mine and other electric signalling systems. Sterling Telephone and Electric Company, Bell, and Barclay. 4745. Respirators for protection against noxious fumes. Montagu Stern and Company, and Goldreich. 6628. Railway hopper wagons and the like. Hodge. 7867. Combined Cornish tubular boiler and air heater. McKinnon (partly Okrassa). 10177. Systems of separation doors for the pit heads of collieries. Carlow. 18164. Packing for pistons. Carnegie. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1915. 9163. Manufacture of benzene, toluene, and other aromatic hydrocarbons. Rittman. In the sixtieth annual report of the Manchesetr Associa- tion of Engineers it is stated that owing to the abnormal conditions existing throughout the industry in consequence of the war, the enquiry into the question of the education of engineers had been in abeyance for some time, but it has been resumed and a report would be made in due course. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Local Government Board Report, 1914-15 : Part 2, Housing and Town Planning, 3}d. Ministry of Munitions : Memo. No. 7, Industrial Fatigue and its Causes, 2d.; Memo. No. 8, Special Industrial Diseases, IJd. ; Memo. No. 9, Ventilation and Lighting of Munition Factories and Workshops, 2d. ; Memo. No. 10, Sickness and Injury, 2d. Trade Reports, 1914: Brazil, Pernambuco, 3}d.; Denmark, Faroe Islands and Iceland, 3d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania, 1914. Part 1, Anthracite; Part 2, Bituminous. Harrisburg, Pa. : Wm. Stanley Ray, State printer. Summary Report of the Mines Branch of the Canadian Department of Mines, 1914. Ottawa : J. de L. Taohe. Price 25 cents. “ The Journal of the Western Society of Engineers’’ (Vol. 20, No. 9), November 1915; “The Iowa Engineer’’ (Vol. 16, No. 5), February; “Proceedings of the South Wales Institute of Engineers ” (Vol. 31, No. 6, and Vol. 32, No. 1), price 2s. 6d. each; “ An Air Analyser for Deter- mining the Fineness of Cement ” (No. 48 of the Techno- logic Papers of the Bureau of Standards, United States Department of Commerce). United States Bureau of Mines : “ Monthly Statement of the Coal Mine Fatalities in the United States, August 1915,” compiled by A. H. Fay; (Miners’ Circular 18), “Notes on Miners’ Carbide Lamps,” by J. W. Paul; (Technical Paper 83), “The Buying and Selling of Ore and Metallurgical Products,” by C. H. Fulton; (Technical Paper 97), “ Saving Fuel in Heating a House,” by L. P. Breckenridge and S. B. Flagg; (Technical Paper 105), “Pulmonary Disease Among Miners in the Joplin District, Missouri, and its Relation to Rock Dust in the Mines,” by A. J. Lanza and E. Higgins; (Technical Paper 109), “Composition of the Natural Gas Used in Twenty-five Cities, with a Discussion of the Properties of Natural Gas,” by G. A. Burrell and G. G. Oberfell; (Technical Paper 110), “Monazite, Thorium, and Mesothorium,” by K. L. Kithil; (Bulletin 75), “ Rules and Regulations for Metal Mines,” by W. R. Ingalls, J. Douglas, and others; (Bulletin 98), “Report of the Selby Smelter Commission,” by J. A. Holmes, E. C. Franklin, and R. A. Gould; “ Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc in the Central States in 1914,” by B. S. Butler and J. P. Dunlop; “ Ditto in the Eastern States in 1914,” by J. P. Dunlop; “ Ditto in New Mexico- and Texas in 1914,” by C. W. Henderson; “ Ditto in South Dakota and Wyoming in 1914,” by C. W. Henderson; “Ditto in Colorado in 1914,” by C. W. Henderson; “ Ditto in Cali- fornia and Oregon in 1914,” by C. G. Yale; “ Gold, Silver, and Copper in Alaska in 1914.” by A. H. Brooks; “ The Production of Manganese and Manganiferous Ores in 1914,” by D. F. Hewett; “The Production of Bauxite and Aluminium in 1914,” by W. C. Phalen; “Quick- silver in 1914, Production and Resources,” by H. D. McCaskey; “The Production of Platinum and Allied Metals in 1914,” by J. M. Hill; “ The Production of Slate in 1914,” by A. T. Coons; “ The Production of Asbestos in 1914,” by J. S. Diller: “ The Production of Mineral Paints in 1914,” by J. M. Hill: “The Production of Fluorspar in 1914, with a Note on Cryolite,” by E. F. Burchard; “ Sulphur, Pyrite, and Sulphuric Acid in 1914,” by W. C. Phalen; “ The. Production of Tale and Soap- stone in 1914,” by J. S. Diller; "The Production of Graphite in 1914,” by E. S. Bastin; “ The Production of Mineral Waters in 1914, with a Historical Sketch of the Mineral Water Trade,” by R. B. Dole; “The Cement Industry in the United States in 1914,” by E. F. Bur- chard; “The Gypsum Industry in 1914,” by G. F. Loughlin; “ The Production of Sand and Gravel in 1914,” by G. F. Loughlin; “ The Production of Borax in 1914,” by C. G. Yale and H. S. Gale; “Gems and Precious Stones in 1914,” by D. B. Sterrett; “ The Production of Asphalte, Belated Bitumens, and Bituminous Rock in 1914,” by J. D. Northrop; “ The Production of Lime in 1914,” by G. F. Loughlin; “The Production of Peat,” by C. A. Davis; “ The Manufacture of Coke in 1914,” by C. E. Lesher; “ The Production of Silica (Quartz) in 1914,” by F. J. Katz; “ The Production of Feldspar in 1914,” by F. J. Katz; “ Statistics of the Clay Working Industries in the United States in 1914,” by J. Middleton; “ The Production of Abrasive Materials in 1914.” by F. J. Katz ; “ The Production of Manganesite in 1914,55 by C. G. Yale and H. S. Gale. United States Geological Survey : (Bulletin 565), “ Results of Spirit Levelling in Colorado, 1896—1914,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bulletin 568), “Ditto in Missouri, 1896—1914,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bulletin 573), “ Ditto in Arizona, 1899—1915,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bulletin 591), “ Analyses of Rocks and Minerals from the Geological Survey Laboratory, 1880—1914," tabulated by F. W. Clarke; (Bulletin 603), “ Geology and Oil Resources of the West Border of the San Joaquin Valley North of Coalinga, California,” by R. Anderson and R. W. Pack; (Bulletin 604), “ The Phosphate Deposits of Florida,” by G. C. Matson; (Bulletin 605), “The Ellamar District, Alaska,” by S. R. Capps and B. L. Johnson; (Bulletin 607), “ The Willow Creek District, Alaska,” by S. R. Capps; (Bulletin 608), “ The Broad Pass Region, Alaska,” by F. H. Moffit; (Bulletin 615), “ Rhode Island Coal,” by G. H. Ashley; (Bulletin 617), “ Bibliography of North American Geology for 1914, with Subject Index,” by J. M. Nickles; (Bulletin 620—B), “Nitrate Deposits in Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon,” by G. R. Mans- field; (Bulletin 620—C), “Gold Deposits near Quartzite, Arizona,” by E. L. Jones, junr.; (Bulletin 620—D), “ Some Cinnabar Deposits in Western Nevada,” by A. Knopf; (Bulletin 620—E), “Iron Ore in Cass, Marion, Morris, and Cherokee Counties, Texas,” by E. F. Bur- chard; (Bulletin 620—F), “Quicksilver Deposits of the Mazatzal Range, Arizona,” by F. L. Ransome; (Bulletin 620— G), “Iron Bearing Deposits in Bossier, Caddo, and Webster Parishes, Louisiana,” by E. F. Burchard; (Bulletin 620—H), “ A Reconnaissance in the Kofa Moun- tains, Arizona,” by E. L. Jones, junr.: (Bulletin 620—J), “ Potash in Certain Copper and Gold Ores,” compiled by B. S. Butler: (Bulletin 621—A), “ Field Apparatus for Determining Ash in Coal,” by C. E. Lesher; (Bulletin 621— B), “ The Healdton Oil Field, -Carter County, Okla- homa,” by C. H. Wegemann and K. C. Heald; (Bulletin 621—C), “ The Loco Gas Field, Stephens and Jefferson Counties, Oklahoma,” by C. H. Wegemann; (Bulletin 621—D), “ The Duncan Gas Field, Stephens County, Okla- homa,” by C. H. Wegemann; (Bulletin 621—G), “The Lawton Oil and Gas Field, Oklahoma,” by C. H. Wege- mann and R. W. Howell; (Bulletin 621—H), “ Anticlines in the Slinton Sand near Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio,” by C. A. Bonine; (Bulletin 621—I), “The Orofino Coal Field, Clearwater, Lewis, and Idaho Counties, Idaho,” by C. T. Lupton; (Bulletin 621—J), “ A Reconnaissance for Oil near Quanah, Hardeman County, Texas,” by C. H. Wegemann. THOMPSON & CO., -------------- WIGAN, ------------- Iron Merchants, Metal and Mineral Agents. RAILS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WITH FITTINGS COMPLETE, FOR COLLIERIES, CONTRACTORS, <&c. SOLE AGENTS LN THE DLSTRLGT FOR THE SALE OF Wigan Coal & Iron Co.’s Siemens Steel Billets, Blooms, Bars, Angles, Bails, &c. SPECIALITY: STEEL FOR WAGON COUPLINGS. K. H. FORGE, FOUNDRY & BASIC PIG IRON. Also Spiegeleisen, Ferro-Manganese & Silico Spiegel. Nobel’s (Gelignite, Polarite, Dynobel, Ajax Powder, Monobel No. 1, Cambrite, Victor Powder and Ex.uLosiifGS v Go. Ltd. (A1 Monobel; also Detonators, Electric Detonator Fuses, and all Blasting Appliances. Haggie Brothers Ld. Wire & Hemp Ropes. POOLEY’S PATENT WEIGHING MACHINES. Telegraphic Address—“SPIEGEL, WIGAN.” THOMAS SUMMERSON & SONS LTD., BOILERS For COLLIERIES —A SPECIALITE. ARNOLD’S Bulbous Boiler Flue. Hopkinson=West Patent Boiler Flue. WM. ARNOLD & GO., Barnsley. THE ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., RAILWAY PLANT & GENERAL ENGINEERS, Twitches, Crossings, Turntables, Vater Cranes, Girders, Bridges, Roofs, Pipes, Pumps, Wagons, Tanks, Engines, Boilers, Cranes, Works: NEWPORT, MON. LONDON 0FFI0E : 16 & 17 DEVONSHIRE S(J. BlSHOPSCATE ST., E.C. ALFRED ALLEN & SON Makera of X.T-D. and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—“ Alles, 'Lower Gornal.” Telenhone—106 Dudley. ALBERT WORKS, DARLINGTON. Sidings Contracted for Complete. MANUFACTURERS of SWITCHES and CROSSINGS, Chairs, Spikes, Fish Plates, Iron and FISH PLATES and BOLTS for various sections of Rail Steel Castings. kept in Stock. Brand Telephone Tel. Address: Bell: 829. “Vinco, Glasgow.” “Vine o’ Miners’ & Sinkers’ OILSKIN CLOTHING A Special Feature. At Keenest Prices. Everything in Oilskins for Town & Country Wear. M. BARR & Co. Ld. 83, Hutcheson St., GLASGOW. Contractors to tHe Admiralty & Numerous Corporations,