March 10, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 487 Telephone No. 8 1. Established 1856. COLLIERY BOILERS A SPECIALITE. « BARNSLEY. 300Ik ■ TO THE S’4'V.-. f ip ■ TO THE ': - Square Inch-^ This Boiler has now worked 15 years «(at 2001b. pressure) without being repaired. WM. ARNOLD & CO., Victoria Boiler Works, BARNSLEY. Makers of ARNOLD PATENT BULBOUS FLUE. “ HOPKINSON-WEST ” PATENT BOILER FLUE. THB Corlett Electrical Engineering Co. Ld. T’phone— WTH A TO .. T’gram- 63 Wigan. IIXVIAll. “Corlett, Wigan.” Contracts Dept. - Ref. C.D. Manfg & Repairs Dept - Ref. W.D. Stores Dept. - Ref. S.D. Liquid Starters, Starting Gear, Mining Switches and Distribution Gear, Armature Repairs. W.D. HUGE r J.B. TREASURE o-C° VflUXHfllL R° k LIVERPOOLA GAUGE CLA5S WASHERS LUBRICATORS nt. _ r L/5T5 oh pppi/owm LASSES STEAM PUMPS. Many Bargrains. For all purposes. HORIZONTAL HUMPS. Compound d.a. Duplex Steam Pump (new) for mining purposes, 14in. by 22in. by 14 in. by 12in •• Tipton ” Compound. 13 in. by 22 in. by 10 in. by 24 in. Tangye ’‘Special” Pumo, 16in. steam by 6in. water by 36in. stroke. VERTICIL SINKING PUMPS. Dean's Sinking Pump, 16 in. by 9 in. by 13in. by 16 in. stroke Cornish SINKING PUMPS, 16 by 9 by 24,12 by 8 by 24,16 by 6 by 24, 8 by -4 bv 12. Three-throw RAM PUMP, rams 9in. by 15 in. stroke, by Ubkside Eng.Co Daniell’s Patent High-speed Vertical Three-throw PUMP, 5,400 gallons pir hour, and can be made suitable for sinking purposes. Horizontal Pumps, Vertical Pumps, Pulsometers, including Belt-driren Pumns in great variety. DONKEY and BOILER FEEDING. Large selection recond-hand.’and .new Centrifugal Pumps. Also a number of Hand Pumps. L For Sale, Hire, or Purchase hire. Lowest prices for Cash. Send particulars of requirements— CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, Emlyn & Central Works & Foundry, NEWPORT, MON. Established 1867. ^ood &ni)edtment. PROVENDER Prepared in Half Time with Half Labour. DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, for Complete Plants from 5 cwt. to 5 tons per hour. PATENT DUST EXTRACTORS. PATENT MIXERS. CRUSHERS and SIFTING MACHINERY. Telephone-3241 (2 lines). Telegrams—“ Elevator, Leeds.” GEORGE PORTEUS, Engineer, LEEDS. PECKETT & SONS Ltd., Bristol Speciality TANK LOCOMOTIVES. ESTABLISHED 1864. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for Collieries, Ironworks, Contractors, 4c. always in progress for Early Delivery. Photographs, Prices and Specifi- cations ON APPLICATION. Telegraphic Address—“ Peckett, Bristol.” Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. “SHELTON” IRON. “SHELTON” STEEL U=J “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON « STEEL PIT GIRDERS & COLLIERY RAILS a Speciality; also High-class BAR IRON for Couplings, &c. IRON STEEL BARS, ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— — ■■■ - , nt THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., »RolmRET' Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. Address SI viton. Stoke-an-Trent.” Tel. No. 11 and 253O | Telegraphic Address: “ Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No. 886 Bank. First-class Medals— Paris. 1885; London, 1862. Gold Medals— Paris, 1878 Melbourne, 1881. BRIQUETTE Al MACHINERY. pgUw NEW PATENTED I IMPROVEMENTS. " ' ' Roht. Middleton & C° Sheepscar Foundry, Leeds, England. SOLE PATENTEES AND MAKERS. Telegraphic Address—“Hydraulic, Leeds.” Telephone—No. 214 Leeds. “AB C ” 5th Edition, and Lieber’s Telegraphic Codes used.