420 ___________________________________________ March 3, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN ________________________________________________ Swansea. COAL. There was a very good attendance on "Change, and there was no material alteration to report in the general condi- tion of the anthracite coal market. The undertone was still weak. There was very little demand for Swansea Valley and Red Vein large. Machine-made nuts and cobbles were easy, whilst beans and peas were steadily held at last prices. The strong tendency exhibited in rubbly culm and duff was well maintained. In the steam coal market there was a slight falling-off in enquiries, but prices were well maintained. Prices are all net f.o.b. (cash in 30 days). Current L’st week’s Last year’s Anthracite:— prices. prices. prices. Best malting large (hand picked) 23/ -24/ 24/ -25/ 22/6-24 6 Secondary do. 20/ -21/ 21/ -22/6 20,6-21/6 Big Vein large 16/6-19/ 118/ -20/ ' 16/6-18,6 Red Vein large 18/ -20/ ? 19/ -21/ i 17/9-18/6 Machine - made cobbles 30/ -32,6 < 31/ -34/ 26/6-30/6 Paris nuts .. ■ French do 32/ -34/ , 32/6-34/ 31/ -34/ *Stove do 31/ -33/ ( 31/6-33/6 31/ -33/6 Beans 32/6-34/ 32/6-34/ 20/6-21/6 Machine - made large peas 21/ -22/ 1 21/ -22/ 13/ -14/ Do. fine peas — ! — Rubbly culm 8/6- 9/ : 8/ - 8/6 ; 6/6- 7,6 Duff 3/6- 4/ 1 3/ - 3/6 3/- 3/6 Steam coals:— Best large 31/6-35/ 31/6-35/ 19/9-21/6 Seconds 28/ -31/ 1 28/ -31/ 17/6-19/6 Bunkers 23/6-25/6 i 23/6-25/6 16/6-18/6 Small 13/6-16/ 13/6-16/ 10/6-15/6 Bituminous coals:— No. 3 Rhondda— Large 31/ -35/ 31/ -35./ 20,6-22/ Thro’-and-thro’ Small 19/ -22/ 19/ -22/ 16/6-18/6 Patent fuel t32/ -34/6 i 32/ -34/6 19/ -20/ * Previous to the war these were described as German nuts. IRON. During last week increasing activity was noted through- out the district. The blastfurnaces were briskly engaged, and outputs were above the average. The steel works were very busy, there being a large increase in the demand for bars, and the production was higher than that of the preceding week. Steady conditions prevailed at the tin- plate works. The tube works were very hard pressed, and overtime was worked. Llanelly. ‘ COAL. Very little alteration can be reported as to the position of the local coal market, and anthracite coals, for the most part, are hard to dispose of. Notwithstanding the fact that outputs are getting still less owing to so many of the colliers leaving the mines, many of the pits raising these qualities are compelled to have many idle days. All the large kinds are in very poor demand, and concessions are willingly given in prices to reduce the large stocks which are continually accumulating. Orders for cobbles and nuts, too, come in very slowly, and quotations given are lower now than they have been for a very long while. The only kinds which are really holding their own are beans and peas, and for these collieries refuse to accept orders unless nearly a month’s notice is given. Rubbly culm and duff continue to maintain the improvement they have recently made, and are changing hands at the more favourable prices which have been ruling for the past week or two. For steam and bituminous coals the position could not very well be firmer. Large steams are very scarce, whilst for bunker and cargo throughs some collieries have great difficulty in fulfilling engagements already entered into, owing to shortage of output. Smalls for the manu- facturing works are also being keenly sought after, and prices are keeping exceedingly firm. This week’s quota- tions approximately are :— Prices f.o.b. Anthracite:— Best malting large... Secondary do. ....... Big Vein large....... Red Vein do.......... Machine-made cobbles... German nuts.......... French do............ Paris do............__ Machine-made beans ... Do. peas......... Culm ................ Duff................. Other sorts:— Large steam coal..... Through-and-through... Small ... ........... Bituminous small coal... Current L’st week’s Last year’s prices. prices. prices. 22/ -24/ 22/ -24/ 21/6-23/ zO/ -22/ 20/ -22/ , 19/6-21/ 17/ -18/ I 18/ -20/ | 17/ -18/6 17/ -18/ ' 18/ -20/ ; 17/ -18/ 30/ -32/ ’ 30/ -32/ s 28/6-29,6 30/ -32/ ! 30/ -32/ : 29/ -31/ 32/ -34/ : 32/ -34/ j 30/ -33/ 31/6-32/6 31/6-32/6 30/ -32/ 32/ -34/ 32/ -34/ ; 21/ -22/ 20/ -22/ ' 20/ -22/ 13/ -14/ 9/ -9/6 8/6- 9/ , 3/6— 4/6 3/6- 4/ i 3/6- 4/ . 3/3- 3/9 32/ -34/ ‘ 32/ -34/ ’ 21/6-23/6 23/6-25/6 ' 23/ -25/ ■ 17/ -20/ 14/ -16/ I 14/ -16/ i 10/ -12/ 20/ -22/ I 20/ -22/ 13/ -17/ _____________________________ THE TIM-PLATE TRADE. Liverpool. The tin-plate market is exceedingly firm. The enquiry is good, but makers hesitate to book ahead at the high figures now being offered, owing to the uncertainty of being able to obtain sufficient supplies of raw materials. 26s. 6d. to 26s. 9d. has been paiid for I C 14 X 20, and it is reported now that 27s. has been refused. Works are not anxious to book odd sizes at all. Wasters are in good demand, values advancing daily. At the moment quotations may be called : Coke tins : I C 14 x 20 (112 sh. 1081b.), 27s. to 27s. 6d. per box; I C 28 x 20 (112 sh. 2161b.), 54s. 3d. to 55s. per box; IC 14 x 18f (124 sh. 1101b.), 27s. 6d. to 28s.; I C 20 x 10 (225 sh. 1561b.), 38s. 6d. to 39s.; I C squares and odd sizes, 27s. 6d. to 28s. 6d. basis for approved specifications only. Terne plates are nominally 48s. per box for I C 28 x 20. Charcoal tins are in fair request; quotations run 29s. 6d. basis and upwards, according to tinning. Coke wasters are very firm as follows :— C W 14 x 20, 25s. Gel.